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The G20 Leaders Summit
on Financial Markets and the World Economy
November 14-15, 2008, Washington DC
Edited by John Kirton


  1. The Challenge for the First L20 Summit
    The Right Honourable Paul Martin, former prime minister of Canada

The New Summit and Institution

  1. Prospects for the G20 Leaders Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy
    John Kirton, Director, G20 Research Group
  2. Plans for the First G20 Leaders Meeting
    Jenilee M. Guebert, Senior Researcher, G20 Research Group
  3. Going Bigger (on Agenda) and Smaller (on Participation) in a Time of Crisis
    Andrew F. Cooper, The Centre for International Governance Innovation

Problems on the Agenda

  1. Towards the G20 Summit: From Financial Crisis to International Regulatory Reform
    (CIGI Policy Brief No. 9)
    Eric Helleiner, Centre for International Governance Innovation Chair in International Governance at the University of Waterloo, and Stefano Pagliari, Centre for Global Governance Research, University of Waterloo
  2. Containing the Global Financial Crisis [Updated November 18, 2008]
    Ivan Savic, G20 Research Group
  3. Regulating Global Derivatives
    Chiara Oldani, Viterbo University "La Tuscia"
  4. Restoring Global Economic Growth
    Paola Subacchi, Chatham House
  5. Perspectives on Co-operative Policy Solutions: The International Monetary Fund
    Michele Fratianni, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, and Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, and John Pattison, G20 Research Group

Perspectives on Institutional Architecture and Policy Solutions from the Members

  1. The View from Washington [Updated November 21, 2008]
    Robert Fauver, Fauver & Associates, former U.S. under secretary of state for economic affairs and former G7 sherpa
  2. (Re-)Taking the Lead? Germany and the Reform of the International Financial Architecture [Updated November 18, 2008]
    Stormy Mildner, German Institute for International and Security Affairs
  3. A French Perspective on the Financial Crisis
    Olivier Charnoz, Agence française du développement
  4. Russia
    Victoria Panova, MGIMO
  5. China's Perspective on Co-operative Policy Solutions
    Jiejin Zhu, Shanghai International Studies University
  6. Perspectives on Co-operative Policy Solutions: Argentina
    José María Fanelli, Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad

Profiles of the Participants

  1. Participants Biographies and Country Capabilities
    Jenilee Guebert, G20 Research Group
  2. Past Performance of the G8 Summit and G20 Finance Forum
    Jenilee Guebert and John Kirton, G20 Research Group
  3. Meeting the Needs of the Times to Play a Constructive Role: Reflections on the Tenth Anniversary of the G20
    Dai Xianglong, former governor, People's Bank of China [in English] [in Chinese]


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This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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