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The 2015 G20 Antalya Summit Commitments

Identified by Caroline Bracht
November 19, 2015

Communiqué 101
Statement on Terrorism 12
Total 113

G20 Leaders' Communiqué



We are firm in our resolve to ensure growth is robust (macroeconomic policy)


[We are firm in our resolve to ensure growth is] inclusive (social policy)


[We are firm in our resolve to ensure growth] delivers more and better quality jobs (labour and employment)

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Strengthening the Recovery and Lifting the Potential


We will continue to implement sound macroeconomic policies in a cooperative manner to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth. (macroeconomic policy)


We reiterate our commitment to implement fiscal policies flexibly to take into account near-term economic conditions, so as to support growth and job creation, while putting debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path. (macroeconomic policy)


We will also consider the composition of our budget expenditures and revenues to support productivity, inclusiveness and growth. (macroeconomic policy)


We remain committed to promote global rebalancing. (macroeconomic policy)


We will carefully calibrate and clearly communicate our actions, especially against the backdrop of major monetary and other policy decisions, to mitigate uncertainty (macroeconomic policy)


[We will carefully calibrate and clearly communicate our actions] minimize negative spillovers (macroeconomic policy)


[We will carefully calibrate and clearly communicate our actions] promote transparency. (macroeconomic policy)


we will promote financial stability through appropriate frameworks, including by ensuring an adequate global financial safety net, while reaping the benefits of financial globalization. (macroeconomic policy)


We reaffirm our previous exchange rate commitments and will resist all forms of protectionism. (macroeconomic policy)


We remain committed to achieving our ambition to lift collective G20 GDP by an additional 2 percent by 2018 as announced in Brisbane last year. (macroeconomic policy)


We will strive more and take prompt action to expedite implementation of our remaining commitments. (macroeconomic policy)


we will continue to closely monitor the implementation of our commitments through the robust framework we developed this year. (accountability)


We will also continue reviewing and adjusting our growth strategies to ensure that they remain relevant to evolving economic conditions, (macroeconomic policy)


[We will also continue reviewing and adjusting our growth strategies to ensure that they remain relevant to] policy priorities (macroeconomic policy)


[We will also continue reviewing and adjusting our growth strategies to ensure that they remain relevant to] structural challenges, (macroeconomic policy)


[We will also continue reviewing and adjusting our growth strategies to ensure that they remain relevant] in particular slow productivity growth, (macroeconomic policy)


[We will also continue reviewing and adjusting our growth strategies to ensure that they remain] consistent with our collective growth ambition (macroeconomic policy)


We are committed to ensure that growth is inclusive, job-rich and benefits all segments of our societies. (labour and employment)


[We] commit to implementing its priorities to make labour markets more inclusive as outlined by the G20 Policy Priorities on Labour Income Share and Inequalities. (labour and employment)


We are determined to support the better integration of our young people into the labour market including through the promotion of entrepreneurship. (labour and employment)


Building on our previous commitments and taking into account our national circumstances, we agree to the G20 goal of reducing the share of young people who are most at risk of being permanently left behind in the labour market by 15% by 2025 in G20 countries. (labour and employment)


We will continue monitoring the implementation of our Employment Plans as well as our goals to reduce gender participation gap (labour and employment)


[We will continue] to foster safer and healthier workplaces also within sustainable global supply chains. (labour and employment)


We will address current opportunities and challenges brought into the labour markets through such issues as international labour mobility (labour and employment)


[We will address current opportunities and challenges brought into the labour markets through] the ageing of populations (labour and employment)


We recognize and will further explore the potential of a flourishing silver economy. (social policy)


We therefore reaffirm our strong commitment to better coordinate our efforts to reinforce trade and investment, including through our Adjusted Growth Strategies (macroeconomic policy)


We support policies that allow firms of all sizes, particularly SMEs, in countries at all levels of economic development to participate in and take full advantage of GVCs (macroeconomic policy)


We further reaffirm our longstanding commitment to standstill and rollback on protectionist measures (trade)


[We] will remain vigilant by monitoring our progress. (accountability)


We remain committed to a strong and efficient multilateral trading system (trade)


we reiterate our determination to work together to improve its functioning. (trade)


We are committed to working together for a successful Nairobi Ministerial Meeting that has a balanced set of outcomes, including on the Doha Development Agenda, and provides clear guidance to post-Nairobi work. (trade)


We will continue our efforts to ensure that our bilateral [trade agreements] [are transparent and inclusive] (trade)


We will continue our efforts to ensure that our bilateral [trade agreements] complement one another (trade)


We will continue our efforts to ensure that our bilateral [trade agreements] are consistent with and contribute to a stronger multilateral trade system under WTO rules. (trade)


[We will continue our efforts to ensure that our] regional [trade agreements] [are transparent and inclusive] (trade)


[We will continue our efforts to ensure that our] regional [trade agreements] complement one another (trade)


[We will continue our efforts to ensure that our] regional [trade agreements] are consistent with and contribute to a stronger multilateral trade system under WTO rules. (trade)


[We will continue our efforts to ensure that our] plurilateral trade agreements complement one another, (trade)


[We will continue our efforts to ensure that our] plurilateral trade agreements are transparent and inclusive (trade)


[We will continue our efforts to ensure that our] plurilateral trade agreements are consistent with and contribute to a stronger multilateral trade system under WTO rules.  (trade)


We emphasize the important role of trade in global development efforts and will continue to support mechanisms such as aid for trade in developing countries in need of capacity building assistance. (trade)

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Enhancing resilience


We will continue to monitor and, if necessary, address emerging risks and vulnerabilities in the financial system, many of which may arise outside the banking sector. (financial regulation)


we will further strengthen oversight and regulation of shadow banking to ensure resilience of market-based finance, in a manner appropriate to the systemic risks posed. (financial regulation)


We will expedite our efforts to make further progress in implementing the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives' reforms, including by encouraging jurisdictions to defer to each other, when it is justified in line with the St. Petersburg Declaration. (financial regulation)


we are committed to full and consistent implementation of the global financial regulatory framework in line with the agreed timelines, (financial regulation)


[We] will continue to monitor and address uneven implementation across jurisdictions. (financial regulation)


We will continue to review the robustness of the global regulatory framework (financial regulation)


[We will continue] to monitor and assess the implementation and effects of reforms and their continued consistency with our overall objectives, including by addressing any material unintended consequences, particularly for emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). (financial regulation)


we reaffirm our previous commitments to information exchange on-request as well as to automatic exchange of information by 2017 or end-2018. (financial regulation)


We support the efforts for strengthening developing economies' engagement in the international tax agenda. (development)


we remain committed to building a global culture of intolerance towards corruption through effectively implementing the 2015-2016 G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan. (crime and corruption)


We will further work to strengthen international cooperation, including where appropriate and consistent with domestic legal systems, on civil and administrative procedures, as an important tool to effectively combat bribery (crime and corruption)


[We will further work to strengthen international cooperation, including where appropriate and consistent with domestic legal systems, on civil and administrative procedures, as an important tool] to support asset recovery (crime and corruption)


[We will further work to strengthen international cooperation, including where appropriate and consistent with domestic legal systems, on civil and administrative procedures, as an important tool to support] the denial of safe haven to corrupt officials and those who corrupt them. (crime and corruption)


We reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a strong, quota-based and adequately resourced IMF. (IFI reform)


We reaffirm our agreement that the heads and senior leadership of all international financial institutions should be appointed through an open, transparent and merit-based process (IFI reform)

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Buttressing Sustainability


we remain committed to ensuring our actions contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth, including in low income developing countries. (development)


We are strongly committed to implementing its outcomes to ensure that no-one is left behind in our efforts to eradicate poverty and build an inclusive and sustainable future for all. We will develop an action plan in 2016 to further align our work with the 2030 Agenda. (development)


We endorse the G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems, which underlines our commitment to improve global food security and nutrition and ensure the way we produce, consume and sell food is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. (food and agriculture)


We will pay particular attention to the needs of smallholder and family farmers, rural women and youth. (food and agriculture)


We also commit to reducing food loss and waste globally. (food and agriculture)


Our G20 National Remittance Plans developed this year include concrete actions towards our commitment to reduce the global average cost of transferring remittances to five percent with a view to align with the SDGs and Addis Ababa Action Agenda. (development)


In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with African countries [on policy and regulatory environments] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with African countries on [technology development and deployment] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with African countries on [investment and finance] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with African countries on [capacity building] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with African countries on [regional integration and cooperation, taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


[In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with] relevant regional [organizations] [on policy and regulatory environments] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


[In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with] relevant regional [organizations] on [technology development and deployment] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with relevant regional [organizations] on [investment and finance] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with relevant regional [organizations] on [capacity building] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with relevant regional [organizations] on [regional integration and cooperation, taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


[In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with] international organizations on policy and regulatory environments (development)


[In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with] international organizations on [technology development and deployment] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


[In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with] international organizations on [investment and finance] [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


[In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with] international organizations on capacity building [taking into consideration national needs and contexts.] (development)


[In this first phase, we will cooperate and collaborate with] international organizations on regional integration and cooperation, taking into consideration national needs and contexts (development)


We will continue to promote transparent, competitive and well-functioning energy markets, including gas markets. (energy)


We reaffirm our commitment to rationalise and phase-out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, over the medium term, recognising the need to support the poor. (energy)


We will endeavour to make enhanced progress in moving forward this commitment. (energy)


We affirm our determination to adopt a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the UNFCCC that is applicable to all Parties. Our actions will support growth and sustainable development. (climate change)


We underscore our commitment to reaching an ambitious agreement in Paris that reflects the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in light of different national circumstances. (climate change)


We commit to work together for a successful outcome of the COP21 (climate change)


We commit to continue further strengthening our support for all efforts to provide protection [for the unprecedented numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons in various parts of the world] (development)


[We commit to continue further strengthening our support for all efforts to provide] assistance [for the unprecedented numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons in various parts of the world] (development)


[We commit to continue further strengthening our support for all efforts] to find durable solutions for the unprecedented numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons in various parts of the world (development)


We will work with other states to strengthen our long term preparedness and capacity to manage migration and refugee flows (development)


We commit ourselves to bridge the digital divide.  (Information and communication)


We are committed to help ensure an environment in which all actors are able to enjoy the benefits of secure use of ICTs. (Information and communication)

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We remain resolute to continue our collective action to lift actual and potential growth of our economies (macroeconomic policy)


[We remain resolute to continue our collective action to] support job creation (labour and employment)


[We remain resolute to continue our collective action to] strengthen resilience (macroeconomic policy)


[We remain resolute to continue our collective action to] promote development (development)


[We remain resolute to continue our collective action to] enhance inclusiveness of our policies. (social policy)


We agree that attention should be given to global health risks, such as antimicrobial resistance, infectious disease threats and weak health systems. These can significantly impact growth and stability. Building on the Brisbane Statement, we underscore the importance of a coordinated international response and reiterate our resolve to tackle these issues to fight the adverse impacts on the global economy (health)


[we] will discuss the terms of reference to deal with this issue in the G20 next year. (health)

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G20 Statement on the Fight Against Terrorism


We reaffirm our solidarity and resolve in the fight against terrorism in all its forms and wherever it occurs. (terrorism)


We remain united in combatting terrorism (terrorism)


we reiterate our resolve to work together to prevent [terrorist acts through increased international solidarity and cooperation, in full recognition of the UN's central role, and in accordance with UN Charter and obligations under international law, including international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, as well as through the full implementation of the relevant international conventions, UN Security Council Resolutions and the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy.] (terrorism)


[we reiterate our resolve to work together to] suppress terrorist acts through increased international solidarity and cooperation, in full recognition of the UN's central role, and in accordance with UN Charter and obligations under international law, including international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, as well as through the full implementation of the relevant international conventions, UN Security Council Resolutions and the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy. (terrorism)


We also remain committed to tackling the financing channels of terrorism, particularly by enhanced cooperation on exchange of information (terrorism)


[We also remain committed to tackling the financing channels of terrorism, particularly by] freezing of terrorist assets, (terrorism)


[We also remain committed to tackling the financing channels of terrorism, particularly by] criminalization of terrorist financing (terrorism)


[We also remain committed to tackling the financing channels of terrorism, particularly by] robust targeted financial sanctions regimes related to terrorism and terrorist financing, including through swift implementation of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards in all jurisdictions. (terrorism)


We will continue to implement relevant FATF recommendations and instruments. (terrorism)


We are resolved to address this threat by enhancing our cooperation [to prevent and tackle this phenomenon, including operational information-sharing, border management to detect travel, preventive measures and appropriate criminal justice response.] (terrorism)


[We are resolved to address this threat by] developing relevant measures to prevent and tackle this phenomenon, including operational information-sharing, border management to detect travel, preventive measures and appropriate criminal justice response. (terrorism)


We will work together to strengthen global aviation security. (terrorism)

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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