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G20 Summit Bibliography

Madeline Boyce, G20 Research Group

Bradford, Colin I., and Johannes Linn (2006). “Pragmatic Reform of Global Governance: Creating an L20 Summit Forum.” Brookings Institution Policy Brief 152.

Bayne, Nicholas (2005). “Do We Need the G8 Summit? Lessons from the Past, Looking Ahead to the Future.” In Michele Fratianni, John Kirton, Alan M. Rugman and Paolo Savona (eds.), New Perspectives on Global Governance: Why America Needs the G8. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Carin, Barry (2005). “Making Change Happen at the Global Level.” In John English, Ramesh Tahkur and Andrew F. Cooper (eds.), Reforming Multilateral Institutions from the Top: A Leaders 20 Summit. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.

Cooper, Andrew F., and Kelly Jackson (2007). “Regaining Legitimacy: The G8 and the ‘Heiligendamm Process’.” CIIA International Insights (July).

Cooper, Andrew F. (2006). “Opening Up Governance from the Top: The L20 as a Project of ‘New’ Multilateralism and ‘New’ Regionalism.” Paper presented at the Hallsworth Governance Conference, March 16-17. University of Manchester.

English, John, Ramesh Thakur and Andrew F. Cooper, eds. (2005). Reforming from the Top: A Leader’s 20 Summit. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.

Fues, Thomas (2007). “Global Governance Beyond the G8: Reform Prospects for the Summit Architecture.” International Politik und Gesellschaft 2: 11–24.

G20 Information Centre. <www.g20.utoronto.ca>.

Gurria, Angel (2005). “A Leaders’ 20 Summit?” In John English, Ramesh Thakur and Andrew F. Cooper (eds.), Reforming Multilateral Institutions from the Top: A Leaders’ 20 Summit. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.

Hajnal, Peter I. (2007). “Summitry from G5 to L20: A Review of Reform Initiatives.” Centre for International Governance Innovation Working Paper #20.

Hajnal, Peter I. (2007). The G8 System and the G20: Evolution, Role and Documentation. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Kirton, John (2004). “Getting the L20 Going: Reaching Out from the G8.” Paper prepared for workshop on “G20 to Replace the G8: Why Not Now?” Brookings Institution, Institute for International Economics and the Centre for Global Governance, Washington DC, September 22.

Kirton, John and Madeline Koch, eds. (2008). Growth, Innovation, Inclusion: The G20 at Ten. London: Newsdesk Media Group.

Lesage, Dries (2007). “Globalisation, Multipolarity and the L20 as an Alternative to the G8.” Global Society 21(3): 343–361.

May, Bernhard (2005). “The G8 in a Globalising World: Does the United States Need the G8?” In Michele Fratianni, John Kirton, Alan M. Rugman, Paolo Savona (eds.), New Perspectives on Global Governance: Why America Needs the G8. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Victor, David (2006). “Toward Effective International Cooperation on Climate Change: Numbers, Interests and Institutions,” Global Environmental Politics 6(3): 90–103.

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