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2013 St. Petersburg G20 Summit Compliance Report:
Youth Entrepreneurship

7 September 2013 to 1 November 2014

Prepared by
Caroline Bracht, G20 Research Group
and Igor Egorov, Center for Entrepreneurship, Russian member of the G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance
Prof. Igor Maksimtsev, Prof. Archdeacon Andrey Kuraev, Yuri Shestakov and Nadeshda Makarova,
Foundation "Institute for Applied Research in Facility Management," St. Petersburg

Download the full 183-page report here.


Center for Entrepreneurship LLC, as the G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance Summit's host in 2013, is pleased to present a joint G20 YEA / G20 Research Group Youth Entrepreneurship Compliance Report monitoring compliance with five entrepreneurship-related commitments made by the G20 Leaders at their St. Petersburg Summit in 2013. Commitments, as identified by the G20 Research Group, were selected and prioritized by members of the G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance (G20 YEA) through a survey of young entrepreneurs conducted in early 2014.

G20 YEA is a self-sufficient and independent organization, which is free from official control by the G20. With four years of experience beginning with the summit in Toronto, Canada, members of the G20 YEA have produced a set of recommendations that address the most acute challenges faced by the global economy. In 2013 the G20 Leaders included for the first time in their St. Petersburg Declaration the need for youth entrepreneurship in addressing the youth unemployment challenge. Hence G20 YEA accepted the interesting offer by Professor John Kirton to prepare a special report dedicated to the subject of entrepreneurship in G20 Leaders' work.

Victor Sedov, President, Center for Entrepreneurship LLC
Igor Egorov, Russian Sherpa, G20 Young Entrepreneurs' Alliance


Since the G20 leaders met at the Washington Summit in 2008, the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto and the International Organisations Research Institute of National Research University Higher School of Economics (IORI HSE) in Moscow have produced reports on their progress in implementing the priority commitments issued at each summit. These reports monitor each G20 member's efforts on a carefully chosen selection of the many commitments announced at each summit. The reports are offered to the general public and to policy makers, academics, civil society, the media and interested citizens around the world in an effort to make the work of the G20 more transparent, accessible and effective, and to provide scientific data to enable the meaningful analysis of the impact of this important informal international institution. Previous reports are available at the G20 Information Centre at https://www.g20.utoronto.ca/analysis.

To make its assessments, the G20 Research Group relies on publicly available information, documentation and media reports. To ensure accuracy, comprehensiveness and integrity, we encourage comments. Indeed, scores can be recalibrated if new material becomes available. All feedback remains anonymous. Responsibility for this report's contents lies exclusively with the authors and analysts of the G20 Research Group and its partners at IORI HSE and YEA.

This report assesses performance by G20 members with five commitments of priority to young entrepreneurs in G20 countries.

John Kirton, Co-director, G20 Research Group

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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