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G20 Summit Performance, 2008–2016

G20 Research Group
January 6, 2017

Summit Grade Domestic political management Deliberation Direction setting
Attendance # compliments % members complimented # days # documents # words Stability Inclusion Democracy Liberty
2008 Washington A− 100% 0 0% 2 2 3,567 16 2 10 2
2009 London A 100% 1 5% 2 3 6,155 6 9 0
2009 Pittsburgh A− 100% 0 0% 2 2 9,257 28 1
2010 Toronto A− 90% 8 15% 2 5 11,078 11 1
2010 Seoul B 95% 5 15% 2 5 15,776 66 36 18 4
2011 Cannes B 95% 11 35% 2 3 14,107 42 8 22 0
2012 Los Cabos A− 95% 6 15% 2 2 12,682 43 23 31 3
2013 St. Petersburg A 90% 15 55% 2 11 28,766 73 108 15 3
2014 Brisbane B 90% 10 40% 2 5 9,111 10 12 1 0
2015 Antalya B 90% 0 0% 2 6 5,983 13 22 0 2
2016 Hangzhou B+ 95% 7 25% 2 4 16,004 11 29 34 5
Total N/A N/A 63 N/A 22 48 132,486 361 279 179 21
Average N/A 95% 5.73 19% 2 4.36 12,044 32.82 25.36 16.27 1.91


Summit Decision making Delivery Development of global governance
Internal External Engagement groups
# commitments Compliance # Assessed # references Spread # references Spread # references Spread
2008 Washington 95 +0.50 8 0 4 39 11 0 0
2009 London 129 +0.17 6 12 4 120 27 0 0
2009 Pittsburgh 128 +0.31 16 47 4 115 26 0 0
2010 Toronto 61 +0.39 14 71 4 164 27 0 0
2010 Seoul 153 +0.34 41 99 4 237 31 0 0
2011 Cannes 282 +0.49 21 59 4 247 27 4 2
2012 Los Cabos 180 +0.54 19 65 4 138 20 7 2
2013 St. Petersburg 281 +0.37 23 190 4 237 27 9 5
2014 Brisbane 205 +0.46 24 39 4 42 12 0 0
2015 Antalya 198 +0.43 19 42 4 54 11 8 6
2016 Hangzhou 213 N/A N/A 179 4 223 19 14 6
Total 1,926 N/A 191 803 44 1,616 238 42 21
Average 175.09 +0.40 19.10 73.00 4.00 146.91 21.64 3.82 1.91

N/A = not applicable. Only documents issued at a summit in the leaders' name are included.
Grade is based on a scoring scheme created by John Kirton, available at https://www.g20.utoronto.ca/analysis/scoring.html.
Domestic political management: participation by G20 members and at least one representative from the European Union and excludes invited countries; compliments are references to full members in summit documents.
Deliberation: duration of the summit and the documents collectively released in the leaders' name at the summit.
Direction setting: number of statements of fact, causation and rectitude relating directly to open democracy and individual liberty.
Decision making: number of commitments as identified by the G20 Research Group.
Delivery: scores are measured on a scale from −1 (no compliance) to +1 (full compliance, or fulfilment of goal set out in commitment). Figures are cumulative scores based on compliance reports.
Development of global governance: internal are references to G20 institutions in summit documents; external are references to institutions outside the G20; engagement groups are references to engagement groups. Spread indicates the number of different institutions mentioned.

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024 .

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