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The 2019 G20 Osaka Summit Commitments

Identified by Brittaney Warren
July 1, 2019

Issue area Number of commitments Percentage of commitments
Development 24 17%
Health 14 10%
Climate change[a] 13 9%
Gender 12 8%
Crime and corruption 12 8%
Financial regulation 10 7%
Macroeconomic policy[b] 9 6%
Labour and employment 9 6%
Environment[c] 7 5%
Trade 6 4%
Digitalization 6 4%
Terrorism 5 4%
Human rights 5 4%
International financial institutional reform 4 3%
Food and agriculture 4 3%
Energy[d] 2 1%
Infrastructure 1 1%
Total 143 100%

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[a]Climate change: two commitments exclude the United States; two commitments include only the United States.
[b]Macroeconomic policy: one commitment, found in the climate change section, includes only the United States.
[c]Environment: one commitment, found in the climate change section, includes only the United States.
[d]Energy: one commitment, found in the climate change section, includes only the United States.

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Leaders' Declaration (138)


2019-1 We will work together to foster global economic growth, while harnessing the power of technological innovation, in particular digitalization, and its application for the benefit of all. (macroeconomic policy)
2019-2 Building on work done by previous presidencies, we will strive to create a virtuous cycle of growth by addressing inequalities and realize a society where all individuals can make use of their full potential. (macroeconomic policy)
2019-3 We are resolved to build a society capable of seizing opportunities, and tackling economic, social and environmental challenges, presented today and in the future, including those of demographic change. (development)
2019-4 We will further lead efforts to foster development and address other global challenges to pave the way toward an inclusive and sustainable world, as envisioned in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. (development)

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Global Economy

2019-5 We will continue to address these risks, and stand ready to take further action. (macroeconomic policy)
2019-6 We reaffirm our commitment to use all policy tools to achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth, and safeguard against downside risks, by stepping up our dialogue and actions to enhance confidence. (macroeconomic policy)
2019-7 Fiscal policy should be flexible and growth-friendly while rebuilding buffers where needed and ensuring debt as a share of GDP is on a sustainable path. (macroeconomic policy)
2019-8 Monetary policy will continue to support economic activity and ensure price stability, consistent with central banks' mandates. (macroeconomic policy)
2019-9 We also reaffirm the exchange rate commitments made by our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in March 2018. (macroeconomic policy)
2019-10 In the spirit of enhancing cooperation, we affirm that carefully calibrated macroeconomic and structural policies tailored to country-specific circumstances are necessary to address excessive imbalances and mitigate the risks to achieving the G20 goal of strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. (macroeconomic policy)
2019-11 To strengthen financial inclusion in the aging society, we endorse the G20 Fukuoka Policy Priorities on Aging and Financial Inclusion. (development)

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Fostering Robust Global Economic Growth

Trade and Investment

2019-12 We strive to realize a free, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, predictable and stable trade and investment environment (trade)
2019-13 [We strive to] … keep our markets open. (trade)
2019-14 We reaffirm our support for the necessary reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to improve its functions. (trade)
2019-15 We will work constructively with other WTO members, including in the lead up to the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference. (trade)
2019-16 We agree that action is necessary regarding the functioning of the dispute settlement system consistent with the rules as negotiated by WTO members. (trade)
2019-17 We will work to ensure a level playing field to foster an enabling business environment. (trade)

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Innovation: Digitalization, Data Free Flow with Trust

2019-18 We will work toward achieving an inclusive, sustainable, safe, trustworthy and innovative society through digitalization and promoting the application of emerging technologies. (digitalization)
2019-19 We aim to promote international policy discussions to harness the full potential of data. (digitalization)
2019-20 We will cooperate to encourage the interoperability of different frameworks (digitalization)
2019-21 To further promote innovation in the digital economy, we support the sharing of good practices on effective policy and regulatory approaches and frameworks that are innovative as well as agile, flexible, and adapted to the digital era, including through the use of regulatory sandboxes. (digitalization)
2019-22 To foster public trust and confidence in AI technologies and fully realize their potential, we commit to a human-centered approach to AI, [and welcome the non-binding G20 AI Principles, drawn from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Recommendation on AI.] (digitalization)
2019-23 We, as G20 members, affirm the need to further work on these urgent challenges (digitalization)

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Quality Infrastructure Investment

2019-24 We endorse the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment as our common strategic direction and high aspiration. (infrastructure)

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Global Finance

2019-25 We reaffirm our commitment to further strengthening the global financial safety net with a strong, quota-based, and adequately resourced International Monetary Fund (IMF) at its center (IFI reform)
2019-26 We remain committed to concluding the 15th General Review of Quotas no later than the 2019 Annual Meetings (IFI reform)
2019-27 We will continue our work on the EPG's proposals, recognizing their multi-year nature. (IFI reform)
2019-28 We support the work of the Institute of International Finance on the Voluntary Principles for Debt Transparency to improve debt transparency and sustainability of private financing and look forward to follow up. (financial regulation)
2019-29 We support the ongoing work of the Paris Club, as the principal international forum for restructuring official bilateral debt, towards the broader engagement of emerging creditors and welcome India associating voluntarily with the Paris Club to cooperate in its work on a case-by-case basis. (financial regulation)
2019-30 We will continue our cooperation for a globally fair, sustainable, and modern international tax system, [and welcome international cooperation to advance pro-growth tax policies.] (financial regulation)
2019-31 We [welcome the recent progress on addressing the tax challenges arising from digitalization and] endorse the ambitious work program that consists of a two-pillar approach, developed by the Inclusive Framework on BEPS. (financial regulation)
2019-32 We will redouble our efforts for a consensus-based solution with a final report by 2020. (financial regulation)
2019-33 [We look forward to a further update by the OECD of the list that takes into account all of the strengthened criteria.] Defensive measures will be considered against listed jurisdictions. (financial regulation)
2019-34 We reiterate our support for tax capacity building in developing countries. (development)
2019-35 We reaffirm our commitment to applying the recently amended FATF Standards to virtual assets and related providers for anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism. (crime and corruption)
2019-36 We also continue to step up efforts to enhance cyber resilience. (crime and corruption)
2019-37 [We welcome the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2462, which stresses the essential role of the FATF in setting global standards for preventing and combatting money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing.] We reiterate our strong commitment to step up efforts to fight these threats, including by strengthening the FATF's global network of regional bodies. (crime and corruption)
2019-38 We remain committed to the full, timely and consistent implementation of the agreed financial reforms. (IFI reform)
2019-39 We will continue to monitor and, as necessary, address vulnerabilities and emerging risks to financial stability, including with macroprudential tools. (financial regulation)
2019-40 While non-bank financing provides welcome diversity to the financial system, we will continue to identify, monitor and address related financial stability risks as appropriate. (financial regulation)
2019-41 We welcome the work on market fragmentation, and will address its unintended, negative effects, including through regulatory and supervisory cooperation. (financial regulation)
2019-42 We continue to monitor and address the causes and consequences of the withdrawal of correspondent banking relationships. (financial regulation)

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2019-43 We remain committed to play a leading role in the global efforts to prevent and fight against corruption (crime and corruption)
2019-44 [We remain committed to] … promoting integrity, by implementing the G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2019-2021 while strengthening synergies among related international instruments and mechanisms. (crime and corruption)
2019-45 We endorse the High Level Principles for Effective Protection of Whistleblowers. We renew our commitment to pursuing high level international cooperation between G20 members in the fight against corruption (crime and corruption)
2019-46 [We renew our commitment to] … lead by example through the effective implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, including its review process. (crime and corruption)
2019-47 We will intensify our efforts to combat foreign bribery (crime and corruption)
2019-48 [We will intensify our efforts to] ensure that each G20 country has a national law in force for criminalizing foreign bribery as soon as possible. (crime and corruption)
2019-49 We will continue practical cooperation to fight corruption (crime and corruption)
2019-50 [We] reaffirm our commitment to deny safe haven to persons sought for corruption and their proceeds of corruption consistent with our G20 and international commitments and our domestic legal systems (crime and corruption)
2019-51 [We] will work more closely on asset recovery cooperation. (crime and corruption)

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Creating a Virtuous Cycle of Growth by Addressing Inequalities

Labour and Employment

2019-52 We will boost job creation and flexible work arrangements (labour and employment)
2019-53 [We will]…seek to raise quality of employment and enhance employability of workers through lifelong learning as working lives are expected to be longer (labour and employment)
2019-54 [We will]…strive towards improving the working conditions for all including, long-term care workers in accordance with national circumstances. (labour and employment)
2019-55 We will also continue to promote employment opportunities for and employability of the young population. (labour and employment)
2019-56 We remain committed to promote decent work (labour and employment)
2019-57 [We] reaffirm our commitment to take actions to eradicate child labour…in the world of work, including through fostering sustainable global supply chains. (human rights)
2019-58 [We reaffirm our commitment to take actions to eradicate]…forced labour…[in the world of work, including through fostering sustainable global supply chains.] (human rights)
2019-59 [We reaffirm our commitment to take actions to eradicate]…human trafficking…[in the world of work, including through fostering sustainable global supply chains.] (human rights)
2019-60 [We reaffirm our commitment to take actions to eradicate]…modern slavery [in the world of work, including through fostering sustainable global supply chains.] (human rights)

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Women's Empowerment

2019-61 Building on the continued efforts by Labour and Employment Ministers, we will exchange our respective progress and actions taken in the G20 towards the Brisbane Goal, including the quality of women's employment, on the basis of the annual report. (gender)
2019-62 We will also address the gender gap in unpaid care work which remains a major obstacle to women's participation in the labour market (gender)
2019-63 We commit to take further action to improve the quality of women's employment (gender)
2019-64 [We commit to take further action to]…reduce gender pay gaps (gender)
2019-65 [We commit to take further action to]…end all forms of discrimination against women (gender)
2019-66 [We commit to take further action to]…combat stereotypes (gender)
2019-67 [We commit to take further action to]…recognize women as agents of peace, and in the prevention and resolution of conflict. (gender)
2019-68 We commit to continue support for girls' and women's education and training, including providing quality primary and secondary education (gender)
2019-69 [We commit to continue support for girls' and women's education and training, including]…improved access to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education (gender)
2019-70 [We commit to continue support for girls' and women's education and training, including]…raising awareness toward eliminating gender stereotypes. (gender)
2019-71 In order to close the digital gender gap, we will continue enhancing girls' and women's access to digital technology with a focus on the needs of those in poverty and rural areas. (gender)
2019-72 [We welcome the launch of the private sector alliance for the 'Empowerment and Progression of Women's Economic Representation (EMPOWER)' and call upon the alliance to advocate for the advancement of women in the private sector, and] we will take stock of their progress and share their concrete efforts at our upcoming Summits. (gender)

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2019-73 We will work to maximize the sector's contribution to the creation of quality jobs and entrepreneurship, especially for women and youth and in the creative industry; (labour and employment)
2019-74 [We will work to maximize the sector's contribution to the creation of quality jobs and entrepreneurship, especially for]…economic resilience and recovery; (labour and employment)
2019-75 [We will work to maximize the sector's contribution to the creation of quality jobs and entrepreneurship, especially for]…the preservation of natural resources through sustainable tourism planning and management; (labour and employment)
2019-76 [We will work to maximize the sector's contribution to the creation of quality jobs and entrepreneurship, especially for]…the achievement of inclusive and sustainable development. (labour and employment)

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2019-77 We also encourage innovation…in attracting new entrants and empowering youth and women in the agro-food sector. (food and agriculture)
2019-78 [We also encourage]…skills training and lifelong education for all, [in attracting new entrants and empowering youth and women in the agro-food sector.] (food and agriculture)
2019-79 We emphasize the need for continued and enhanced information sharing and research collaboration to respond to existing and emerging animal and plant health issues. (food and agriculture)
2019-80 We will further encourage voluntary exchange of good practices and knowledge towards more sustainable agro-food sector. (food and agriculture)

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Realizing an Inclusive and Sustainable World


2019-81 With a view to the United Nations High Level Political Forum and High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development in September, we remain resolved to playing a leading role in contributing to the timely implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (development)
2019-82 [With a view to the United Nations High Level Political Forum and High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development in September, we remain resolved to playing a leading role in contributing to the timely implementation of the]… the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. (development)
2019-83 We support developing countries in their efforts to advance progress towards the timely implementation of the SDGs in such areas as poverty eradication…using all means of implementation, such as the mobilization of private sector resources and capacity building assistance. (development)
2019-84 [We support developing countries in their efforts to advance progress towards the timely implementation of the SDGs in such areas as]…quality infrastructure investment…[using all means of implementation, such as the mobilization of private sector resources and capacity building assistance.] (development)
2019-85 [We support developing countries in their efforts to advance progress towards the timely implementation of the SDGs in such areas as]…gender equality…[using all means of implementation, such as the mobilization of private sector resources and capacity building assistance.] (development)
2019-86 [We support developing countries in their efforts to advance progress towards the timely implementation of the SDGs in such areas as]…health…[using all means of implementation, such as the mobilization of private sector resources and capacity building assistance.] (development)
2019-87 [We support developing countries in their efforts to advance progress towards the timely implementation of the SDGs in such areas as]…education…[using all means of implementation, such as the mobilization of private sector resources and capacity building assistance.] (development)
2019-88 [We support developing countries in their efforts to advance progress towards the timely implementation of the SDGs in such areas as]…agriculture…[using all means of implementation, such as the mobilization of private sector resources and capacity building assistance.] (development)
2019-89 [We support developing countries in their efforts to advance progress towards the timely implementation of the SDGs in such areas as]…environment…[using all means of implementation, such as the mobilization of private sector resources and capacity building assistance.] (development)
2019-90 [We support developing countries in their efforts to advance progress towards the timely implementation of the SDGs in such areas as]…energy…[using all means of implementation, such as the mobilization of private sector resources and capacity building assistance.] (development)
2019-91 [We support developing countries in their efforts to advance progress towards the timely implementation of the SDGs in such areas as]…industrialization, [using all means of implementation, such as the mobilization of private sector resources and capacity building assistance.] (development)
2019-92 We reiterate our continued support to the G20 Africa partnership, including the Compact with Africa (CwA), with strengthened bilateral engagement by G20 members and enhanced roles for WBG, African Development Bank, and IMF in implementing the CwA (development)
2019-93 [We reiterate our continued support to the]…G20 initiative on supporting the industrialization of Africa (development)
2019-94 [We reiterate our continued support to the]…other relevant initiatives that contribute to the realization of the African vision as set out in the African Union's Agenda 2063. (development)
2019-95 We remain committed to address illicit financial flows and will take stock at future Summits. (development)
2019-96 We reaffirm our commitment to invest in human capital…[as emphasized in the G20 Initiative on Human Capital Investment for Sustainable Development.] (development)
2019-97 [We reaffirm our commitment to]…promote inclusive and equitable quality education for all as emphasized in the G20 Initiative on Human Capital Investment for Sustainable Development. (development)
2019-98 Recognizing the importance of science, technology and innovation (STI) for SDGs, we endorse the Guiding Principles for the Development of STI for SDGs Roadmaps. (development)
2019-99 We will continue our work towards achieving a successful 19th replenishment of the International Development Association, as well as a 15th replenishment of the African Development Fund. (development)
2019-100 We will continue our work towards achieving a successful…15th replenishment of the African Development Fund. (development)

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Global Health

2019-101 We will strengthen health systems with a focus on quality including through enhancing health workforce and human resources for policy development (health)
2019-102 [We will strengthen health systems with a focus on quality including through]…promoting public and private sector innovation, such as cost-effective and appropriate digital and other innovative technologies. (health)
2019-103 We will promote healthy and active ageing through policy measures to address health promotion (health)
2019-104 [We will promote healthy and active ageing through policy measures to address]…prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases (health)
2019-105 [We will promote healthy and active ageing]…through people-centered, multi-sectoral, community-based integrated health and long-term care over the life course in accordance with national context including demographic trends. (health)
2019-106 We will implement comprehensive set of policies to address dementia, including promoting risk reduction and sustainable provision of long-term care as well as inclusive societies aiming to improve quality of lives of people with dementia and caregivers. (health)
2019-107 We are committed to improving public health preparedness and response including strengthening our own core capacities (health)
2019-108 [We are committed to improving public health preparedness and response including]…supporting capacities of other countries in compliance with the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (2005). (health)
2019-109 We will support countries suffering from the current Ebola outbreak in Africa, through both timely financial and technical assistance and in line with the central coordination responsibility that WHO has for international responses to health emergencies. (health)
2019-110 We will work for the sustainability and efficiency of global health emergency financing mechanisms. (health)
2019-111 We reaffirm our commitment to eradicate polio (health)
2019-112 [We reaffirm our commitment to]…end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (health)
2019-113 We will accelerate efforts based on the One-Health approach to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR). (health)
2019-114 Noting the ongoing work done by Global AMR R&D Hub, we will promote R&D to tackle AMR. (health)

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Climate Change

2019-115 To this end, we strive to foster inclusive finance for sustainable development, including public and private financing mobilization and alignment between them (climate change)
2019-116 [To this end, we strive to foster]…innovation in a wide range of areas for low emissions and resilient development. (climate change)
2019-117 In further enhancing this effort, as appropriate to each country's circumstances, we will look into a wide range of clean technologies and approaches, including smart cities (climate change)
2019-118 [In further enhancing this effort, as appropriate to each country's circumstances, we will look into a wide range of clean technologies and approaches, including]…ecosystem and community based approaches (climate change)
2019-119 [In further enhancing this effort, as appropriate to each country's circumstances, we will look into a wide range of clean technologies and approaches, including]…nature based solutions (climate change)
2019-120 [In further enhancing this effort, as appropriate to each country's circumstances, we will look into a wide range of clean technologies and approaches, including]…traditional and indigenous knowledge. (climate change)
2019-121 We need to enhance efforts to support actions and cooperation in adaptation and disaster risk reduction, in particular, for the most vulnerable communities (climate change)
2019-122 [We need to] elaborate further and foster coherence between mitigation action, adaptation measures, environmental protection, and resilient infrastructure. (climate change)
2019-123 We are determined to make best use of this momentum, [and thus look forward to a successful Climate Action Summit of the UN Secretary-General and concrete outcomes at UNFCCC COP 25 in Santiago, Chile.] (climate change)
2019-124 Signatories to the Paris Agreement who confirmed at Buenos Aires its irreversibility and are determined to implement it, reaffirm their commitment to its full implementation, reflecting common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances. [excludes US] (climate change)
2019-125 By 2020 we aim to communicate, update or maintain our NDCs, taking into account that further global efforts are needed. [excludes US] (climate change)
2019-126 The United States reiterates its decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement because it disadvantages American workers and taxpayers. (climate change)
2019-127 The U.S. reaffirms its strong commitment to promoting economic growth (macroeconomic policy)
2019-128 [The U.S. reaffirms its strong commitment to promoting]…energy security and access (energy)
2019-129 [The U.S. reaffirms its strong commitment to promoting]…environmental protection. (environment)
2019-130 The United States remains committed to the development and deployment of advanced technologies to continue to reduce emissions and provide for a cleaner environment. (climate change)

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2019-131 We reaffirm our joint commitment on medium term rationalization and phasing-out of Inefficient Fossil Fuel Subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, while providing targeted support for the poorest. (energy)

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2019-132 We encourage work with the private sector towards innovation in the cooling sector. (environment)
2019-133 We will also work with stakeholders in order to increase the demand for recycled products. (environment)
2019-134 We reiterate that measures to address marine litter, especially marine plastic litter and microplastics, need to be taken nationally and internationally by all countries in partnership with relevant stakeholders. (environment)
2019-135 In this regard, we are determined to swiftly take appropriate national actions for the prevention and significant reduction of discharges of plastic litter and microplastics to the oceans. (environment)
2019-136 We also endorse the G20 Implementation Framework for Actions on Marine Plastic Litter. (environment)
2019-137 [As illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing remains in many parts of the world a serious threat to the sustainability of the ocean, we recognize the importance of addressing IUU fishing for ensuring the sustainable use of marine resources and conserving the marine environment including biodiversity, and] reaffirm our commitment to end IUU fishing. (environment)

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Displacement and Migration

2019-138 We will continue the dialogue on the various dimensions of these issues in the G20. (human rights)

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G20 Osaka Leaders' Statement on Preventing Exploitation of the Internet for Terrorism and Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism (VECT) (5)

2019-139 Here in Osaka, we reaffirm our commitment to act to protect our people from terrorist and VECT exploitation of the internet. (terrorism)
2019-140 For us all to reap the rewards of digitalisation, we are committed to realising an open, free and secure internet. (terrorism)
2019-141 We commit to collaborate with states, international organisations, industry, and civil society in this endeavour. (terrorism)
2019-142 We commit to continue working together to tackle this challenge — including by sharing our domestic experiences — in our countries and through international fora and initiatives. (terrorism)
2019-143 We will remain engaged with industry progress (terrorism)

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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

Please send comments to: g20@utoronto.ca
This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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