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A G20 with a Brazilian Twist

December 1, 2023

For the first time as the leader of the group that includes the world's 19 largest economies, as well as the African Union and the European Union, Brazil will organize more than 100 working group meetings, both virtually and in person, during its one-year term, as well as around 20 ministerial meetings. The Summit of Heads of Government and State, to be held in Rio de Janeiro on November 18 and 19, 2024, will be the culmination of this extensive work.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva spoke about the summit's importance during the installation meeting of the commission that will organize the events of Brazil's G20 presidency. "This will possibly be the most important international event we will organize. We are going to have a historic meeting in the country, which I hope will address issues that we need to stop avoiding and start addressing. It is no longer humanly possible for the world to be so wealthy, with so much money flowing across the Atlantic, and for so many people to be hungry," he added.

Brazil will create two task forces within the G20 to expand the fight against inequality during the Brazilian presidency: the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty and the Global Mobilization against Climate Change.

AXES — President Lula unveiled the three main axes of Brazil's G20 presidency during the 18th Summit of Heads of Government and State in September in New Delhi, India: the fight against hunger, poverty, and inequality; the three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social, and environmental); and the reform of global governance.

"If we want to make a difference, we have to put the reduction of inequalities at the center of the international agenda. All these priorities are contained in the motto of the Brazilian presidency: 'Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet'," said Lula in his closing remarks the Summit.

Sustainable development, which includes the energy transition and the implementation of the green economy in the country, is one of Brazil's priorities because it is the primary tool for combating climate change. According to the president, this is a field in which Brazil has everything it needs to be a world leader in this field.

"The energy transition presents itself to Brazil as the opportunity we didn't have in the 20th century: to show the world that anyone who wants to use green energy to produce what humanity needs will find it in Brazil," he said. "Our country is a safe haven for people to come, make investments and turn it into a definitely developed country."

Finally, the president explains why reforming the system of international governance is Brazil's third priority during his term in office: "We want greater participation by emerging countries in the decisions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The unsustainable foreign debt of the poorest countries needs to be resolved. The WTO needs to be revitalized and its dispute settlement system needs to start working again. To regain its political strength, the UN Security Council needs to include new developing countries among its permanent and non-permanent members," he said.

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Source: Official website of Brazil's 2024 G20 presidency

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