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G20-B20 Dialogue Efficiency Task Force Report

The report "From Toronto to Saint Petersburg: Assessing G20-B20 Engagement Effectiveness" was prepared in the framework of the B20 Task Force on G20-B20 Dialogue Efficiency activities. G20-B20 Dialogue should be instrumental in enhancing G20 efficiency by both responding to the business interests and concerns and engaging private sector in generating growth and jobs. B20 (G20 Business Summit) was first initiated by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) on the eve of the Toronto summit in June 2010. To date four B20 meetings, including the one in Toronto, have been organized each putting forward recommendations for G20 leaders: in Seoul in November 2010, in Cannes in November 2011, and in Los Cabos in June 2012.

Investment made into the dialogue by both business and governments warrants an independent unbiased and rigorous analysis of what has been achieved and what lessons should be learnt. In the run up to B20 mini anniversary of fifth summit the B20 Task Force on G20-B20 Dialogue Efficiency initiated a review of all B20 recommendations made since Toronto and their impact on G20 decision-making as reflected in the G20 documents. The review also looks into how G20 members comply with B20 related commitments focusing on the decisions made in Los Cabos.

The report is not meant to criticize or assess either G20 or B20. Its purpose is to review the progress of G20-B20 engagement, identify what works, support continuity of B20 efforts on the key areas of policy coordination with G20, and help in developing B20 recommendations for future G20 actions.

To ensure quality and independence, as agreed in B20 Los Cabos recommendations, the report has been produced by an international network of scholars under the leadership of the International Organizations Research Institute of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (IORI HSE) and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto in the run-up to the B20 Summit in St. Petersburg in June 2013. Responsibility for this report's contents lies exclusively with the authors and analysts of the IORI HSE and their partners at the G20 Research Group. To ensure accuracy, comprehensiveness and integrity, we encourage comments and feedback, which can be sent to LarionovaMV@b20russia.com.

From Toronto to St. Petersburg: Assessing G20-B20 Engagement Efficiency, June 2013
Executive Report and Key Findings [pdf]
Full report (including country findings) [pdf]
Toronto–Los Cabos B20 Recommendations Catalogue [Excel]

See also:
International Organisations Research Institute's B20 page
G20-B20 Dialogue Efficiency Task Force

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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

Please send comments to: g20@utoronto.ca
This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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