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Logo of the 2018 Buenos Aires Summit

G20 Education Ministers' Declaration 2018

September 5, 2018, Mendoza, Argentina
[PDF in English] [PDF en español]

Annex 1: G20 Digital Policy Options for Education and Skills


  1. We, the Ministers of Education of the G20 members and invited countries, met in Mendoza, Argentina on 5 September 2018 to affirm the unique role of education as a key driver for sustainable development for all nations, recognise the need to place education at the centre of the global agenda and call for collective action.
  2. In line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda, we affirm our commitment to ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  3. Globalisation, technological progress and digitalisation are shaping the way people live, work, socialise, share knowledge and participate in increasingly complex, dynamic and diverse societies throughout the world. We recognise that while today's changing environment creates a wide range of social, economic and environmental global challenges, these trends also offer opportunities for wider access to information, economic growth, poverty reduction, greater innovation, higher productivity and a better quality of life for all.
  4. In light of these challenges and opportunities, education represents a strategic policy area that has a profound impact on people, the planet and the prosperity of nations. Education is the foundation of personal development as it provides children, youth and adults with the knowledgee, skills, values and attitudes necessary to reach their full potential. Education helps to reduce poverty and promote active citizenship, therefore contributing to peaceful, inclusive and prosperous societies across the world.
  5. We stress that access to quality education is a human right and the basis for the realisation of other rights. The transformative power and cross-cutting nature of education makes it an essential tool to address our global challenges and contribute to the G20's pursuit of dialogue, consensus, cooperation, collaboration and coordinated policy goals and responses. AGREED
  6. In Hamburg in 2017, G20 Leaders recognised the need to educate and train people with the necessary skills for the future of work, the importance of opportunities to re-and upskill throughout their working lives, and assist them to successfully adapt to change.
  7. We appreciate and strongly support the Argentine Presidency's inclusion of education as a priority in the G20 agenda, congratulate the Presidency for the establishment of the Education Working Group, and are pleased to celebrate this first G20 Education Ministerial Meeting.
  8. Considering the important and increasing intersection between education and employment policies consistent with a lifelong learning approach, we welcome the Presidency's proposal to jointly address the Future of Work as a shared priority to achieve fair and sustainable development. We recognise the complementarity between this Declaration and the G20 Education, Labour & Employment Ministers' Joint Declaration 2018.

Education and Skills Policies

  1. It is important that education keeps pace with societal and technological innovations such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Internet of Things. We recognise that changes in the economy and labour markets have profound implications for education and training systems even though many of them remain unpredictable. Acknowledging the autonomy and diversity of national, regional and local governments and contexts, emerging knowledge and 21st century skills should be considered in curriculum development and pedagogical approaches at all levels of education. The curricula should be highly responsive to evidence-based practices, future employment trends, and design in collaboration with key stakeholders.
  2. We highlight the vital role that teachers play in education. Teachers, along with education leaders and other education staff should be supported through innovative policies, including up-to-date initial and continuous professional development encompassing digital literacy and ICT skills, as well as opportunities to engage in professional learning communities and collaborative peer networks. Teachers should be equipped with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes free from gender stereotypes needed to help everyone develop to their full potential. Recruitment processes, working conditions and career pathways should be designed to attract and retain the most suitable and passionate individuals from a diversity of backgrounds into the teaching profession.
  3. With the aim of actively engaging students in their education, we encourage the use of innovative pedagogies, approaches, methods and tools with appropriate diverse learning environments. Moreover, we highlight the importance of strengthening the interrelationship between education and the life of students by promoting relevant knowledge and skills that takes into account their social context and advances the development of their communities. We encourage the involvement of families and other members of the community.
  4. We acknowledge the importance of promoting multiple and flexible pathways into lifelong education and training that enhance the linkage and transition between all educational levels, from early childhood education and care, to primary and secondary education, technical and vocational education and training as well as higher education and adult learning. Education should address the challenges that students face throughout these transitions with appropriate policy responses, effective planning and management, counselling and guidance, as well as pedagogical practices that integrate and articulate the knowledge and skills required across different stages of education including formal, informal and non-formal education.
  5. We recognise the value of policies based on evidence and the importance of having robust and comprehensive learning assessment systems and data in order to measure progress and learning outcomes, to help ensure quality education for all at all stages of life. More broadly, assessments systems should provide quality input for decision making at every level highlighting the importance of interpretation and responsible use of results. We also acknowledge the important role of existing international assessments and research as tools to promote cooperation as well as the exchange of knowledge and promising practices with countries that have demonstrated successful educational outcomes and skills development policies.
  6. We appreciate that the Argentine Presidency has placed gender equality and women's empowerment at the core of its agenda building on earlier G20 commitments. We welcome international efforts in this area, and recognise that notwithstanding the progress already achieved, gender inequalities and specific barriers to education for girls and women continue to persist. We share the view that equal access to inclusive, equitable and quality education within safe learning environments at all educational levels is essential to achieving the empowerment of girls and women. Furthermore, we encourage the high participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

Financing Education

  1. We recognise that the implementation of the above mentioned priorities and policies needs appropriate funding. Therefore, we acknowledge it is of vital importance that adequate levels of domestic and international investment in education are provided to achieve inclusive, equitable and quality education as well as lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  2. Given that increased investments in education above certain thresholds do not necessarily entail better outcomes, we recognise the importance of allocating and spending resources more effectively and efficiently. Strengthening governance, management, monitoring and accountability is key to addressing this shared challenge. Increased social and economic returns on investment can have significantly positive impact on human development, and encourage greater commitments in this area.
  3. Domestic and international education funding should prioritise resources in ways that improve the quality of learning outcomes, and increase equity, inclusion and support to vulnerable, disadvantaged and underrepresented groups. Furthermore, we affirm the importance of investing in high-quality, early education and acknowledge its positive multiplier effect on both the lifespan of individuals and social and economic development.
  4. We acknowledge the role of existing and potential international mechanisms for financing education and encourage their complementarity to address different national needs, avoid fragmentation, and keep transaction costs low. This joint work encourages spaces for increased dialogue between different agents in the international architecture for financing education, including the private sector, social partners and civil society. Furthermore, we commend the endeavour of creating conditions for the emergence of innovative instruments for financing education in line with the 2030 Agenda.

International Cooperation

  1. We commit to strengthening international cooperation and addressing common challenges together by learning from each other's experiences, sharing knowledge and best practices, and developing joint initiatives at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels while acknowledging individual countries' unique challenges and priorities. We encourage the sharing of policies and programs for skills development through the Digital Repository of Policies, a platform developed by the Digital Economy Task Force.
  2. We commit to facilitating the internationalisation of education, including the cross-border recognition of qualifications and skills, and the mobility of students, teachers, academic and non-academic staff, trainers and researchers, with a view to improving quality education and research, and in accordance with the respective national laws, rules and policies. We support the promotion of exchange and scholarships programmes among G20 members and other countries, in particular with developing countries around the globe.
  3. Understanding and appreciating other parts of the world, different religions, cultures, languages and points of view are essential elements of global and cultural competence. Thus, we will continue to encourage high quality online communication, virtual exchanges, twinning and networking as well as sharing our common values among our education institutions.

Way Forward

  1. We will work to meet our commitments affirmed in this Declaration and, taking into account national circumstances, endorse the Policy Recommendations for Education and Skills (Annex 1), with a view to building a robust set of education and skills policies from a global perspective that fosters inclusive and sustainable human progress in every nation.
  2. We thank the Argentine Presidency for its determined efforts and leadership. We are also thankful for the expertise provided by international organisations including UNESCO, OECD, World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank for the support given during this process, including their reports on key issues.
  3. We will submit this Declaration to the G20 Leaders' 2018 Summit and continue our cooperation towards Japan's G20 Presidency in 2019 and the years after that.

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Annex 1: Policy Options for Education and Skills

In order to support the implementation of existing initiatives and strengthen policies that foster education and skills development, and taking into account national circumstances, we agree to endorse a set of policy options.


Teacher Education and Training

Learning Strategies

Educational Transitions


Vulnerable Groups

Financing Education

International Cooperation

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Source: Official website of Argentina's 2018 G20 Presidency

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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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