At the summit in Hangzhou in 2016, G20 framed its political commitment to show leadership in achieving sustainable development worldwide and in contributing to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by adopting the G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. G20 collective actions are framed around Sustainable Development Sectors (SDS) and are intended to be updated and adapted to reflect successive G20 presidency priorities, emerging needs, lessons and challenges.[1]
The Hamburg Update is a first step for putting the Action Plan and its nature as a living document into practice and making the collective and concrete G20 actions more visible. The Hamburg Update reaffirms and strengthens the content of the Action Plan and its High Level Principles. It is guided by the strong conviction that coordination and policy coherence on G20 work contribute to sustainable development outcomes across all G20 work streams and therefore need to be ensured and strengthened.
The Action Plan, including the High Level Principles, contributes to the global efforts for the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda, comprising the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development (AAAA). This has been an important step for sustainable development worldwide and constitutes a central foundation for further aligning the G20 agenda across working groups and work streams with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The commitments that were announced and which pertain to sustainable development signify the resolve of the G20 members to turn this plan into action. The successful implementation of these intended actions can bring us closer to the realization of the SDGs. Nevertheless, many challenges remain to be addressed.
G20 is building on that foundation. In taking forward the G20 Action Plan and building on our past commitments, the Hamburg Update reflects the priorities of the German presidency – resilience, sustainability, responsibility – and continues G20 efforts of leading by example to implement the 2030 Agenda. To this aim, the Update also honors our commitment to develop forward-looking comprehensive and concrete actions that contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
The Sustainable Development Sectors of the G20 Action Plan are intrinsically linked to people's well-being, correlate with our planet, enable prosperity and foster peace and partnership (2030 Agenda's 5Ps). G20 leaders support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the G20 Hangzhou Action Plan and efforts leading to achieving the SDGs and AAAA.
Guided by each presidency, we will continue to take forward the Action Plan by agreeing upon and implementing comprehensive and concrete collective actions. Facilitated by G20 work streams in coordination with the Development Working Group (DWG), we aim to strengthen the integration of medium- and long-term approaches to sustainable development in G20 work programs. The list of comprehensive and concrete actions will be updated by successive G20 presidencies. It refers to supporting documents adopted by G20 leaders and ministerial meeting communiqués. While every G20 work stream remains responsible for implementing and tracking collective commitments within its remit, this list can serve as an up-to-date reference for future update reports.
The 2017 priorities: Shaping an Interconnected World – Resilience, Sustainability and Responsibility
In 2017, global challenges have continued to rise and urgently require international cooperation if they are to be transformed into opportunities for everyone. We are committed to choose from all policy tools collectively and individually to achieve this goal, according to national capabilities.
With its triad of resilience, sustainability and responsibility, the G20 program during the German presidency puts sustainable development in line with existing G20 commitments front and center. The scale of the transformations necessary to deliver on the Agenda is immense and G20 has committed to lead by example. We support the United Nations' follow-up and review process, led by the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) through expedited, high quality and regular Voluntary National Reviews (VNR). We will further establish a voluntary peer learning mechanism on the 2030 Agenda, to ensure continuous improvement of our approaches and to be able to share our experiences and lessons learned with other countries worldwide.
The role of G20 in achieving the 2030 Agenda objectives is central, but we cannot succeed alone. To lay the foundation of a continuous intense collaboration among stakeholders and G20, we convened a first workshop to discuss the active role and contribution of engagement groups in implementing the 2030 Agenda, with urbanization as a case study. Key messages of the workshop with engagement groups were:
G20 engagement groups have specific knowledge on prerequisites, strategies and lessons learned to support the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The G20 DWG should build on this potential through a structured, continuous and timely dialogue and knowledge exchange with all engagement groups under future presidencies.
Engagement groups are aiming to deliver joint statements on selected topics prioritized by the respective G20 presidency. The importance and added value of putting a stronger focus on urbanization within the G20 agenda, especially regarding the generation and exchange of knowledge on sustainable urbanization, was recognized by the engagement groups.
The G20 DWG therefore commits to having a regular knowledge exchange with G20 engagement groups hosted by the G20 presidency, focusing on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including the promotion of multi-stakeholder approaches.
To further contribute to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, we have agreed upon the following concrete collective actions in Hamburg:
Continue to promote strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth through the Hamburg Action Plan, including our growth strategies. (SDG 8)
Launch a G20 Africa Partnership to foster sustainable development as envisaged by the African Union's (AU) Agenda 2063 and private investment, including in infrastructure, especially through the initiative "Compact with Africa". (SDGs 8, 9, 17)
Support and foster the Hamburg Principles and Ambitions, an agreement of Multilateral Development Banks on a common framework to guide the mobilization of private capital for the sustainable development agenda and annual reporting in this context, as well as the target on increasing overall private sector mobilization by 25-35% over the next three years (Joint MDB Principles for Crowding-in Private Finance and Statement of Ambitions). (SDG 17).
Advance measures for more effective use of Multilateral Development Banks' (MDBs) existing capital. (SDG 17)
Promote sound and sustainable financing practices with regard to debt sustainability. (SDG 17)
Help to ensure a coherent approach and coordinated response between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and MDBs when countries are requiring financial assistance while experiencing macroeconomic vulnerabilities. (SDG 17)
Enhance tax certainty. (SDG 17)
Ensure that the rising demand for food, feed and renewable resources does not result in an unsustainable increase in water use by the agricultural sector. Advance ICT innovation and its application in the agricultural sector. (SDGs 2, 6, 9, 12, 17)
Encourage the domestic deployment of digital connectivity to all people by 2025, in accordance with the respective nation's strategic and developmental policy frameworks. (SDG 9)
Work towards a common understanding and improved measurement of Digital Trade in order to foster informed and evidence-based policymaking in this area. (SDG 17)
Promote education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for women and girls in the digital economy and society, particularly in low-income and developing countries, with a view to implementing policy actions listed in the G20 statement on #eSkills4Girls. (SDGs 4, 5, 8)
Increase our collective support to providing innovative, employment-oriented skills development projects for at least 5 million people over the next five years with particular attention to rural young women and men in Africa. We will do so through strengthening support to African-Owned programs and facilitating skills development by other means and mechanisms. (SDGs 2, 4, 8)
Contribute to creating approximately 1.1 million new jobs benefitting young people, including in rural Africa, by 2022 through an array of possible actions, such as supporting the Global Agriculture Food Security Program and stimulating job creation by other means and mechanisms. (SDGs 1, 2, 8)
Combat corruption as a key enabler of illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products in source, transit and destination countries. (SDGs 15, 16)
Establish and strengthen the liability of legal persons for corruption in order to motivate companies to make compliance a priority. (SDG 16)
Organize our public administrations in a way that promotes integrity and makes the public sector more resilient against corruption. (SDG 16)
Address gender pay gaps mainly by promoting effective wage policies, removing barriers women face when striving for higher paying, higher quality jobs, tackling occupational and sectoral segregation and fostering women's career prospects including through entrepreneurship. (SDGs 5, 8)
Promote policies that help women and men reconcile work and family lives in a more equitable manner. (SDG 5)
Committing to take immediate and effective measures, both in our own countries and globally, toward eradicating modern slavery, forced labor and human trafficking, and by 2025 end child labor in all its forms. (SDG 8)
Support access to remedy and complaint mechanisms, such as the National Contact Points for the OECD MNE Guidelines (NCPs) or – where not applicable – encourage comparable mechanisms. (SDG 16)
Act in line with our obligations under the International Health Regulations and support the leadership and coordination of WHO for health crises management. (SDG 3)
Continue to contribute to health systems strengthening based on a common understanding at national, regional and international levels with relevant partners and combine these efforts with requirements of the International Health Regulations, with the aim to develop resilient health systems. (SDG 3)
Develop and implement National Action Plans against Antimicrobial Resistance applying the One Health approach. (SDG 3)
Emphasize women, youth, people living in rural areas and forcibly displaced persons in our continued efforts to promote financial inclusion for all. (SDGs 1, 2, 5, 8, 10)
Promote access to finance to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) integrate into global value chains, in line with internationally recognized labor, social and environmental standards. (SDGs 8, 9, 12)
Prevent and reduce marine pollution of all kinds, including marine litter. (SDGs 6, 12, 14)
Advance solutions for resource efficiency, promote sustainable consumption and production patterns, and support the transition to a sustainable and efficient use of all natural resources. (SDGs 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15)
At the same time, the sheer magnitude of the 2030 Agenda requires an ever more coordinated response. Collective action aims at contributing to reducing economic, social, ecological and political risks and ensuring strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth – central pillars of the G20 agenda, which are reflected in the Action Plan. G20 continues to address the Sustainable Development Sectors as outlined below.
Comprehensive and Concrete Actions toward Implementation according to the Sustainable Development Sectors of the G20 Action Plan for Sustainable Development (Status 2016)
SDGs: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13
AAAA Paras: 14, 47
Work streams: International Financial Architecture Working Group and Development Working Group
Collective Actions:
Promote policy options that bridge the global infrastructure gap and facilitate sustainable high-quality and resilient infrastructure development, especially in low income and developing countries, including through multi-stakeholder dialogue on infrastructure investment.
Improve public investment management to ensure efficient and effective use of resources to create sustainable infrastructure.
Further improve financing and the pipeline of infrastructure projects and encourage MDBs to take concrete measures to support infrastructure investment, including the project preparation and quantitative ambitions for high-quality infrastructure projects, encouraging multipartite cooperation financing models, catalyzing private resources, fostering collaboration between new and existing MDBs, and strengthening project preparation to improve quality and bankability as stated in the Joint Declaration of Aspiration.
Support the implementation of the High-level Principles to maximize the crowding-in of private financing.
Support the implementation of the Global Infrastructure Connectivity Alliance to enhance the synergy and cooperation among various infrastructure connectivity programs.
Support the Global Infrastructure Hub to help developing countries improve their technical capacity and better assess infrastructure risks and participate in the work of the Global Infrastructure Forum.
Supporting Documents:
Global Infrastructure Connectivity Alliance Initiative
MDBs' Joint Declaration of Aspirations on Actions to Support Infrastructure Investment
G20/OECD Guidance Note on Diversification of Financial Instrument for Infrastructure and SMEs
Global Infrastructure Hub Report on Annotated Public Private Partnership Risk Allocation Matrices
G20 Guiding Principles for Global Investment Policymaking
SDGs: 2, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15
AAAA Paras: 13, 108, 121
Work streams: Agriculture Deputies and Development Working Group
Promote responsible investment in agriculture and the rural economies to support sustainable development and growth, increase incomes and generate quality jobs through promoting the implementation of the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), with a particular focus on smallholders, family and small-scale producers, promoting rural services including financial services, agricultural extension, SMEs and advisory services and creating opportunities for women and youth.
Promote a systematic and holistic approach to better assessing, mitigating and managing risks in the agri-food system, including climate-related risks, building inter alia on lessons on policy formulation and investment strategies from the G20-initiated Platform for Agricultural Risk Management.
Strengthen individual and collective efforts among G20 members as well as low-income and developing countries (LIDCs) to measure and reduce food loss and waste along the entire value chain, including by sharing information on successful policies, best practices and initiatives among international organizations, G20 members as well as low-income and developing countries through the G20 Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste.
Support human resource development, particularly economic empowerment of rural women and rural youth, promote increased procurement from smallholder producers and strengthen their access to finance and markets.
Contribute to the well-functioning of the global food market by increasing market transparency through the provision of timely and quality market and policy information, promoting the risk management and measures to limit the impacts of excessive price volatility and analysis by the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) and the provision of crop production outlook by GEOGLAM.
Promote research and innovation in global agriculture to address emerging challenges and promote sustainable agricultural production, biodiversity conservation and resilient food systems, including by technology and innovation sharing under the guidance of G20 Agriculture Chief Scientists and the Wheat Initiative, and by strengthening the capacity of developing countries in agricultural research and innovation systems through the Tropical Agriculture Platform.
Integrate agriculture in the digital economy, and promote information and communication technology (ICT) applications and skills in agriculture to strengthen productivity and efficiency in the value chain and enhance inclusiveness and improve farmers' skills via training. Promote innovation by strengthening the role of local business incubators, start-ups and SMEs.
Supporting Documents:
G20 Food Security and Nutrition Framework
G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems
Implementation Plan of the G20 Food Security and Nutrition Framework
SDGs: 4, 5, 8, 10
AAAA Paras: 16, 37, 41
Work streams: Employment Working Group and Development Working Group
Collective Actions:
Take policy actions to address rising inequalities and declining labor income share and support decent work and inclusive growth.
Foster job creation inter alia by implanting policy recommendations to support entrepreneurship as a source of jobs and growth in line with the G20 Entrepreneurship Action Plan.
Improve female labor participation by reducing the gap in participation rates between men and women in G20 countries by 25 per cent in 2025, considering national circumstances.
Reduce the share of young people who are most at risk of being left behind in the labor market by 15% by 2025 in G20 countries, enhancing youth employment capacity.
Build skills for work and life and strengthen links between employment and training inter alia by implementing the G20 Training Strategy, Skills Strategy (2015), the Policy Recommendations to Enhance Employability (2016) and the G20 Initiative on Quality Apprenticeship (2016).
Strengthen Technical and Vocational Education and Training systems, programs and institutions to develop skills, meet labor market needs, promote the cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, increase the employability of the workforce and advance towards more equitable and sustainable societies.
Make workplaces safer and healthier and global supply chains sustainable.
Address informality and underemployment, including by engaging with social partners in joint approaches tackling the underlying causes of inequality and vulnerability at a regional level and by promoting self-employment and MSMEs.
Implement policies which prevent unemployment from becoming structural.
Advance policies for expanding social protection coverage for all, according to principles of equity and sustainability, and for improving social dialogue, according to national circumstances.
Improve job quality by identifying the dimensions on earnings, labor market security and working environment, identified by the G20 Framework on Promoting Job Quality.
Explore aging and the potential of the silver economy.
Address opportunities and challenges brought into the labor markets through labor migration, according to national circumstances.
Supporting Documents:
G20 Entrepreneurship Action Plan
G20 Initiative to Promote Quality Apprenticeship
G20 Skills Strategy
G20 Training Strategy
Sustainable Wage Policy Principles
G20 Policy Priorities on Labour Income Share and Inequalities
G20 Policy Principles for Promoting Better Youth Employment Outcomes
G20 Principles on Silver Economy and Active Ageing
G20 Statement on Safer and Healthier Workplaces
Policy Priorities for boosting female participation, quality of employment and gender equity
Policy Priorities for Preventing Unemployment From Becoming Structural
Policy Priorities for Creating Better Jobs
G20 Framework on Promoting Quality Jobs
G20 Principles for Effective Public Employment Services
Policy Recommendations to Enhance Employability
Policy Recommendations for Promoting More Equitable and Sustainable Social Protection Systems
SDGs: 1,8,10
AAAA Paras: 39, 40
Work stream: Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion
Collective Actions:
Continue to promote inclusive and sustainable financial systems that offer all households and companies access to appropriate financial services.
Take strong practical measures to reduce the global average cost of transferring remittances. Align the G20 commitment with the 2030 Agenda of reducing transaction costs to 3 per cent of remittances or less by 2030 and eliminating remittance corridors with costs higher than 5 per cent. Address the potential impact of de-risking. Review, update and promote implementation of G20 National Remittances Plans accordingly.
Harness new technologies and business models to expand financial inclusion. Enable digital innovations in the financial sector and ensure consumer protection by encouraging countries to implement the High Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion in devising their broader financial inclusion plans, providing promising examples of implementation, and strengthen information sharing and peer-exchange among G20 and non-G20 countries.
Continue to develop evidence-based policies and practices on sustainably increasing financial inclusion for individuals, especially for the poor and underserved or other vulnerable groups (inter alia, women, youth, elderly, forcibly displaced persons, disabled), as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), considering a rapidly changing and digital environment and taking account of financial stability considerations.
Continue to work on measurement of and data on reliable financial inclusion (G20 Financial Inclusion Indicators), covering the major components of sustainable (digital) financial inclusion development in order to inform policies and to monitor the effect of initiatives.
Strengthen digital and financial literacy and capability.
Continue to strengthen the regulatory and supervisory capacity for financial inclusion.
Promote multiple and competing sources of finance for SMEs (e.g. venture capital, business angels, crowd-funding platforms).
Supporting Documents:
G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan
G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion
G20 Financial Inclusion Indicators
G20 Action Plan on SME Financing: Implementation Framework
G20 Plan to Facilitate Remittance Flows and G20 National Country Remittances Plans
G20 High-level Principles on Financial Consumer Protection
SDG: 17
AAAA Paras: 22, 23, 27-29
Work streams: Finance Deputies and Development Working Group
Collective Actions:
Strengthen domestic resource mobilization and enhance international cooperation on tax, including through more effective international support to low income and developing countries, improving domestic tax policies administration systems and better collection of revenues and statistics.
Amplify efforts to support low income and developing countries to participate in international cooperation on tax matters and implement the base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) package and call on all interested countries and jurisdictions to commit to the BEPS package and join the G20/OECD inclusive framework on BEPS on an equal footing.
Implement the OECD Common Reporting Standard (CRS) in order to start automatic exchange of information under CRS by 2018 at the latest.
Implement the standards of automatic exchange of information.
Refer to the list of non-cooperative jurisdictions as suggested by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that have not yet sufficiently progressed toward a satisfactory level of implementation of the agreed standards on tax transparency and consider defensive measures against listed jurisdictions.
Contribute to substantially reduce cross border financial flows derived from illicit activities, including by combating tax evasion and corruption through enhanced international tax cooperation and by capacity building of customs to tackle trade-mispricing issues in cooperation with the World Customs Organization.
Support the development of international tax cooperation among national tax authorities and strengthen regional cooperation through regional organizations to enhance tax aid effectiveness.
Support the work of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax established by international organizations to develop toolkits to improve guidance for low capacity countries in implementing BEPS standards, and support the platform's recommendation on mechanisms for effective technical assistance in support of tax reforms.
Support the principles of the Addis Tax Initiative.
Develop more effective capacity building programs and build capacities in low income and developing countries with the support of relevant international organizations.
Supporting Documents:
G20/OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project
G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS
Automatic Exchange of Information
Call to Action for Strengthening Tax Capacity in Developing Countries
The Platform for Collaboration on Tax
Enhancing the Effectiveness of External Support in Building Tax Capacity in Developing Countries (Platform for Collaboration on Tax)
SDGs: 1,8,10, 17
AAAA Paras: 16, 35, 36, 37
Work stream: Development Working Group
Collective Actions:
Use the Global Platform on Inclusive Business to grow the evidence and analytical base around inclusive business, improve knowledge and learning towards better enabling environments for inclusive business.
Facilitate learning, dialogue and exchanges of experiences and good practices among all stakeholders such as the private sector and governments with the objective of agreeing on the characteristics of productive inclusive business ecosystems and developing effective policy instruments and practical tools.
Explore ways of improving access to global value chains for inclusive businesses, encourage its replication and scaling-up towards sustainable development, and request development finance to better address inclusive business financing requirements.
SDGs: 7, 12, 13
AAAA Paras: 31, 49
Work stream: Sustainability Working Group
Collective Actions:
Build well-functioning, open, competitive, efficient, stable, sustainable and transparent energy markets and promote energy collaboration towards sustainable energy security with a view to fostering inclusive economic growth and an energy future in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.
Improve universal access to affordable, reliable, clean, sustainable and modern energy services in utilizing a wide range of policy, financial and technological options in Sub-Saharan and Asia-Pacific regions. Foster investment in sustainable energy projects and better regional connection with existing and well-established institutions and programs.
Develop and implement energy strategies to increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by facilitating investment in renewable energy production, use and deployment.
Enhance energy efficiency cooperation to develop active energy efficiency programs, policies and measures based on G20 members' specific needs and national circumstances.
Rationalize and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption building on the voluntary peer-review process.
Supporting Documents:
G20 Principles on Energy Collaboration
Enhancing Energy Access in Asia and the Pacific: Key Challenges and G20 Voluntary Collaboration Action Plan
G20 Energy Access Action Plan: Voluntary Collaboration on Energy Access
G20 Toolkit of Voluntary Options on Renewable Energy Development
SDGs: 8, 10, 17
AAAA Paras: 80-82, 85
Work stream: Trade and Investment Working Group
Collective Actions:
Commit to an open world economy and to further work towards trade and investment facilitation and liberalization.
Commit to a rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive multilateral trading-system with the WTO at its core.
Advance negotiations on the remaining Doha Development Agenda issues as a matter of priority and consider that a range of issues may be of common interest, such as those addressed in regional trade agreements.
Work with all WTO members to set the direction together towards achieving positive outcomes of the WTO Ministerial Conference 11 and beyond.
Implement the Trade Facilitation Agreement and commit to working to ensure that bilateral and regional trade agreements complement the multilateral trading system and are open, transparent, inclusive and WTO-consistent.
Resist protectionism in all its forms by extending G20 commitments to standstill and rollback of protectionist measures by the end of 2018.
Communicate more effectively to the wider public the benefits of trade and open markets while ensuring that these benefits are widely distributed through appropriate domestic policies.
Reconfirm the G20 Guiding Principles for Global Investment Policymaking, which help foster an open, transparent, conducive global policy environment for investment.
Implement the G20 Strategy for Global Trade Growth to lower trade costs, harness trade and investment policy coherence, boost trade in services, promote e-commerce development and address trade and development.
Support policies that encourage firms of all sizes, in particular women and youth entrepreneurs, women-led firms and SMEs, to take full advantage of global value chains (GVCs) and that encourage greater participation, value addition and upward mobility in GVCs by low income and developing countries.
Supporting Documents:
G20 Strategy for Global Trade Growth
G20 Guiding Principles for Global Investment Policymaking
SDG: 16
AAAA Paras: 20, 25, 30
Work stream: Anti-Corruption Working Group
Collective Actions:
Ratify and fully implement the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC).
Promote concrete and practical action to achieve active enforcement of anti-corruption laws.
Take steps to improve cooperation between authorities within and between G20 countries. Continue to promote the denial of safe haven to corrupt officials and those who corrupt them. Support efforts to ensure that stolen assets are returned, in line with UNCAC.
Take individual and collective actions to implement existing High Level Principles, including the G20 High Level Principles on Persons Sought for Corruption and Asset Recovery.
Further strengthen efforts to combat money laundering. Fully implement the FATF Recommendations on Transparency and Beneficial Ownership of Legal Persons and our Action Plans to implement the G20 High Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency. Encourage and support other countries to implement beneficial ownership standards and best practice.
Continue to work closely with business and civil society to tackle corruption and to promote a culture of integrity.
Combat bribery, including by criminalizing the bribery of domestic and foreign public officials and enforcing those laws, and establish and, where appropriate, strengthen the liability of legal persons for corruption offenses.
Promote greater transparency, a culture of integrity and accountability in the public sector, including in public contracting, budget processes and customs, e.g. by the use of open data, building on the G20 Open Data Principles. Promote organizing against corruption, i.e. structuring the public administration to detect and minimize corruption risks.
Address the risks of corruption in all identified high-risk sectors, including sports, illegal wildlife trade and other sectors as determined by the group.
Support international organizations to increase their focus on fighting corruption, to improve coordination and to ensure they operate to the highest standards of integrity.
Support capacity building and the provision of effective and efficient technical assistance to assist countries in tackling corruption, including the effective global implementation of the provisions of UNCAC.
Supporting Documents:
G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2017-2018
G20 Anti-Corruption Implementation Plan 2017-2018
G20 Common Principles for Action: Denial of Safe Haven
G20 High-Level Principles on Asset Disclosure by Public Officials
G20 Guiding Principles to Combat Solicitation
G20 High-Level Principles on Mutual Legal Assistance
G20 Guiding Principles on Enforcement of the Foreign Bribery Offence
G20 High-Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency
G20 High Level Principles on Corruption and Growth
G20 High-Level Principles on Private Sector Transparency and Integrity
G20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Principles
G20 Principles For Promoting Integrity In Public Procurement
G20 High Level Principles on Cooperation on Persons Sought for Corruption and Asset Recovery
SDGs: 10, 17
AAAA Paras: 33, 70, 75, 103, 105-107, 109
Work stream: International Financial Architecture Working Group
Collective Actions:
Strengthen the international financial architecture and the resilience of the global financial system, while preserving its open and integrated structure to maintain systemic global economic and financial stability.
Further strengthen the Global Financial Safety Net with a strong quota-based and adequately resourced IMF at its center inter alia through more effective cooperation with regional financial arrangements while respecting the respective institutions' mandates, increasing the resilience of the financial system and supporting efforts to enhance the effectiveness of the IMF's lending toolkits.
Continue to closely work with the relevant international financial institutions to further improve early warning of macroeconomic and financial risks and provide responses tailored to the needs of low-income developing countries.
Work expeditiously according to the agreed work agenda and timeline of the IMF towards the conclusion of the 15th General Review of Quotas, completing no later than the Annual Meetings of 2019, including a new quota formula. Any realignment in quota shares is expected to result in increased shares for dynamic economies in line with their relative positions in the world economy and hence likely in the share of emerging market and developing countries as a whole, while protecting the voice and representation of the poorest members. Support the World Bank Group in implementing its shareholding review.
Advance the work on improving debt sustainability and debt restructuring processes.
Contribute to improving the analysis and monitoring of cross border capital flows and management of risks stemming from capital flow volatility.
Unlock untapped development financing through better use of MDB existing resources and further mobilize crowding-in of private investment.
Improve the coordination and cooperation among International Financial Institutions (IFIs), notably between the IMF and the MDBs in case of balance of payment crises and counter-cyclical lending.
Supporting Documents:
G20 Agenda Toward a More Stable and Resilient International Financial Architecture
G20 Principles on Effective IFI Coordination
G20 Operational Guidelines on Sustainable Financing
SDGs: 1, 8, 10
AAAA Paras: 4, 105
Work stream: Framework Working Group
Collective Actions:
Follow up on G20's ambition to lift collective G20 GDP over five years by two percent by 2018, including through new and adjusted macroeconomic and structural policy measures that can provide mutually supportive benefits to growth and boost non-G20 economies.
Provide a thorough and detailed assessment of the progress of implementing the growth strategy measures through peer reviews and analysis by international organizations in order to ensure that growth strategies contribute to achieving the goal of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth, thus reinforcing the sustainable development agendas.
Use all policy tools – monetary, fiscal and structural – individually and collectively to achieve the goal of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth while enhancing resilience and ensuring that debt as a share of GDP is on a sustainable path.
Carefully calibrate and clearly communicate macroeconomic and structural policy actions to reduce policy uncertainty, minimize negative spillovers and promote transparency.
Implement the G20 Enhanced Structural Reform Agenda, which includes guiding principles for nine priority areas and an indicator system for six of these priority areas as guidance to reforms, to strengthen growth, foster confidence and sustain the recovery by adding new impetus for strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth.
SDGs: 13, 15
AAAA Paras: 60-62
Work streams: Green Finance Study Group and Sustainability Working Group
Collective Actions:
Continue to cooperate closely on combating climate change and implementing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, including by developing long-term low emission development strategies.
Encourage more private resources to be mobilized and efficiently allocated in line with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development with the contribution of MDBs.
Mobilize and increase transparency of climate finance, including financial resources by developed countries to assist developing countries, with respect to both mitigation and adaptation in line with the obligations under the Paris Agreement. Identify and help overcome institutional and market barriers to green finance and private green investment.
Supporting Documents:
Green Finance Study Group (GFSG) Synthesis Report
Climate Finance Study Group Report on "Promoting Efficient and Transparent Provision and Mobilization of Climate Finance to Enhance Ambition of Mitigation and Adaptation Actions"
Climate Finance Study Group Outlook on "Mainstreaming Climate Change Considerations into Development Assistance and Climate Finance Programs"
SDGs: 8, 9, 17
AAAA Paras: 114-124
Work stream Task Force on Digital Economy
Collective Actions:
Facilitate cooperative, open and inclusive innovation, support the new industrial revolution and help bridge all digital divides in an inclusive way to identify new growth engines and achieve higher levels of economic productivity and sustainable development with special attention to low income and developing countries.
Realize the G20 Agenda for innovative growth encompassing policies and measures in and across the areas of innovation, the new industrial revolution and digital economy.
Conduct pro-innovation strategies and policies by promoting investment and skills training in science, technology and innovation, promoting voluntary knowledge diffusion and technology transfers on mutually agreed terms and conditions and supporting efforts to promote open science, including through an online G20 community of practice.
Contribute to the UN Technology Facilitation Mechanism, and to supporting an open trade and investment regime to facilitate innovation, including through Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection, and to improving public communication in science and technology.
Strengthen communication, cooperation and relevant research and facilitate SMEs to leverage the benefits from the new industrial revolution, and enhance cooperation to maximize the benefits and mitigate the negative impact of the expected technological and industrial changes, especially for the workforce.
Foster the development of digital economy and address all digital divides to enhance inclusion and ensure that no one is left behind.
G20 Digital Economy Development and Cooperation Initiative Global Health
SDGs: 1, 3, 5
AAAA Para: 77
Work stream: Expert group
Collective Actions:
Support national and international efforts to strengthen sustainable health systems.
Support international efforts, including those of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, to manage health risks and crises in a comprehensive way, from prevention, preparedness and early identification of disease outbreaks to effective response and recovery efforts.
Advance common efforts against anti-microbial resistance by developing evidence-based ways to prevent resistance and unlock research and development into new and existing antimicrobial medicines and diagnostic tools.
[1] The United States is still reviewing the collective actions that were supported by previous leadership, which are listed starting on page 6 of this document.