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Buenos Aires Update:
Moving Forward the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
November 2018
[PDF in English]
At the Antalya Summit (2015), G20 leaders committed to developing an action plan to further align the G20's actions with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to ensure no one is left behind in the efforts to eradicate poverty and build an inclusive and sustainable future for all.
In Hangzhou (2016), G20 Leaders endorsed the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, committing to place sustainable development high on the G20 agenda, to enhance policy coherence on sustainable development and to further align the G20's work with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. They also committed to set an example and contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in a balanced and integrated manner, at home and abroad, through collective and national actions where the G20 can add value as a global forum, and in accordance with their national circumstances. The G20's comparative advantage lies in its convening power and its ability to adopt and support relevant global initiatives, including those that involve macro-economic frameworks, to create a global enabling environment.
With the adoption of the G20 Action Plan, the Development Working Group (DWG) was mandated to act "as a coordinating body and policy resource for sustainable development across the G20," ensuring continuity in the G20's contribution to its implementation.
In Hamburg (2017), G20 Leaders committed to continue "leading the way towards sustainable development" and "further align G20 actions with the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and its integral part, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development (AAAA)".
The Hamburg Update was the first step in putting the G20 Action Plan into practice by making more visible the G20's collective and concrete actions that contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The Update outlines all concrete collective actions agreed upon in Hamburg and includes a repository of all relevant actions agreed by the G20 in its prior summits.
The G20 keeps the international momentum going to advance sustainable development for all and leave no one behind. In drawing on the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda and its high-level principles and complementing the Hamburg Update, the Buenos Aires Update compiles the new comprehensive and collective actions the G20 has decided upon in 2018.
These concrete actions are framed around the G20 Sustainable Development Sectors (SDS) outlined in the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda. They are related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), making the G20 contribution to the 2030 Agenda visible for stakeholders and for those countries currently implementing it. The actions also make direct reference to supporting documents adopted by G20 Ministers and G20 working groups and work streams.
The list of collective and concrete actions will be updated each year and is expected to serve as a reference to relevant G20 commitments and as a basis for selecting commitments for future DWG annual and comprehensive accountability reports, beginning with the next one in 2019. Going forward, the format can be replicated for future annual update, thus providing continuity, comparability and longer- perspective to the G20 contribution to the 2030 Agenda implementation.
With a people-centred vision, the Argentine G20 Presidency placed sustainable development at the forefront of the G20 agenda in 2018, under the theme "Building consensus for fair and sustainable development". We need to do more in the three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental) to ensure that prosperity is shared, economic growth is inclusive, the environment is protected, peace is sustained and promoted and no one is left behind.
Sustainable development also requires international cooperation, policy coordination and building consensus in the long run. Through its work on collective and concrete actions, the G20 aims at advancing these objectives, in partnership with developed and developing countries, engagement groups, the private sector and international organisations and other stakeholders in line with the universal character of the 2030 Agenda.
With a people-centred approach and by focusing on reducing poverty and inequality as well as promoting greater and shared prosperity, the Argentine G20 Presidency decided to focus on three key priorities:
The G20 under Argentina's Presidency has sought to mainstream gender issues encouraging G20 working groups and work streams to focus on women's empowerment as achieving truly sustainable development requires shared prosperity and equal opportunities.
The Buenos Aires Update reflects this "whole-of-G20" approach to strengthening coherence and coordination on sustainable development across all G20 working groups and work streams. It also includes new collective and concrete actions which represent a significant contribution to the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance coordination across the G20 on sustainable development, the DWG has shared with all chairs of other G20 Working Groups and Work Streams a fact sheet to provide information on the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda.
Furthermore, sharing experiences and fostering mutual learning have proven to be effective tools to reach a common understanding of 2030 Agenda-related matters and identify best practices. We launched a second round of the Voluntary Peer Learning Mechanism (VPLM), as a complementary process to the UN-led follow-up and review process of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). The lessons learned from the 1st round of the Voluntary Peer Learning Mechanism among China, Germany and Mexico (Group 1), and Mexico, the Netherlands and Norway (Group 2) after the launch of the VPLM during the German G20 Presidency 2017, have been consolidated by participating countries in policy briefs annexed to the Buenos Aires Update.
We reaffirm our commitment to support the United Nations' follow-up and review process, led by the HLPF. As a forward-looking step, we will highlight collective and concrete G20 actions taken so far towards implementing the G20 Action Plan, and thus contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, taking the opportunity of the HLPF in New York in 2019 which will take place at the level of Heads of States and Governments.
We reaffirm our commitment to maintain the important and mutually beneficial relationship with G20 engagement groups, international organisations, non-G20 members, the private sector and other stakeholders as key partners for an inclusive and meaningful G20 contribution to sustainable development. In 2018, representatives of G20 engagement groups were invited to participate in G20 meetings and discussions to present their key priorities and recommendations. We will further enhance and deepen the dialogue and knowledge exchange with the engagement groups and other stakeholders at an early stage and in a regular and systematic manner.
To further discuss different means to implement the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda, the G20 DWG convened a workshop on "Prospects for Triangular Cooperation in the G20". The discussions showed that the G20, as a global forum bringing together developed and developing countries, can both enable and benefit from the inclusive and horizontal nature of triangular cooperation. This form of cooperation can foster partnership formation, knowledge sharing, peer-to-peer learning, and capacity building on the basis of political dialogue and joint cooperation activities among G20, non-G20 countries, developing countries and other stakeholders. Moreover, it can contribute to build and strengthen knowledge networks and develop outcome-oriented actions that link sustainable development demands with existing capacities and experiences. Against this background, the G20 is looking forward to the outcomes of the Second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40).
Furthermore, the DWG carried out a side event at the HLPF presenting on various collective and concrete efforts regarding the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Representatives of G20, non-G20 countries, engagement groups and other development partners discussed the results and usefulness of the 1st round of the VPLM, which was presented by China, Germany and Mexico. Both country and institutional representatives of Latin America provided a regional picture on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Additionally, representatives of G20 engagement groups actively participated in the discussions and expressed their views and recommendations, with particular focus on the G20's work on gender and youth.
Moreover, the DWG together with the upcoming Japanese presidency, the OECD and the United Nations Development Programme, held a workshop before the 2018 G20 Summit to facilitate a smooth transition between the Argentine and Japanese G20 presidencies and reinforce the importance of the G20 Action Plan. This annual meeting gives all stakeholders, including engagement groups, the opportunity to identify emerging global development issues and areas for fruitful cooperation to advance towards sustainable development for all in a participatory manner.
The process of building policy coherence and coordination on sustainable development across the G20 agenda and reaching consensus led to a fruitful year of work.
This year, the G20 fostered specific issues related to human resource development such as education and employment. These two fields are intrinsically linked and therefore require coordinated policies and a robust policy agenda in the field of education to provide people with the appropriate sets of skills for the future of work. To better reflect these linkages as well as new challenges at international and domestic levels, and considering that the G20 Action Plan is a living document, the SDS "Human Resource Development and Employment" was reframed as "Human Resource Development, Employment and Education."
To further contribute to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we have decided upon the following collective and concrete actions in Buenos Aires with a positive impact in delivering sustainable development for all.
Track | Working Group / Work stream | Collective and concrete action (2018) | Supporting document of collective action | Related SDGs |
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Energy AAAA Paras: 31, 49 |
Sherpa Track | Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG) | Achieve the energy transitions, encouraging to significantly scale up public and private investments and financing in energy efficiency across all sectors. Consider and promote other aspects that contribute to the success of energy efficiency policy options such as Behaviour Change initiatives. Behaviour Change will be included in the current Energy Efficiency Leading Programme (EELP). |
G20 Energy Ministers Communiqué | 7, 8, 11, 13 | Encourage increased investment and financing in renewable energy production, including through barrier reduction and risk mitigation initiatives, which is particularly important for developing countries. Foster efforts to take the lead to provide market design options that can be used to adapt electricity markets, facilitating their ability to integrate higher shares of variable renewables. Renewable energy progress should be accelerated beyond the power sector. |
7, 8, 9, 11, 13 | <
Explore ways to further advance energy access, including through enhanced implementation of G20 regional plans and increase international financing for access, in particular for those countries that have limited financial resources. The "Energy Access and Affordability Voluntary Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean" put forward by Argentina's G20 Presidency highlights the need to tackle energy service cost and affordability issues, in addition to access challenges. | 5, 7, 10, 11, 13 | |||
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Infrastructure AAAA Paras: 14, 47 | ||||
Finance Track | Infrastructure Working Group | Address the most salient constraints for creating the conditions for the development of infrastructure as an asset class, to crowd in private capital to reduce the infrastructure gap.
Look forward to key progress being achieved under the Roadmap to Infrastructure as an Asset Class in the following areas: a) Contractual and Financial Standardisation; b) Project Preparation: endorsement of the G20 Principles for the Infrastructure Project Preparation Phase, to help deliver a pipeline of well-prepared and bankable projects that are attractive to private investors; c) Bridging data gaps: through the Infrastructure Data Initiative that creates a global open infrastructure database; d) Financial engineering, risk allocation and mitigation: through the MDBs collaboration platform named SIGMA (Standard Infrastructure Guarantee MDB Approach). Ask the MDB Infrastructure Cooperation Platform, to provide advice on its activities to improve MDB project preparation, standardisation of guarantees and credit enhancement tools, and data availability. Call on IWG to study the feasibility of new mechanisms to create portfolios of infrastructure assets. Continue to work on Regulatory Frameworks & Capital Markets and Quality infrastructure with incoming presidencies concentrating only on aspects pertaining to the G20 Finance Track. |
G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors March Communiqué G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors July Communiqué Roadmap to infrastructure as an asset class G20 Principles for the Infrastructure Project Preparation Phase |
7, 8, 11, 13 |
Sherpa Track | Development Working Group | Encourage the implementation of a regional planning approach in G20 countries and international cooperation initiatives involving developing and low-income countries (LICs), taking into account the integrated HLPs as appropriate in the context of our respective national systems and priorities, capabilities, local laws, regulations and levels of decentralization. | G20 High Level Principles on Sustainable Habitat through regional planning | 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15 |
Call on IOs and MDBs to identify data needs for an adequate regional planning approach and suggest a way forward, (...) and support the G20 in (...) sharing effective experiences, especially those related to the design and implementation of mechanisms to strengthen data collection. | 17 | |||
Call on IOs and MDBs to promote effective and multi-stakeholder partnerships to stimulate and deepen the sharing of experiences and lessons learned in regional planning and work together on the implementation of the HLPs. | ||||
Develop action-oriented strategies towards reaching Sustainable Habitat. (...) It is necessary to develop a shared understanding of "quality infrastructure" within the G20 to support and promote infrastructure projects. | ||||
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Financial Inclusion and Remittances AAAA Paras: 39, 40 |
Finance Track | Financial Stability Board | Continue to assess the decline in correspondent banking relationships. | G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors March Communiqué FSB action plan to assess and address the decline in correspondent banking – Progress report March 2018 |
1, 8, 10 |
Finance Track | Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) | Harness digitisation to financially include the unserved and underserved individuals and businesses, particularly those in the informal economy, with the increasing amount of digital footprints of transactions and payments contributing in the long-run to formalisation. The G20 Financial Inclusion Policy Guide on Digitisation and Informality provides voluntary policy recommendations to facilitate digital financial services, taking into account country contexts. | G20 Policy Guide: Digitization and informality: harnessing digital financial inclusion for individuals and MSMEs in the informal economy | 1, 5, 8, 10, 17 |
Finance Track | Sustainable Develoment Working Group | Support the deployment of sustainable private capital, by addressing challenges in creating sustainable assets for capital markets; developing sustainable Private Equity and Venture Capital; and exploring potential applications of digital technologies to sustainable finance. | G20 Sustainable Finance Synthesis Report | 17 |
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Domestic Resource Mobilisation AAAA Paras: 22, 23, 27-29 |
Finance Track | Finance Deputies | Remain commited to the implementation of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting package. Work together to seek a consensus-based solution to address the impacts of the digitalisation of the economy on the international tax system by 2020, with an update on the progress made by 2019. Continue to support assistance to developing countries to build their tax capacity, including through the global Knowledge-Sharing Platform for Tax Administrations under the umbrella on the Platform for Collaboration on Tax. Call for the Platform for Collaboration on Tax to develop its workplan on its commitments by the IMF/WBG Annual Meetings in 2018 and provide a progress report in 2019. |
G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors March Communiqué G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors July Communiqué |
17 |
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): International Financial Architecture AAAA Paras: 33, 70, 103, 105-107, 109 |
Finance Track | International Financial Architecture Working Group | Further strengthening the Global Financial Safety Net (GFSN), with a strong, quota-based and adequately resourced IMF at its centre. Complete the 15th General Review of Quotas by the Spring Meetings of 2019 and no later than the Annual Meetings of 2019. | G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors July Communiqué | 8 |
Continue the monitoring of crossborder capital flows, and examining available tools to help countries harness their benefits while also managing risks. | G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors July Communiqué | 17 | ||
Continue to monitor debt vulnerabilities in Low Income Countries (LICs) with concern (...) and work towards enhancing debt transparency and sustainability, and improving sustainable financing practices by debtors and creditors, both official and private. | G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors July Communiqué | 1, 8, 10 | Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Growth Strategies AAAA Paras: 4, 105 |
Finance Track | Framework Working Group | Reaffirm previous exchange rate commitments. Use all policy tools – monetary, fiscal and structural – to achieve the goal of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. |
G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors July Communiqué |
8, 10 |
Follow up on G20's ambition to lift collective G20 GDP over five years by two percent by 2018 (the final results of the 2-in-5 ambition will be provided to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their October 2018 meeting). | 2017 Growth Strategies (last document published, the 2018 Growth Strategies is work on progress) | 8 | ||
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Industrialisation AAAA Paras: 15, 45 |
Finance Track | Africa Advisory Group | To bolster effectiveness of the CwA initiative, further efforts by all Compact Countries and partners is needed to accelerate reforms and mobilize private investment to support the growth prospects of the Compact Countries. | G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors and Deputies Meetings – April Chair's Summary | 8, 9, 17 |
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Inclusive Business AAAA Paras: 16, 35, 36, 37 |
Sherpa Track | Development Working Group | Endeavour to support inclusive businesses' capacities and improve the conditions for them to compete in public tenders, inter alia, by addressing regulatory and administrative barriers and thus making public procurement opportunities more accessible. Furthermore, encourage all IOs and development partners to reinforce their own procurement policies (...) promoting awareness among and enhancing purchases from inclusive businesses and socially and ecologically conscious providers. Notwithstanding this, we also take it upon ourselves to deepen our efforts to expand access to finance for inclusive business approaches through traditional financial mechanisms as well as other policy instruments. | G20 Call on Financing for Inclusive Business | 1, 5, 8, 10 |
Foster and engage, in accordance with our respective capabilities, in international cooperation initiatives related to inclusive business, particularly in those addressed to low income and developing countries, in coordination with MDBs, bilateral partners, IOs, the private sector and other development partners. This includes South-South and Triangular Cooperation in which a diversity of actors, resources and instruments can be integrated. | 1, 5, 8, 10 | |||
Call for increased financial mobilization and investment from the private sector, to be channelled through both traditional and innovative instruments, including impact investment vehicles, to scale, replicate and enhance the sustainability of inclusive businesses. We also call on MDBs and development finance institutions to boost their efforts towards the sector (...) and strengthen the impact measurement, management and reporting of their investments. | 1, 5, 8, 10 | |||
Provide governments, the private sector and development stakeholders with relevant, practical information on financing alternatives, policy instruments and experiences, especially those incorporating the use of innovative private financial instruments as well as public procurement practices to support Inclusive Business. | 8, 17 | |||
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Human Resource Development, Employment and Education AAAA Paras: 16, 37, 41 |
Finance Track | Framework Working Group | Ensure the benefits of technological transformation are widely shared and address its challenges, drawing on the Menu of Policy Options for the Future of Work, considering individual country circumstances, reinforcing the importance of international cooperation and promoting gender equality. | G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors July Communiqué G20 Menu of Policy Options for the Future of Work, July 2018 |
4, 5, 8, 9, 10 |
Sherpa Track | Development Working Group | Endeavour to look into our countries' investments in ECD in order to better assign and consider increasing resources to quality programs that consider the holistic approach of ECD (...) especially for those in vulnerable situations, poor households and the informal economy. | G20 Initiative for Early Childhood Development | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 |
Engage in international cooperation as a catalyst for scaling-up and improving the quality and accessibility of multi-sector ECD programs, particularly in supporting low-income and developing countries. Coordinate with MDBs, financial institutions and IOs, as well as seek to promote opportunities for collaboration through North-South, South-South and Triangular Cooperation which involve a diversity of actors, resources and instruments | 4, 17 | |||
Call on IOs, MDBs and other financing institutions to identify and strengthen suitable financial instruments, mechanisms and partnerships, including possibilities for new ones but avoiding duplication, and mobilize resources to scale up quality ECD programs in low-income and developing countries based on their national needs and priorities. | 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 | |||
Provide ECDAN with experiences and best practices related to our national programs and international cooperation among ECD initiatives to foster cross-country knowledge exchange and learning. We call on ECDAN to also identify best practices within non-G20 countries and to develop a sustainable platform and communication strategy (...). The platform should be operational by 2019. | 2, 4, 5, 10, 17 | |||
Sherpa Track | Digital Economy Task Force | Share lessons (...) and enhance partnership and cooperation in the effective use of emerging digital technologies, in particular regarding adoption and its opportunities and challenges. | G20 Digital Economy Ministerial Declaration | 8 |
Sherpa Track | G20 Joint Education and Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting | Develop national skills strategies that support successful and fair transitions between education, training and the world of work through an inclusive and lifelong learning approach, according to national and local circumstances. Continue preparing our people from early childhood throughout adulthood with the appropriate knowledge, values and set of skills to facilitate access to and creation of quality jobs and personal development, fostering upskilling and reskilling thought their lives and building an active citizenship. Endorse the G20 Guidelines on Skills for an inclusive Future of Work in order to support the implementation of measures across a range of policies that increase skills development. |
G20 Joint Education and Labour and Employment Ministers' Declaration 2018 | 4, 8, 10 |
Sherpa Track | Education Working Group | Encourage the use of innovative pedagogies, approaches, methods and tools with appropriate diverse learning environments, acknowledging emerging knowledge and 21 st century skills. | G20 Education Ministers' Declaration 2018 | 4, 10 |
Provide adequate levels of domestic and international investments in education, improve their efficiency, and prioritise them in ways that improve the quality of learning outcomes and increase equity, inclusion and support to vulnerable, disadvantaged and underrepresented groups. Commend the endeavor of creating conditions for the emergence of innovative instruments for financing education in line with the 2030 agenda. | 4, 10 | |||
Strengthen international cooperation and address common challenges together by learning from each other's experiences, sharing knowledge and best practices, and developing joint initiatives at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels. We encourage the sharing of policies and programs for skills development through the Digital Repository of Policies, a platform developed by the Digital Economy Task Force. | 4, 10, 17 | |||
Sherpa Track | Employment Working Group | Promote formalization and decent work in all forms of employment, including digital platforms, by implementing the "Policy principles for promoting labour formalization and decent work in the Future of Work and in the platform economy" which provide a range of policy principles to be considered. Take the priority actions identified in the "G20 Strategy to eradicate child labour, forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery in the world of work" to make further progress on the commitment of eliminating these conditions by 2025, including the goal of fostering decent work for sustainable global supply chains. |
G20 Labour and Employment Minister's Declaration 2018 | 8 |
Develop further targeted actions in the areas informed in the "Guidelines and Principles for developing comprehensive social protection strategies", acknowledging that it is key to strengthen the policy frameworks that reinforce our social protection policies in a financially sustainable manner. | 1, 8 | |||
Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities in the labour market, by endorsing the "G20 principles for the labour market integration of persons with disabilities" which identified for consideration a set of policy principles. | 8, 10 | |||
Focus on enabling women to participate equally in the digital economy, increasing the participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) related skills training and enter STEM-related occupations. Commit to promoting lifelong learning policies that are accompanied by a more equal distribution of care responsibilities between men and women. Continue working towards the eradication of discrimination, occupational segregation and gender-based violence. | 5, 8, 10 | |||
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Climate Finance and Green Finance AAAA Paras: 60-62 |
Sherpa Track | Climate Sustainability Working Group | Provide additional actions and recommendations on defined priority areas as contributions to the "Adaptation Work Program's (2018-2019)" objective of sharing country experiences and promoting enhanced efforts for adaptation and resilience building at home and in our cooperation with partner countries. | Adaptation Work Program's (2018-2019) | 13 |
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Innovation AAAA Paras: 114-124 |
Sherpa Track | Digital Economy Working Group | Propose "G20 Digital Government Principles", as a reference to promote an agile, innovative, integrated and data-driven public sector enhancing the effectiveness and performance of the government, and making a crucial contribution for the development of the digital economy. | G20 Digital Economy Ministerial Declaration | 8 |
Take actions to bridge the digital gender gap as outlined in "Bridging the Digital Gender Divide – Delivering Impact". | 5, 8, 10 | |||
Highlight methodological approaches and indicators used to monitor the digital economy, and key gaps and challenges regarding digital economy measurements by using the "G20 Toolkit for Measuring the Digital Economy"; while encouraging IOs, where appropriate, to consider examples of digital economy measurements efforts by G20 countries. | 8 | |||
Expanding digital infrastructure, to achieve the G20 common goal of promoting universal and affordable access to the internet by all people by 2025, in order to prioritize connectivity of individuals, households, businesses, industries and the public sector, taking into particular consideration remote areas and vulnerable groups. | 9, 10 | |||
Contribute to the developed "G20 Repository of Digital Policies", a platform that aims to support policymakers in the design and implementation of evidence- based digitalization policies and strategies. | 5, 8, 9, 10 | |||
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition AAAA Paras: 13, 108, 121 |
Sherpa Track | Agriculture Working Group | On sustainable food future, strengthen the international mechanisms we have created to jointly and collaboratively achieve the goal of a world free of hunger and malnutrition in all its forms (...) and take into consideration the Voluntary Guidelines to support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the context of national food security and the relevant work of the Committee on World Food Security. | G20 Agriculture Ministers Declaration | 2 |
Promote collaborative partnerships, encouraging interdisciplinary approaches and involving farmers in the co-development and evaluation of sustainable agriculture systems, to accelerate the adoption of new technologies and management practices, and to revitalize sustainable traditional farming systems. | 2, 17 | |||
Strengthen the institutions that promote soil health, in multiple dimensions and approaches, and coordinate actions and initiatives among them | 12, 17 | |||
Encourage an open discussion on sustainable soil management, promoting consensus, to facilitate the sustainable use of territory's potential, acknowledging that land-use management, and secure land tenure, are valuable tools for sustainable soil management.; | 2, 12 | |||
Increase efforts to engage with the private sector in making the investments and developing the technologies and best practices needed to enhance productivity, efficiency and sustainability in food value chains, in order to reduce food loss and waste. | 2, 8, 12 | |||
Continue the reform process of agricultural trade rules within the given mandate. | 2, 8, 17 | |||
Promote interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral approaches, as well as joint actions with the Ministries responsible for human health, animal health, environment and research in order to design national policies and help their implementation by the relevant stakeholders, mainly through "One Health-based" national action plans combating Antimicrobial Resistance. | 2, 3, 17 | |||
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Global Health AAAA Paras: 77 |
Sherpa Track | Health Working Group | Recall and renew the commitments on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMRC) that Leaders, Health and Agriculture Ministers have made under the German G20 Presidency. Commit to implement policies based on the weight of scientific evidence in our efforts to tackle AMR and to promote appropriate access to the right drugs in the right dose at the right time, in an affordable manner and for the right duration of treatment. Commit to share best practices and learn from the experiences and expertise of other G20 members to enhance our own national and regional One Health responses to AMR. Commit to working together with relevant stakeholders including industry to develop new, safe, effective and affordable antimicrobials and maintain the global supply of existing drugs. Encourage the relevant industries to deliver on the pledges they made under the 2016 Industry Declaration on AMR. |
G20 Health Ministers Declaration | 3, 12 |
Commit to take action to tackle malnutrition, with a special focus on childhood overweight and obesity, while acknowledging that under nutrition and micronutrient deficiency also remain a major cause of death and disease in many parts of the world. Improve the availability of and access to healthy food choices through inter-sectorial efforts, promote healthy food environments, encourage food reformulation and food and nutritional labelling to help consumers take informed decisions, promote appropriate portion sized and encourage people to have healthy lifestyles based on healthy diets and physical activity, drawing as appropriate on the evidence base. Collecting and evaluating evidence on best practices to prevent and address overweight and obesity among boys, girls and vulnerable populations. |
2, 3 | |||
Bridge the persistent health gaps between women and men. This includes improved access to quality health care as well as more equitable health work force participation, decent working conditions, management and leadership. Encourage investment in the development and ongoing training of health workforce (...). Commit to cooperate across countries and sectors to build an adequately trained health workforce with suitable and safe work conditions. Encourage cross-border, regional and international collaboration in the area of e-health such as sharing best practices and successful examples of e-health programs and services in particular effective policy design and practical implementation |
3, 5 | |||
Strengthening the capacity of all countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks are important components of health emergency preparedness for supporting Sustainable Development Goal 3. Request WHO to further develop and review the Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE), review its performance and demonstrate its benefits. Encourage member states to contribute to the CFE in order to enable WHO to deliver rapid and adequate first response to health crisis. |
3, 17 | |||
Sustainable Development Sector (SDS): Anti-Corruption AAAA Paras: 20, 25, 30 |
Sherpa Track | Anti-Corruption Working Group | Take steps to assist with, legal and practical measures including, but not limited to: fighting corruption in State-owned enterprises; strengthening awareness among SOE managers and employees for the need to combat corruption; encouraging SOE efforts to improve integrity and avoid corruption; strictly enforcing rules criminalising corruption and related misconduct; and managing and mitigating any damage inflicted by corruption. The G20's High Level Principles for preventing corruption and ensuring integrity in state-owned enterprises should provide useful guidance to SOEs' governance bodies and employees on preventing corruption and promoting integrity in their organisations. |
G20 High-Level Principles for Preventing Corruption and Ensuring Integrity in State-Owned Enterprises | 16 |
Taking concrete steps to prevent and manage 'conflict of interest', which arise when there is an actual, potential or apparent conflict between the public duty and the private interest of a public official, in which the official's private-capacity interest could improperly influence the performance of their official duties and responsibilities. The G20 High-Level Principles for Preventing and Managing 'Confilict of Interest' in the Public Sector's identify a set of key concrete actions that G20 countries commit to undertake, in accordance to their needs, country context and domestic legal principles, to prevent actual, potential and apparent conflicts of interest. These focus on three core pillars: 1) developing standards and a system to prevent and manage 'conflict of interest', 2) fostering a culture of integrity and 3) enabling effective accountability |
G20 High-Level Principles for Preventing and Managing 'Confilict of Interest' in the Public Sector | 16 |
Key Topics of this peer learning group | 1) Alignment of national sustainability strategies with the 2030 Agenda and 2) Creating horizontal and vertical policy coherence |
Participating G20 members | China, Germany, Mexico |
Any other participants | Presidency of the G20 (Argentina), OECD, UNDP |
Duration of this round | (09/2017 – 04/2018) |
Aiming at implementing the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the 2016 Hangzhou Summit, Leaders of the G20 at the Hamburg Summit 2017 committed to "engage in voluntary peer learning on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda". By adopting the Hamburg Update of the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda, the G20 further decided to "establish a voluntary peer learning mechanism on the 2030 Agenda, to ensure continuous improvement of our approaches and to be able to share our experiences and lessons learned with other countries worldwide". In the inaugural round of the G20 Voluntary Peer Learning Mechanism (VPLM), China, Mexico and Germany convened to champion the peer learning exercise focused on aligning national sustainable development strategies and plans with the 2030 Agenda and strengthening horizontal and vertical policy coherence, and international cooperation. The first Voluntary Peer Learning round among China, Germany and Mexico was organized between September 2017 and April 2018, consisting of two virtual meetings and one on-site meeting in Mexico City. Argentina, UNDP and OECD joined the meetings as observers. Drawing from deliberations during the three meetings, this policy brief intends to communicate the main contents and results of the peer learning exercise with focus on catalytic factors, challenges identified and lessons learned on both, the national implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the peer learning exercise itself. |
The three countries identified a number of approaches for aligning their national sustainable development strategies and plans with the 2030 Agenda and strengthening policy coherence. The exchange of the following approaches, which are being implemented by the three countries in similar but varying ways, created a strong and shared sense of ownership and responsibility.
a) Strengthening coordination and high-level political leadership to enhance coherence and ensure a whole-of-government approach. Dedicated long-term sustainable development strategies or plans to implement the 2030 Agenda domestically are or will be in place in the three countries. Due to the high political significance of the 2030 Agenda and its crosscutting and integrated approach, all three countries have mandated either central government or key ministries and offices with overseeing the national implementation. Comparable instruments such as inter-ministerial bodies and coordinating mechanisms as well as focal points or coordinators in each ministry were established to foster horizontal coherence and a whole-of-government approach to avoid silo thinking and enhance integrated, cross-sectoral approaches. For example, Germany has established a State Secretaries' Committee on Sustainable Development in which all ministries are represented to ensure policy coherence in line with the German Sustainable Development Strategy and to create a whole-of-government approach. It also introduced a mandatory Sustainability Impact Assessment for all new laws and regulations. Mexico launched the National Council for the Implementation of 2030 Agenda and reformed the Planning Law to integrate the 2030 Agenda in the National Planning System. China established an inter-agency coordination mechanism comprised of 43 government departments, with an approach of transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high quality development. b) Ensuring vertical coherence and sub-national implementation The sub-national implementation of the 2030 Agenda needs to take into account varying local circumstances. Sub-national governments need to be able to set their own priorities, in line with the central/federal overall strategy. At the same time, it is important to utilize the 2030 Agenda as a common objective for the various levels of engagement. To promote vertical coherence and accelerate transformation, spaces for innovation and piloting were identified as key instrument for providing references and flexibility for learning and upscaling. In Germany, the majority of the Federal States have created their own Sustainable Development Strategies inspired by the national Strategy and regularly exchange views on Sustainable Development with the federal level. Mexico is advancing in establishing 32 state level mechanisms for the implementation and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda. China's National Innovation Demonstration Zones for Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are problem-targeted programs aimed at providing innovative solutions to specific development bottlenecks or obstacles. c) Engaging all relevant actors for a whole-of-society involvement The three countries recognized that effective communication tailored to different audiences and multi-stakeholder dialogues are fundamental to raise awareness and engagement for a whole-of-society approach. Dialogue with and among actors promotes knowledge, ownership and opportunities for collaboration. Specific channels for engaging, inter alia, business, civil society and academia and have been identified, to promote their participation in contributing to the development and implementation of (national) strategies, monitoring progress of implementation, or promoting their own behavioral transformation. The three countries utilize existing and newly created dialogue platforms to ensure multi-stakeholder engagement. China shared their new vision of innovative, coordinated, green and open development that is for everyone, which is their underlining development philosophy that resonates with the thrust of the 2030 Agenda and helps promote people's awareness of the Agenda. Under the leadership of the German Federal Chancellery, the German "Sustainability Forum" regularly brings together key stakeholder groups. These are also represented in a "Council for Sustainable Development", which provides policy advice and stimulates public debates about SD. Mexico is conducting regular dialogues with each group, and particularly with civil society, co-designing the format of dialogue and collaboration. d) Moving forward with independent and regular monitoring and review The three countries are mainstreaming the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their overall national strategies or planning processes and have defined how to monitor progress towards achieving the SDGs. A precondition for effective monitoring is reliable data and functioning statistical systems. However, collecting data is not a means in itself. Ultimately, the data should be used to improve policymaking for the people with the goal of leaving no one behind. Therefore, we need a balance between what is measurable today, what is necessary and useful and what is still missing. Strategic monitoring requires a long term, cyclic approach, in order to internalize the use of data for identifying gaps and formulating recommendations for policymaking. Accountability and transparency are important to the monitoring and review process. The independence of national statistical offices to analyze and evaluate progress is helpful to measure effective implementation. China conducted the review of its implementation efforts simultaneously with annual assessment of the progress in achieving the 13th Five Year Plan. China also issues progress reports, the first of which was made public in 2017, to assess progress, identify challenges and advise future work. Third party evaluation mechanisms have also been established to review specific goals such as poverty reduction. The German Federal Statistical Office publishes annually an independent report on the state of implementation of the German Sustainable Development Strategy. In addition, a group of international peers is currently scrutinizing the Strategy itself. Mexico is taking advantage of the multidimensional poverty measurement and statistical structures that have been in place since before the adoption of the 2030 Agenda. The National Institute of Statistics and Geography is working on the development of a public website to track indicators. e) Recognizing our global responsibility and partnership for 2030 Agenda implementation The implementation of the 2030 Agenda calls to strengthen the sense of global responsibility and partnership. National sustainable development strategies need to both contribute to global public goods provision and recognize that domestic actions have global impacts. These strategies should seek to provide positive global footprint and spillovers, as well as explore ways to measure and assess global impacts of domestic action (e.g. sustainable consumption and production patterns, poverty reduction, food security, climate, and energy action). Furthermore, all three countries have designed international cooperation initiatives aimed at supporting developing countries to implement the 2030 Agenda. Germany's "Germany has aligned its whole development cooperation with the 2030 Agenda and has e.g. initiated a 2030 Implementation Initiative as well as the transnational multi-stakeholder network 'Partners for Review' that brings together government and other stakeholders involved in the SDGs national review and monitoring process. The Belt and Road Initiative and the 2030 Agenda sub-fund of China's UN Peace and Development Fund are supporting developing countries effort to implement the 2030 Agenda, especially in the field of poverty reduction, infrastructure, innovation and social development. Building on the MDG network of Mesoamerican experts, Mexico is proposing a regional SDG network in Latin America to exchange experiences for improved implementation and encourage South-South and triangular cooperation as tools to shorten the distance between challenges and possible solutions. |
The VPLM exchange on national alignment and policy coherence revealed a set of key aspects in the 2030 Agenda implementation that still require further discussion and innovative thinking:
a) Positive effects and results of the VPLM as regards national 2030 Agenda implementation
The VPLM exchange has not only been important for countries to learn from each other about their national implementation approaches, but to engage in a critical assessment and constructive feedback on their own efforts and plans. Such feedback from other countries could inspire the adjustment of policies and redirect efforts in case of unforeseen issues. For instance, inspired by China, Mexico will explore how to further promote innovation and pilot deep transformation initiatives. China will continue a broader social involvement taking into account Germany's dialogue experiences. Germany is interested in how Mexico links its budget to the SDGs. This 1st VPLM round among China, Germany and Mexico showed that despite their differences, the three countries face similar challenges. Although each country is implementing the 2030 Agenda according to national context, common catalytic factors were identified. The extensive exchange between the participating countries helped to develop a sense of network formation and interest in further exchange and mutual learning, even beyond the limits of the current VPLM round. The VPLM promoted the active engagement of relevant national agencies involved in the design, implementation and monitoring of policies for sustainable development. In this respect, it offers a valuable space to promote cross-sectoral debate that feeds into the DWG and other G20 work streams. Added value to the G20 and beyond This pioneer VPLM round has generated a remarkable knowledge sharing dynamic and a shared sense of responsibility. Lessons learned in this round are directly related to common characteristics of the G20 membership, where (a) vertical coherence can impose a critical challenge, especially in federally organized nations, (b) monitoring and statistics need to address varying conditions across institutions and regions, and (c) the global dimension of policy action needs further attention. The results of the VPLM round also revealed that G20 initiatives have tangible results. This VPLM focused particularly on sharing experiences on coordinating processes and underlying structures that will support future policy implementation and follow-up. The format allowed for a detailed analysis of experiences, directly from the experts involved in the implementation. Such practice is complementary to and supportive of the central role of the UN follow-up and review process, led by the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). For countries involved in this VPLM international cooperation is an integral dimension of national implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and indeed peer learning is a particularly useful tool. In line with the universal approach of the Agenda, the diversity of actors and possible approaches that G20 members can share confirm that there is no one-size-fits-all in implementing the 2030 Agenda and that every country has valuable experiences to share, regardless of their income and development level. Recommendations for conducting future VPLM cycles While each country has to implement the 2030 Agenda taking into account different national realities, capacities and levels of development while respecting national policies and priorities, peer learning on best practices has shown clear benefits and added value for every country. Peer learning among G20 members intends to capitalize on G20's diversity, thus enriching in-depth exchange. The results of this first voluntary peer learning round have shown that the VPLM will contribute to improving the implementation of the SDGs. Concerning the design of future rounds, key recommendations are as follows:
Key Topics of this peer learning group | 1) Engaging Private Sector actors in SDG implementation; 2) Monitoring of the SDGs; 3) Maintaining integrity and ensuring coherence in SDG implementation. |
Participating G20 members | Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway |
Any other participants | No other |
Duration of this round | September 2017 – First half 2018 |
Three partner countries Mexico, The Netherlands and Norway agreed on a flexible approach to peer learning which was implemented through four virtual exchanges informed by a comparative description of their private sector experiences and information notes on the topics identified on which meaningful exchange could take place. – Professionals working in these specific fields in our departments were invited to join virtual exchanges. – As a result of this VPLM exercise, the three countries agreed on continuing the peer learning communication among private sector engagement professionals. – Mexico and The Netherlands have started collaboration to set up an SDG Charter in Mexico, based on Dutch experiences. |
The three countries integrated a matrix to organize their private sector experiences on both dimensions, national implementation and international cooperation. In addition, each partner wrote a policy note on one of the three topics selected for further exchange.
Private sector cooperation
Data availability
Policy coherence
Private sector cooperation
Data availability
Policy coherence
Private sector cooperation
Improving private sector involvement in SDG implementation aims to:
Data availability
Policy coherence
(Briefly explain why this peer learning round was relevant to the G20 Action Plan, and what the DWG might take away as main contents for future collective actions on implementing the 2030 Agenda, max 200 words)
Source: Official website of Argentina's 2018 G20 Presidency
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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.
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August 15, 2024
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