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G20 Trade Ministers' Commitments, 2014–2018

Tasnia Khan, G20 Research Group, September 15, 2018

Total Standstill/Rollback Services Growth Multilateral World Trade Organization G20 Institutions Governance Development
2014 4 1 1 1 1 - - -
2015 2 - - 1 - 1 - -
2016 14 1 - 2 3 2 3 3
2018 5 - - - 2 1 2 -

Sydney, Australia – 19 July 2014 – Commitments=4

We reaffirmed our G20 St Petersburg commitment to standstill and roll back protectionist measures introduced since the Global Financial Crisis. We urge other countries to address protectionist measures.

We agreed that barriers to trade in services hamper economic growth and need to be addressed through both domestic reform and international cooperation.

We undertook to show leadership in our support for the full implementation of all elements of the Bali outcome agreed at the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference in December 2013, including the Agreement on Trade Facilitation, consistent with the agreed timelines.

We agreed that our leaders should discuss trade's role as a driver of growth when they meet in Brisbane in November.

Istanbul, Turkey – 6 October 2015 – Commitments=2

We reaffirmed our commitment to fully implement trade related actions determined in our Comprehensive Growth Strategies with the aim of boosting global growth by an additional 2.1% until 2018. These actions include reforms to facilitate trade by lowering costs, both at domestic and international levels, through streamlining customs procedures, reducing regulatory burdens and strengthening trade-enabling services.

5. In Antalya, G20 Leaders reaffirmed their strong commitment to better coordinate efforts to reinforce trade and investment, asked Trade Ministers to meet on a regular basis, and agreed on a supporting working group. We welcome the establishment of the G20 Trade and Investment Working Group (TIWG), and endorse its Terms of Reference (Annex I).

Shanghai, China – 10 July 2016 – Commitments= 13

3. G20 members agree to provide political leadership by acting with determination to promote inclusive, robust and sustainable trade and investment growth, which is integral to achieving our ambition of 2 per cent additional growth by 2018 set by G20 Leaders in Brisbane in 2014.

5. In Antalya, G20 Leaders reaffirmed their strong commitment to better coordinate efforts to reinforce trade and investment, asked Trade Ministers to meet on a regular basis, and agreed on a supporting working group. We welcome the establishment of the G20 Trade and Investment Working Group (TIWG), and endorse its Terms of Reference (Annex I).

7. We agree to improve global trade governance and remain committed to an open global economy, and will further work towards trade liberalization and facilitation.

We endorse the G20 Strategy for Global Trade Growth (Annex II). Under the strategy, we will lead by example to lower trade costs, harness trade and investment policy coherence, boost trade in services, enhance trade finance, promote e-commerce development, and address trade and development.

10. We commit to enhance communication and cooperation, and take effective steps to address the challenges so as to enhance market function and encourage adjustment.

The G20 steelmaking economies will participate in the global community's actions to address global excess capacity, including by participating in the OECD Steel Committee meeting scheduled for September 8-9, 2016 and discussing the feasibility of forming a Global Forum as a cooperative platform for dialogue and information sharing on global capacity developments and on policies and support measures taken by governments.

11. We recommit to our existing pledge for both standstill and rollback of protectionist measures, and to extend it until the end of 2018. We also commit to improve the track record of notifications related to standstill and rollback efforts, including making better use of existing WTO bodies.

13. We therefore commit to ratify the TFA by the end of this year and call on other WTO members to do the same. We reaffirm our commitments to providing resources to Trade Facilitation assistance mechanisms designed to help least-developed countries and developing countries most in need in implementing the TFA.

14. We reaffirm our strong commitment to advance negotiations on the remaining DDA issues as a matter of priority, including all three pillars of agriculture (i.e., market access, domestic support and export competition), non- agricultural market access, services, development, TRIPS and rules

14. We agree to work with all WTO members to set the direction together towards achieving positive outcomes at MC11 and beyond in a balanced, inclusive and transparent way with a sense of urgency and solidarity.

15. In particular, we note the confirmation by all G20 participants in the expanded Information Technology Agreement of their commitment to implement it without further delay. 

22. G20 members will continue their efforts to enhance capacity building to promote inclusive and coordinated global value chains, and will continue to seek to develop and implement initiatives to assist developing countries, particularly LICs, and SMEs in the areas that matter most to GVCs. Such initiatives could include appropriate infrastructure, technology support, access to credit, supply chain connectivity, agriculture, innovation and e-commerce, skills training and responsible business conduct.

22. Additionally, G20 members with capacity to do so will continue to: assist developing countries' and SMEs' ability to adopt and comply with relevant national and international standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures; facilitate developing country and SME access to information on trade and investment opportunities, including via increased utilization of information technologies; and provide further information that would help them participate in GVCs and move up the value-chain. 

23. We recommend that G20 Leaders consider these important issues further at the Hangzhou Summit and we look forward to our leaders' instructions on ways to further intensify G20 efforts on trade and investment.

Mar del Planta, Argentina – 14 September 2018 – Commitments=5

4. At a critical juncture for international trade and investment cooperation, G20 members will work together to enhance sustainable economic growth, keep markets open, address economic development and to reinvigorate the international trading system.

10. We recognized the need to step up dialogue and actions to mitigate risks and enhance confidence in international trade.

11. We stepped up our dialogue on current international trade developments, recognizing the urgent need to discuss current events in international trade and ways to improve the WTO to face current and future challenges. In this context, we discussed what the G20 can do to address the current situation in a collaborative manner.

12. We encouraged all G20 Members individually and with other interested parties to continue to come forward with ideas to ensure that the WTO continues to be relevant.

14. We recommend our Leaders to consider these important topics further at the Buenos Aires Summit [items listed in the paragraph before].

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