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Agenda for the G20 Finance Ministers
and Central Bank Governors Meeting

Sao Paulo, November 7, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

1430 Ministers from Brazil, Russia, India and China
1700 Press briefing with Guido Mantega, Brazil's Minister of Finance

Saturday, November 8, 2008

900 Opening Remarks

Session I: Financial Stability and the Global Economy: Developments and Policy Responses

  • causes
  • policy responses
  • transmission channels
  • impact on developing countries and emerging economies
  • avoiding recurrence
  Lunch (principals lunch separately)


Session II: Fiscal Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis

  • instruments for stabilizing markets
  • economic slowdown, social challenges, fiscal policy responses
  • countercyclical use of fiscal policy, avoiding recession and restoring stability


Session III: Global Markets and Inflation: Developments and Policy Responses

  • slowdown and inflation
  • second round effects and commodity price shocks
  • effects of foreign exchange volatility
  • repercussions in developing countries and emerging economies

1600 Drafting Session

1900 Ministers and Central Bankers Dinner

Sunday, November 9, 2008

900 Session IV: Improving International Governance and Enhancing the Effectiveness of the G20

1030 Preparing for the Leaders G20 Meeting


Other Business

  • clean energy
  • implementing the G20 Accord
  • Study Group on Debt Sustainability
  • Work program for 2009
  • 2010 chair
  • G20 communiqué

1300 Closing Remarks

1315/1330 Press Conference with the Ministers from the Troika: Brazil (2008), South Africa (2007) and United Kingdom (2009)

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