G20 Meetings
of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors and Deputies
Official Documents
See also Summits • Other Ministerial Meetings
See also Plans and Preparations for the G20 Summit (prepared by the G20 Research Group)
2025 • 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006 • 2005 • 2004 • 2003 • 2002 • 2001 • 2000 • 1999 • Founding
2025: South Africa
February 26–27, 2025: G20 Finance and Central Bank Ministerial Meeting
April 23-24, 2025: G20 Finance and Central Bank Ministerial Meeting, Washington DC
July 17-18, 2025: G20 Finance and Central Bank Ministerial Meeting, KwaZulu-Natal
October 15-16, 2025: G20 Finance and Central Bank Ministerial Meeting
November 7, 2025: G20 Joint Finance and Health Ministerial Meeting, virtual
2024: Brazil
December 13, 2023: G20 sherpa and finance and central bank deputies joint session, Brasilia
December 14, 2023: G20 finance deputies, Brasilia
February 26-27, 2024: G20 finance and central bank deputies, São Paulo
February 28-29, 2024: G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, São Paulo
April 16-17, 2024: G20 finance and central bank deputies, Washington DC
April 18, 2024: G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, Washington DC
July 22-23, 2024: G20 finance and central bank deputies, Rio de Janeiro
July 25-26, 2024: G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, Rio de Janeiro
Communiqué , July 26, 2024
Annex I: List of Documents , July 26, 2024
Rio de Janeiro G20 Ministerial Declaration on International Tax Cooperation , July 26, 2024
Chair's Statement of the Brazilian G20 Presidency , July 26, 2024
A Menu of Policy Measures and Recommendations to Address Inequality Pressures, G20 Framework Working Group’s Note to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, July 2024 [PDF]
September 27, 2024: G20 Joint Finance and Health Ministers’ Statement on Mpox Response
October 22-23, 2024: G20 finance and central bank deputies, Washington DC
October 22-24, 2024: G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, Washington DC
October 24, 2024: Task Force on a Mobilization Against Climate Change, Washington, DC
Statement issued by G20 foreign, finance and environment and climate change ministers and central bank governors at the conclusion fo the G20 Task Force on a Global Mobilization Against Climate Change
Chair's Statement of the Brazilian G20 Presidency
October 26, 2024: G20 troika finance ministers participate in G7 roundtable on Africa, Washington DC
October 31, 2024: G20 joint meeting of health and finance ministers, Rio de Janeiro
2023: India
October 12-13, 2023, G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meeting, Marrakesh, Morocco
July 17-18, 2023: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
April 12-13, 2023: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Washington DC
February 24-25, 2023: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Bengaluru
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2022: Indonesia
November 12: Joint health and finance ministers meeting, Bali
July 15-16: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Bali
February 17-18: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Jakarta
April 20: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Washington DC
July 15-16: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Bali
October 11: Finance and agriculture ministers, Washington DC
October 12-13: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Washington DC
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2021: Italy
February 26: Finance ministers and central bank governors, videoconference
G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meet virtually: Press release
Media handbook, including list of participants [pdf] , February 23, 2021
Press conference with Daniele Franco, Italy's finance minister, and Ignazio Visco, governor of the Bank of Italy
April 7: Finance ministers and central bank governors, virtual
Meeting documents:
Annex I: Third Progress Report on the G20 Action Plan, April [PDF]
Annex II: Update of the G20 Action Plan, April [PDF]
Annex III: Reports and Documents Received, April 7 [PDF]
2nd Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting: press release , April 7
July 9-10: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Venice
Meeting documents:
Annex I: An Independent Review of Multilateral Development Banks' Capital Adequacy Frameworks Terms of Reference
Annex II: G20 Recommendations for the Use of Policy-Based Lending
Annex III: Reports and Documents Received, July 9-10
G20 Menu of Policy Options on Digital Transformation and Productivity Recovery, July [PDF]
G20 Policy Agenda on Infrastructure Maintenance, July [PDF]
Annex of Infrastructure Maintenance Case Studies [Overview], July [PDF]
Report of the G20 High Level Independent Panel on Financing Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response [PDF]
Press conference with Daniele Franco, Minister of Finance, Ignatzio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy, after the G20 finance ministerial meeting, July 10
Third G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting under the Italian Presidency , July 10
High Level Independent Panel urges the G20 to launch a 'global deal' to prevent catastrophic costs of future pandemics: Press release and report , July 9
G20 High Level Tax Symposium on Tax Policy and Climate Change, July 9
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Venice Meeting and side events: Press release , July 1
October 13: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Washington DC
October 29: Finance ministers and health ministers (by videoconference), Rome
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2020: Saudi Arabia
February 22-23, 2020: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Riyadh
March 6, 2020: Finance ministers and central bank governors
March 23, 2020: Finance ministers and central bank governors
March 31, 2020: Finance ministers and central bank governors, virtual meeting (announced March 30)
April 15, 2020: Finance ministers and central bank governors, videoconference (originally scheduled for April 16-17 in Washington DC)
Communiqué with action plan , April 15, 2020
Opening remarks at the press conference , H.E. Mr. Mohammed Al-Jadaan, minister of finance, Saudi Arabia, April 15, 2020
Remarks to the ministerial , David Malpass, president, World Bank Group, April 15, 2020
Remarks to the ministerial , Kristallina Georgieva, managing director, International Monetary Fund, April 15, 2020
Press release , April 12, 2020
July 18-19, 2020: Finance ministers and central bank governors, videoconference
September 17, 2020: Joint meeting of finance and health ministers, videoconference
October 14, 2020: Finance ministers and central bank governors, virtual
November 13, 2020: Finance ministers and central bank governors extraordinary meeting
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2019: Japan
April 11-12, 2019: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Washington DC
June 8-9, 2019: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Fukuoka
June 28, 2019: Finance and health ministers, Osaka, Japan
October 17-18, 2019: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Washington DC
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2018: Argentina
March 19-20: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Buenos Aires
April 20: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Washington DC, USA
July 21-22: Finance ministers and central bank governors, Buenos Aires
October 11: Working dinner for finance ministers and central bank governors, Bali, Indonesia
November: Working dinner for finance ministers and central bank governors, Buenos Aires
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2017: Germany
March 17-18, Baden Baden
Background documents:
Increasing Resilience to Large and Volatile Capital Flows: The Role of Macroprudential Policies , International Monetary Fund, November 2016
A Macroeconomic Perspective on Resilience , International Monetary Fund, November 2016
Toward a More Resilient Global Financial Architecture , International Monetary Fund, November 2016
OECD G20 Policy Paper on Economic Resilience and Structural Policies , Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, November 14, 2016
Economic Resilience: A Financial Perspective , Note Submitted to the G20 on 7 November 2016, Bank for International Settlements, December 2016
Report to G20 Deputy Finance Ministers and Deputy Central Bank Governors on MDB Internal Incentives for Crowding In Private Investment in Infrastructure , Global Infrastructure Hub, December 1, 2016
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2016: China
October 6, Washington DC: Finance ministers and central bank governors (working dinner)
September, Hangzhou: Finance and central bank deputies
July 23-24, Chengdu: Finance ministers and central bank governors
July 22-23, Chengdu: Finance and central bank deputies
April 14-15, Washington DC: Finance ministers and central bank governors
April 13, Washington DC: Finance and central bank deputies
February 26-27, Shanghai: Finance ministers and central bank governors
December 14-15, Sanya: Finance and central bank deputies
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2015: Turkey
September 4-5, Ankara: Finance ministers and central bank governors
September 4, Ankara: Finance and labour ministers
April 16-17, Washington: Finance ministers and central bank governors
February 8-9, Istanbul: Finance and central bank deputies
February 9-10, Istanbul: Finance ministers and central bank governors
December 11, 2014: Finance and central bank deputies
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2014: Australia
(see Official Resources )
November 15, Brisbane: Finance ministers
October 9-10, Washington DC: Finance ministers and central bank governors
October 9, Washington DC: Finance and central bank deputies
September 20-21, Cairns: Finance ministers and central bank governors
Communiqué , September 21, 2014 (includes links to reports)
September 18-20, Cairns: Finance and central bank deputies
April 10-11, Washington DC: Finance ministers and central bank governors
Communiqué , April 11 (includes links to reports)
Statement by Joe Hockey on the conclusion of the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meeting
February 21-23, Sydney: Finance ministers and central bank governors
Communiqué , February 23 (includes links to reports)
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2013: Russia
February 15-16, Moscow: Finance ministers and central bank governors
April 18-19, Washington DC: Finance ministers and central bank governors
July 18-19, Moscow: Labour and employment and finance ministers
Labour and employment and finance ministers' communiqué, July 19 [English]
Labour and employment ministers' declaration, July 19 [English]
July 19-20, Moscow: Finance ministers and central bank governors
September 2-5, St. Petersburg: Finance deputies
October 10, Washington DC: Finance deputies
October 10-11, Washington DC: Finance ministers and central bank governors
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2012: Mexico
November 4-5, Mexico City: Finance ministers and central bank governor
November 3, Mexico City: Finance and central bank deputies
October: Sherpas
October 4: United States cancels meeting of Agricultural Market Information System Group (AMIS)
September 23-24, Mexico City: Finance and central bank deputies
June 29: Finance Ministers' Statement on European Summit [English]
June, Los Cabos: Sherpas
May 10-11, Mexico City: Sherpas
April 19-20, Washington DC: Finance ministers and central bank governors
Final Communiqué, April 20 [English]
Joint Statement by the International Monetary and Finance Committee and G20 on IMF Resources, April 20 [English]
April 19, Washington DC: Finance deputies
March 15-16, Mexico City: Sherpas
February 25-26, Mexico City: Finance ministers and central bank governors
February 24-25, Mexico City: Finance deputies
February 18-20, Mexico City: Foreign ministers
February 2-3, Mexico City: Sherpas
January 19-20, Mexico City: Finance deputies
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2011: France
(See Dossier [PDF en français ])
October 14-15: Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
September 23: Finance and Development Ministers
September 22: Ministers and Central Bankers
August 8: Ministers and Central Bank Governors conference call
April 14-15, Washington: Ministerial
Communiqué, April 15, 2011 [English ]
Press conference with Christine Lagarde, minister of finance, France [video ]
Dossier prepared for the press [Français ]
March 31, Nanking, China: Seminar on the Reform of the International Monetary System
February 18-19, Paris: Ministerial
February 17-18, Paris: Deputies' meeting
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2010: Korea
October 22-23, 2010, Gyeongju, Korea: Ministerial
October 21, Gyeongju, Korea: Deputies
October 9-10, Washington: Ministerial
September 4-5, Gwangju, Korea: Deputies
June 4-5, 2010, Busan, Korea: Ministerial
Communiqué, June 5, 2010 [HTML]
May 10, 2010, Statement by G20 Finance Ministers on the Euro Area Support Measures [HTML]
April 22-23, 2010, Washington DC: Ministerial
Communiqué, including the G20 Framework for Strong,
Sustainable and Balanced Growth, April 23, 2010 [HTML] [PDF]
February 27-28, Incheon, Korea: Deputies
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2009: Britain
[See also London Summit , April 2, and Pittsburgh Summit , September 24-25]
November 6-7, St. Andrews, Scotland: Ministerial
Progress Report on the Economic and Financial Actions of the London, Washington and Pittsburgh G20 Summits, prepared by the UK chair of the G20
September 4-5, London: Ministerial
Statement, September 5, London [HTML]
Declaration on Further Steps to Strengthen the Financial System, September 5, London [HTML]
June: Meeting of Officials Workshop on Sustainable Financing for Development
May 25-26: Meeting of Officials Workshop on Global Economy
April 24, Washington DC: Ministerial
March 14-15, 2009, South Lodge, Horsham, UK: Ministerial
Communiqué [PDF] [HTML] with Annex on Restoring Lending: A Framework for Financial Repair and Recovery, March 14 [PDF] [HTML]
Progress Report on the Immediate Actions of the Washington Plan, prepared by the UK Chair, March 14 [PDF]
Statement by Brazilian, Russian, Indian and Chinese finance ministers, March 14
March 14: Deputies
February 13-14: Officials Workshop Financing for Climate Change
February 1: Deputies
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2008: Brazil
[See also Washington Summit , November 14-15]
2008 Work Program [PDF]
November 8-9, Sao Paulo: Ministerial
Communiqué, November 9 [English PDF] [English HTML] [French HTML]
Final press conference with Guido Mantega, Finance Minister, November 9 [English] [Portuguese]
Proposals prepared by Brazil, November 9 [English PDF or HTML] [Portuguese PDF]
Speech by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President, November 8 [English] [Portuguese PDF or HTML]
Communiqué issued by Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRICs), November 7 [English PDF or HTML] [Portuguese PDF]
Press briefing with Guido Mantega, Finance Minister, November 7 [English] [Portuguese] [Espanol]
Official photo
Participants (with biographies prepared by the G20 Research Group)
October 11, Washington DC: Ministerial
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2007: South Africa
2007 Work Program [PDF]
November 17-18, Kleinmond: Ministerial
Communiqué [PDF] [English] [Français]
G20 Reform Agenda 2007, November 18 [PDF] [HTML]
Member Country Measures to Combat the Financing of Terrorism, November 18 [PDF]
Reports of Observance of Standards and Codes and Financial System Stability Assessments, November 18 [PDF]
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2006: Australia
2006 Work Program [PDF]
November 18-19, Melbourne: Ministerial
Communiqué, November 19 [PDF] [English] [Francais]
G20 Reform Agenda 2006, November 19 [PDF] [English] [Francais]
Member Country Measures to Combat the Financing of Terrorism, November 19 [PDF]
Reports of Observance of Standards and Codes and Financial System Stability Assessments, November 19 [PDF]
October 14-15: Deputies
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2005: China
October 15-16, Xianghe, Hebei: Ministerial
September 1, Dalian: Deputies
March 14-15, Chongqing: Deputies
Administrative Circular [PDF] , March 14
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2004: Germany
2004 Work Program [PDF]
November 19-21, 2004, Berlin: Ministerial
Communiqué, November 21 [PDF] [HTML]
G20 Accord for Sustained Growth, November 21 [PDF] [HTML]
G20 Reform Agenda, November 21 [PDF] [HTML]
G20 Statement on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, November 21 [PDF] [HTML]
Press release, November 21 [PDF] [HTML]
October 18-19, Frankfurt: Deputies
October 10, Beijing: France-China bilateral meeting
March 3-4, Leipzig: Deputies
January 20, Berlin: Shaping Globalisation Together, press release [PDF] [HTML]
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2003: Mexico
2003 Work Program (including agendas) [PDF]
October 26-27 Morelia: Ministerial
September 24-25, London, UK: Deputies
May 26, Mexico City: Seminar on Sovereign Debt Restructuring
March 3-4, Cancun: Deputies
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2002: India
July 16-17, New Delhi: Deputies
November 22-23, New Delhi: Ministerial
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2001: Canada
November 16-17, Ottawa: MInisterial
October 16
News Release, G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers to Meet in Ottawa [PDF] [HTML]
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2000: Canada
October 24-25, Montreal: Ministerial
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1999: Canada
December 15-16, Berlin: Ministerial
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1999: Founding
September 25, Washington DC: G7 finance ministers and central bankers
Press Release : Finance Minister Paul Martin Chosen as Inaugural Chairperson of New Group of Twenty
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This Information System is provided by the University of Toronto Library
and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.
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This page was last updated
December 26, 2024
All contents copyright © 2025. University of Toronto unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.