We, the Ministers of Labour and Employment from G20 members and invited countries,
met in Mendoza on 6-7 September 2018 to discuss labour market trends and strategies,
to enhance our cooperation and to shape an inclusive, fair and sustainable Future of
While global economic growth and employment outlook continue to improve, labour
markets still face diverse challenges including persistent unemployment in some
countries. At the same time, there are significant changes driven by digitalization and
automation, globalization, demographic transitions, migration, and a shift in individual
and societal expectations about work and welfare. These changes lead to the
requirement of new skills, new forms of work, a need for innovative institutional
frameworks and employment and social policies.
We remain committed to building an inclusive Future of Work by addressing the evolving
challenges. To maximize opportunities and enable workers and employers to benefit
from them, we must enhance our understanding of emerging trends, and as needed
improve labour market governance, legal frameworks, institutions, and policy
In this context, strengthening our efforts to improve the employment situation of young
people and continuing to develop policies will be essential to achieving the G20 Youth
Goal of reducing by 15 percent by 2025 the share of young people who are most at risk
of being permanently left behind in the labour market, as endorsed by our Leaders at the
Antalya Summit in 2015.
Addressing income inequalities is central to achieving better jobs, more inclusive
societies, and stronger economic growth. We welcome the meeting of the Subgroup of
Labour Income Share and Inequalities, which considered inequality as a crosscutting
issue. We will continue working at national, multilateral and international levels,
including through the G20, towards comprehensive and coherent economic, financial,
employment and social policies, with a view to strengthening economic growth, creating
more jobs, decreasing inequalities within and between countries and giving due
consideration to social issues, recalling the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
We recognize that creating opportunities and managing risks require coordinated and
coherent actions, both at the national and international level. Therefore, at the G20 level
we will exchange knowledge, experiences and foster cooperation to promote quality
employment for all and to tackle inequalities.
Current challenges require us to develop multidimensional responses and to put people,
work and livelihoods at the heart of our strategies. Interagency coordination, better
coherence among policies and the effective promotion of social dialogue become even more crucial. We welcome Argentina's initiative to host a G20 Education and Labour and
Employment Ministers' Meeting and the fruitful cooperation of the Employment Working
Group with the Education Working Group, the Framework Working Group, the Digital
Economy Task Force and the Development Working Group, which can be a solid
foundation for further collaboration.
Building on the Priorities on the Future of Work that we endorsed in Bad Neuenahr in
2017, we commit to advance the following policy priorities to make the most of emerging
opportunities and to help our peoples face arising challenges.
Unleashing people's potential through an innovative and coordinated skills development
The Future of Work is likely to see changes to jobs and tasks which will bring about deep
and rapid shifts in the skills requirements. It is therefore vital that we work to ensure
broad access to quality skills training to address skills mismatches and skills gaps. We will
support our people to develop the relevant skills through re-skilling and up-skilling
strategies in order to increase their employability. We will encourage the development
and implementation of comprehensive skills anticipation mechanisms for better
identification of future skills needs. We commit to fostering international cooperation
and to improving our labour market information systems to deliver internationally
comparable data.
Building sound skills policies also requires a whole-of-government approach and effective
social dialogue. Moreover, we will engage in multi-stakeholder dialogue with employers,
workers, governments, and education and training institutions in order to promote
continuous information exchange and improve policy design and implementation.
Taking into account our previous commitments, particularly the G20 Skills Strategy
(Ankara, 2015) and the G20 Initiative to Promote Quality Apprenticeship (Beijing, 2016),
we have endorsed together with G20 Education Ministers a set of recommendations for
an inclusive lifelong learning approach which aim to support successful transitions
between education and training and the world of work. Furthermore, we will advance on
the implementation of the G20 Entrepreneurship Action Plan (Beijing, 2016) by fostering
cognitive, digital and entrepreneurship skills to help deliver social and productive
Building a fair Future of Work by promoting formalization and improving labour conditions
The promotion of decent work, inclusiveness, equality and the protection of fundamental
principles and rights at work continue to be a priority objective for G20 members. It is
essential to address any decent work deficits and, where appropriate, to adapt labour
institutions and existing legislation to cover all workers.
Labour relations and institutions continue to evolve. Certain forms of employment, such
as part-time work, temporary employment and third-party agency work, among others,
present opportunities for job creation, including self-employment, labour mobility, access
to the labour market, and the inclusion of vulnerable and underrepresented groups. At the same time some forms of work may pose a number of challenges for job and life
quality, skills training, social protection and income distribution, freedom of association
and collective bargaining. Governments should take care that they are not misused and
We also recognise the opportunities and challenges arising from work obtained or
delivered through digital platforms. Although the share of this type of employment still
remains low, it is growing fast. We are committed to promoting high quality jobs and
decent work in the digital labour market. In this regard and considering the international
nature of this development, we will actively collaborate towards the development of
policy responses. We thank International Organizations for their report on work and
digital platforms and ask for their continued support in gathering information and
developing policy recommendations regarding decent work in digital platforms.
As it was stated in the Moscow Declaration (2013) and reinforced in the Melbourne
Declaration (2014), the quantity and quality of jobs are important for inclusive growth
and development. We must advance in the transition to formality as a means towards
improving living conditions, productivity, growth and strengthen efforts to reduce
poverty. We should seek to ensure that new forms of employment are in the formal
In order to promote formalization and decent work in all forms of employment, including
digital platforms, we commit to implementing the "Policy principles for promoting labour
formalization and decent work in the Future of Work and in the platform economy"
(Annex 1).
Following the Melbourne declaration (2014), in the Hamburg declaration (2017) G20
leaders committed "to take immediate and effective measures to eliminate child labour
by 2025, forced labour, human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery." Accounting
for more than 85 percent of the global economy, G20 members have a responsibility and
the unique capacity to lead global efforts to address these issues. Meeting these
ambitious goals requires to strengthen our national efforts and to demonstrate our
leadership through more effective international cooperation. We welcome the report on
Child Labour prepared by ILO with contributions from UNICEF and the World Bank and
take note of its conclusions. We will continue to implement our commitments on decent
work in global supply chains (Bad Neuenahr, 2017), and we endorse the "G20 Strategy to
eradicate child labour, forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery in the world
of work" (Annex 2).
Making social protection more sustainable, adaptable and responsive to the new social and
labour market dynamics
Strong, equitable and well-functioning social protection systems play a crucial role in
fostering employment, reducing labour market insecurity and promoting social justice and
inclusive growth. In the context of the Future of Work, social protection systems may face
serious challenges regarding their sustainability, universal coverage as defined in national law and adequate level of protection. In that sense, it is key that we strengthen the policy
frameworks that reinforce our social protection policies in a financially sustainable
manner and provide scope for innovation. On this issue, we will work closely with the
finance track and relevant ministries.
We reaffirm our commitment to actively promote access to adequate social protection
for workers in all forms of employment and work arrangements, and to foster nondiscrimination
and fair treatment regardless of the individual employment status.
Acknowledging increasing labour mobility within and between countries, we will take
action to promote the portability of social security between employment statuses and
between countries, subject to national law and circumstances.
Recalling the G20 Policy Recommendations for Promoting More Equitable and Sustainable
Social Protection Systems (Beijing, 2016) and the G20 Priorities on the Future of Work
(Bad Neuenahr, 2017), we endorse the "Guidelines and Principles for developing
comprehensive social protection strategies" (Annex 3).
Leaving no one behind: shaping an equitable and inclusive Future of Work
Shaping more inclusive labour markets will help to strengthen our economies and
contribute to the well-being of our societies. We therefore remain committed to
improving the labour market integration of vulnerable and underrepresented groups.
We recognise that countries have made valuable progress towards achieving the G20
female participation goal committed to in Brisbane and implementing the G20 policy
recommendations on gender endorsed in Bad Neuenahr. We welcome the analysis
produced by the ILO and OECD on the policies carried out by G20 countries. The findings
show that gender gaps in labour force participation are still substantial, but there are
proven and promising initiatives which will accelerate progress towards gender equality.
In this regard, we encourage the collection, harmonization and analysis of genderdisaggregated
data, including among the business sector.
In order to prevent the widening of existing gender gaps and the creation of new ones in
the Future of Work, we should focus on enabling women to participate equally in the
digital economy, increasing the participation of women in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) related skills training and enter STEM-related
occupations. We also commit to promoting lifelong learning policies that are accompanied
by a more equal distribution of care responsibilities between men and women. We will
continue working towards the eradication of discrimination, occupational segregation and
gender-based violence.
We reaffirm our commitment to promoting the participation of persons with disabilities
in the labour market, recalling the 2030 Agenda pledge of leaving no-one behind and our
previous commitments made in the Moscow Declaration in 2013. We believe that the
circumstances shaping the Future of Work create significant opportunities to improve
employment outcomes for persons with disabilities, and therefore strongly endorse the
"G20 principles for the labour market integration of persons with disabilities" (Annex 4).
We will increase efforts to improve data collection on the situation of persons with
disabilities regarding labour and employment and support international comparison of
this data. We also encourage the implementation of relevant international agreements,
as appropriate, such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We
will further strengthen social partner's engagement and social awareness in order to fight
against discrimination and improve labour market inclusion. We call for the joint actions
of B20 and L20 aimed at increasing training and employment opportunities for persons
with disabilities.
Way Forward
Our policy responses will be informed by the policy principles we have identified for:
developing skills for an inclusive Future of Work; promoting labour formalization and
decent work; developing comprehensive social protection; increasing labour market
integration for people with disabilities; eradicating child labour, forced labour, human
trafficking and modern slavery in the world of work.
We will continue to further develop and implement our G20 Employment Plans and
include reporting on actions according to national priorities and collective commitments.
We will also follow up with the support of the ILO and OECD on the changes the Future of
Work may bring about, such as the growth of the digital economy and its impact in the
labour market. We recognize the need to improve the power of quality data to achieve a
better understanding of the challenges that emerge in the Future of Work and ensure the
best possible evidence to inform decision-making.
We appreciate the expertise provided by the ILO, OECD, WBG and IMF, as well as the
contributions made by ECLAC and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), and take
note of their meaningful reports (Annex 5). We also thank the L20 and B20 for their fruitful
cooperation and welcome the dialogue held with the engagement groups T20, W20, C20
and Y20 throughout the year. We will continue expanding our discussion taking into
account these diverse sources and building broad consensus for fair and sustainable
We welcome the coordination achieved during this year among G20 tracks to provide
global and coherent approaches to the Future of Work. We will strengthen cooperation
in the respect of the field of competence of each track, in order to take advantage of
positive synergies and complementarities and avoid redundancies. We recognise the
Menu of Policy Options for the Future of Work endorsed by Finance Ministers and Central
Bank Governors. We will consider it in order to respond to the challenges and
opportunities of the Future of Work, according to individual country´s circumstances.
We will present this declaration, complemented by the G20 Education & Employment
Ministers' Joint declaration, to the G20 Buenos Aires Summit for our Leaders'
We thank the Argentine Presidency for its leadership and look forward to our next
meeting in 2019 under the Presidency of Japan.
Annex 1: Policy principles for promoting labour
formalization and decent work in the Future of Work and
in the platform economy
The Future of Work presents opportunities for employment growth in G20 countries. Efforts
are required to ensure that the newly created and existing jobs are decent jobs.
Not only are we witnessing new forms of work, but we are also experiencing a rise in certain
forms of employment such as part-time work, temporary employment and third-party agency
work, among others, in some G20 countries. These developments provide opportunities and
some forms of work can also pose challenges for decent work. In some G20 countries, this
can result in a higher number of workers exposed to the risk of informality.
In addition, the informal economy -which refers to those activities that are not covered or are
insufficiently covered by formal arrangements, either in law or in practice- employs a
significant number of workers in some G20 countries. Informal employment poses challenges
to decent work and inequality, as it has been previously recognized by the G20. (Melbourne,
2014 and Moscow, 2013).
We are also witnessing the emergence of the platform economy, which offers job
opportunities that often take place in the form of activities or services performed online and
across borders. This will require research and evidence-based study to facilitate formulating
effective policy recommendations to promote decent work in the platform economy. We
therefore support the ILO and OECD, along with governments, workers' and employers'
organizations to continue international cooperation on these matters.
We have identified a range of policy principles to be considered in order to promote labour
formalization and decent work in the Future of Work, subject to our national circumstances.
Guiding decent work in all forms of employment in the Future of Work
Taking into account national circumstances, a review of current policies and legal frameworks
can be beneficial in ensuring that workers in all forms of employment enjoy adequate levels
of protection. We will consider a set of policy measures to improve compliance with existing
regulations and, in line with national circumstances, to address the legal coverage and the
level of legal protection, where appropriate, by:
Clarifying, where appropriate, the classification of workers´ employment status and
associated employment rights.
Raising awareness among stakeholders of the rights, obligations and responsibilities
regarding different forms of work.
Promoting fair treatment in working conditions, access to social protection and
training opportunities for all workers, regardless of the type of employment
Expanding social dialogue to reach all workers including through innovative means,
and promoting collective bargaining.
Promoting labour formalization
The informal economy is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that affects a wide
range of sectors and occupations. In some countries, workers in some of the new and diverse
forms of employment are at risk of being in informal employment.
The challenges of labour formalization are evident in some countries. Where appropriate,
these countries are encouraged to implement the set of policy instruments and approaches
that have previously been effective in facilitating the transition from the informal to the
formal economy, including those set forth in the ILO Transition from the Informal to the
Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015 (No. 204), in order to promote labour formalization.
Some of these tools include:
Taking appropriate measures, including a combination of preventive measures, law
enforcement and effective sanctions, addressing tax evasion and avoidance of social
contributions, labour laws and regulations.
Providing incentives linked to facilitating the effective and timely transition from the
informal to the formal economy including improved access to business advisory
services, finance, infrastructure, markets, technology, education and skills
programmes, social security and property rights.
Adapting and strengthening relevant authorities, e.g. labour inspectorates.
Coordinating with relevant ministries and other agencies to address the informal
economy and to foster compliance with legislation in force.
Promoting formal work at national, sectorial and local level.
Fostering data collection on informality for a better understanding of the
characteristics, needs and risks of groups most exposed to it.
Supporting workers representation, freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Promoting decent work in the platform economy
Considering the particular features of platforms, and taking into account national
circumstances, the following actions should be considered, as appropriate, to promote broad
sharing of the benefits of the digital economy and decent work. Social partners, platform
workers and providers should be involved in this process. Identify and define basic guidelines, drawing on applicable international labour standards that digital platforms should follow in
order to close the governance gap in the digital economy.
Encourage transparency regarding working conditions and levels of earnings related
to digital platforms.
Support improvement of earnings and working conditions for platform workers.
Consider the portability of entitlements and social security benefits in line with
national practices and legislation. Ensure that platform providers and those requesting
the work assume their responsibility in contributing to relevant social protection.
Tackle all forms of discrimination in platform work.
Foster data collection on the labour market share of platforms, drawing on the
expertise of International Organizations. Encourage the international exchange of
data and information on platform workers' working conditions, earning levels and
social security entitlements taking into account individuals´ privacy concerns and
respecting data protection laws.
Promote social dialogue including, as appropriate, cross-border social dialogue, and
collective bargaining in the platform economy.
Clarifying workers´ employment status and associated rightsin the platform economy.
Annex 2: G20 Strategy to eradicate child labour, forced
labour, human trafficking and modern slavery in the world
of work
Building on our Leaders' commitments in the Hamburg Declaration (2017) to eliminate "child
labour by 2025, forced labour, human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery", we will
strengthen national efforts and promote effective international cooperation to meet this
commitment, including the goal of fostering decent work for sustainable global supply chains.
We welcome the principles and pledges emanating from the 4th Global Conference on the
Sustained Eradication of Child Labour held in Buenos Aires, as well as the objectives of the
¨Call to Action to End Forced Labour, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking¨. We recognize
and thank the ILO, OECD, UNICEF, Alliance 8.7 and its partners for their leadership and ask for
their continued support in identifying high-risk sectors, developing appropriate policy
responses, building capacities, learning from international best practices and measuring
progress. We look forward to receiving the joint report from international organizations
within Alliance 8.7 on these issues. We support the role of Alliance 8.7 in creating synergies
between different initiatives and activities.
In support of the G20's broader efforts to promote decent work and sustainable supply
chains, in accordance with our national circumstances and legislation, international
conventions, protocols and frameworks, we will take the following priority actions to make
further progress on eliminating child labour, forced labour, human trafficking and modern
slavery in the world of work:
Encourage the ratification and effective implementation of relevant international
instruments, such as the 2014 ILO Protocol to Convention 29, the 1990 UN Convention
on the Rights of the Child and its optional protocols, the 1973 ILO Minimum Age
Convention and the 1999 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention.
Recognizing the importance of a comprehensive and integrated approach in order to
address these issues, promote access to adequate social protection, fair and decent
wages, increased participation in education and training, and economic development
of rural areas, including support for the implementation of the G20 Initiative for Rural
Youth Employment agreed by G20 Leaders in 2017.
Encourage the development and implementation of responsible recruitment policies
and practices, as well as the exchange of information and greater cooperation on this
issue, recognizing the ILO's General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair
Recruitment, and relevant initiatives that promote the prohibition of recruitment fees,
such as the "Employer Pays Principle".
Foster social dialogue and new partnerships, including with the private sector and civil
society organizations, such as international framework agreements between international social partners. We will also promote ILO decent work country
programmes and encourage the B20 and L20 to actively engage with governments.
Promote due diligence and transparency in global supply chains. We will increase
engagement with the private sector encouraging businesses to carry out
comprehensive risk analyses of their supply chains and to implement strong social
compliance systems, in order to promote transparency. We will also encourage
business sectors to work on creating multi-stakeholder agreements that facilitate due
diligence in their supply chains in order for all involved in the supply chain to benefit.
In carrying out due diligence, we encourage businesses to consider the 2018 OECD due
diligence guidance for responsible business conduct.
Take action to promote sustainable supply chains, consistent with the UN Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles
concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy and the 2016 ILO resolution
concerning decent work in global supply chains. Those G20 countries that adhere to
the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD MNE Guidelines) commit to
fostering them and encourage others to follow.
Utilize public procurement to improve compliance with labour standards, in
coordination with other government agencies. Government purchases of goods and
services represent a significant share of the global economy. We will exchange best
practices on public procurement, government contracting and responsible
government-backed financing.
Promote data collection and data sharing. We will use existing tools and develop new
ones (using modern information, data and communication technologies) to identify
and address high-risk sectors relevant to this strategy. We will foster international
cooperation in the sharing of knowledge and national experiences, and the
development of the methodologies and research needed on this matter. We
acknowledge the quality of the work of ILO, UNICEF and OECD in this field.
Annex 3: Guidelines and Principles for developing
comprehensive social protection strategies
In the context of the Future of Work, social protection systems may face serious challenges
related to their sustainability, universal coverage as defined in national law, adequate level of
protection and the portability of social security entitlements. Building on the G20 Policy
Recommendations for Promoting More Equitable and Sustainable Social Protection Systems
and the G20 Priorities on the Future of Work, we are committed to developing effective and
coordinated policy responses that can help shape an inclusive Future of Work. In consultation
with social partners and in accordance with national circumstances, we acknowledge the
need to build inclusive social protection systems and to develop further targeted actions in
the following areas:
Promote access to social protection which ensures that workers in all forms of
employment benefit from adequate levels of protection. This can be achieved through
measures aimed at guaranteeing nationally defined social protection floors and may
require different measures to make systems more flexible with regard to contributions
required to qualify for benefits.
In light of the increasing labour mobility and recognizing the need to protect workers´
rights we promote the effective portability of social security entitlements between
different employment statuses and within and between countries, according to
national circumstances and law. We underscore the importance of better
coordination between different social protection schemes, harnessing the use of
digital technologies with due regard to data protection and privacy, and the promotion
of bilateral and multilateral social security agreements, subject to national
In cooperation with finance ministers, foster equitable and sustainable financing of
social protection systems through a combination of contributions and taxes, according
to national circumstances, that ensure an adequate level of social security benefits
drawing from the G20 Menu of Policy Options for the Future of Work.
Improve effective mechanisms to promote and monitor compliance with legal
frameworks, through a clear definition of the sets of rights and responsibilities of
workers and employers in the area of social protection, including the prevention of
misclassification of workers' employment status, according to employment status as
defined in national legislation.
Create adequate policy frameworks for the provision of quality care services, including
access and appropriate financing mechanisms, to expand access to high-quality,
affordable child-care, health and long-term care services, and the promotion of decent
work for care workers.
Develop awareness raising campaigns and enhance public communication of social
protection rights and obligations.
Ensure that social protection systems foster and support individuals in skilling,
reskilling and upskilling in order to fulfil successful transitions. Encourage business to
invest in these lifelong learning initiatives.
Annex 4: G20 principles for the labour market integration
of persons with disabilities
It is estimated that one billion people – or 15% of the world's population - have some form of
disability. As a result of encountering limited opportunities, persons with disabilities are more
likely to experience less education, poorer health outcomes, lower levels of employment, and
higher poverty rates. The constant challenges faced by persons with disabilities, including
biases and discrimination as well as inaccessible transportation, buildings and technology,
inhibit their full participation in economic, civic, and community life. G20 leadership can work
to ensure that persons with disabilities benefit from the implementation of policies designed
to improve their lives, particularly those that improve their participation in the labour force.
In turn, countries will benefit from the contributions to society that persons with disabilities
are able to make.
A comprehensive policy approach is required to effectively improve employment outcomes
for persons with disabilities. We recognize that persons with disabilities are a diverse group
comprised of individuals who require different approaches. Where applicable, we will
continue to strengthen our national implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities.
We have identified for consideration a set of policy principles aimed at promoting access to
the labour market on equal basis with others, as well as the availability of quality jobs for
persons with disabilities, according to national circumstances. These policy principles include
three main dimensions: the demand side, the supply side and the enabling factors.
Policy options for promoting employment in the public and private sectors according to
national circumstances
Provide tax, financial incentives or other support for the employment of persons with
disabilities, as appropriate.
Introduce nationally-defined employment goals for the labour market participation of
persons with disabilities.
Promote practices that prevent discrimination in the workplace, including in hiring and
promotion decisions.
Incentivize and support private sector investment in accommodations in the
workplace and promote accessibility to help workers with disabilities retain their jobs
or access to employment.
Consider personalized support to employer and employee to maintain persons with
disabilities in employment.
Increase the capacity of public employment services to support persons with
disabilities in searching, securing and remaining in employment.
Make advances in the design and implementation of effective job retention and
return-to-work policies for people who acquire a disability.
Ensure that employers, particularly small and medium-sized businesses, have access
to informational resources to support the hiring, retention, and advancement of
persons with disabilities, including resources on reasonable accommodations and
prevention of occupational injury and illnesses.
Develop entrepreneurship programs for persons with disabilities.
Encourage the involvement of diverse actors (trade unions, employers' organizations,
representative organizations of persons with disabilities and other key stakeholders)
in the promotion of effective collective strategies to achieve inclusive employment.
Support employer initiatives and business networks to share best practices and
promote a culture of equality, inclusiveness and diversity in the workplace and peerto-peer
Policy Options for Ensuring the skills supplied match the needs of the labour market
according to national circumstances
Develop disability-inclusive skills policies for mainstream educational systems,
apprenticeships, vocational training and lifelong learning to ensure that persons with
disabilities can achieve their educational and employment potential. Skills
development should extend to the workplace through, for example, on-the-job
training programs.
Encourage vocational rehabilitation programs oriented towards achieving, restoring
and developing the skills and abilities required for persons with disabilities to obtain
or resume employment.
Promote effective, disability-inclusive employment services within education and
training institutions and ensure they take into account the labour market barriers
faced by jobseekers, including disability-related barriers, employability skills and
school-to-work transitions.
Policy principles for developing inclusive legislation and social protection schemes according
to national circumstances
Promote equal opportunities in all phases of recruiting, hiring, retaining, and
promoting persons with disabilities through the design, adoption and appropriate
enforcement of effective anti-discrimination and equality legislation, better
administration and compliance.
Promote equal opportunities in all phases of recruiting, hiring, retaining, and
promoting persons with disabilities through the design, adoption and appropriate
enforcement of effective anti-discrimination and equality legislation, better
administration and compliance.
Promote policies that ensure the removal of technological barriers for persons with
disabilities and enable them to fully participate in the digital economy.
Prevent stigmatization and discrimination by avoiding stereotypes and encouraging
the use of inclusive language in general and disability-specific legislation as well as in
policy and program materials.
Improve access to and coverage of social protection measures that provide adequate
income support for persons with disabilities and enable and encourage them to
participate in education and employment. Where appropriate measures should focus
on early intervention.
Design social protection systems to allow for secure transitions between disability
benefits and employment, avoiding benefit traps.
Effective implementation of these policy options and principles will be aided by the collection
of reliable data by national statistical authorities based on standard international definitions
to allow better benchmarking. At the same time, monitoring and evaluation frameworks
should be further developed to measure the progress made regarding employment outcomes
for persons with disabilities and measures taken for improving those outcomes.
Annex 5: List of Reports prepared by International
We welcome the following reports and papers prepared for the G20 Employment Working
Papers prepared by ILO and OECD:
"Promoting adequate social protection and social security coverage for all workers,
including those in non-standard forms of employment"
"Labour market inclusion of people with disabilities"
"Approaches to anticipating skills for the Future of Work"
"Global Skills Trends, Training Needs and Lifelong Learning Strategies for the Future of
Papers prepared by ILO:
"Informality and non-standard forms of employment"
"Accelerating action to eliminate child labour, forced labour and modern slavery, with
a particular focus on global supply chains" (with contributions of UNICEF and World
"Women at Work in G20 countries: Policy action since 2017"
Papers prepared by OECD:
"The emergence of new forms of work and their implications for labour relations"
"Governance of Skills Systems: as prepared by the OECD for the G20 Joint Education
and Employment Working Group"
Papers prepared by ECLAC:
"Preliminary report on the emergence of new business model in the digital economy.
Disruptive technology changes and the emergence of new business models and
production strategies will impact employment"
"Promotion of labor formalization and decent work"
Paper prepared by the World Bank:
"Risk Sharing Policy for the Diverse and Diversifying World of Work"