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The 2014 G20 Brisbane Summit Commitments

Identified by Caroline Bracht
December 17, 2014

Communiqué 87
Statement on Ebola 30
Brisbane Action Plan 59
Note on Infrastructure 15
Principles on Energy 14
Total 205

G20 Leaders' Communiqué

2014-1: We commit to work in partnership to lift growth (macroeconomic policy)
2014-2: [We commit to work in partnership to] boost economic resilience (macroeconomic policy)
2014-3: [We commit to work in partnership to] strengthen global institutions (IFI reform)
2014-4: We will ensure our macroeconomic policies are appropriate to support growth (macroeconomic policy)
2014-5: [We will ensure our macroeconomic policies are appropriate to] strengthen demand (macroeconomic policy)
2014-6: [We will ensure our macroeconomic policies are appropriate to] promote global rebalancing (macroeconomic policy)
2014-7: We will continue to implement fiscal strategies flexibly, taking into account near-term economic conditions, while putting debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path (macroeconomic policy)
2014-8: We will be mindful of the global impacts of our policies and cooperate to manage spillovers (macroeconomic policy)
2014-9: We stand ready to use all policy levers to underpin confidence and the recovery (macroeconomic policy)
2014-10: We will monitor [our commitments, and actual progress towards our growth ambition, informed by analysis from international organisations.] (accountability)
2014-11: [We will] hold each other to account for implementing our commitments, and actual progress towards our growth ambition, informed by analysis from international organisations (accountability)
2014-12: We will ensure our growth strategies continue to deliver (accountability)
2014-13: [We] will review progress at our next meeting (accountability)

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Acting together to lift growth and create jobs

2014-14: To help match investors with projects, we will address data gaps and improve information on project pipelines (infrastructure)
2014-15: We are working to facilitate long-term financing from institutional investors [particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises.] (infrastructure)
2014-16: [We are working to] encourage market sources of finance, including transparent securitisation, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises. (infrastructure)
2014-17: We will continue to work with multilateral development banks, [to optimise use of their balance sheets to provide additional lending] (development)
2014-18: We will continue to work with multilateral development banks, [to ensure our work on infrastructure benefits low-income countries.] (development)
2014-19: [We will continue to] encourage national development banks, to optimise use of their balance sheets to provide additional lending (development)
2014-20: [We will continue to] encourage national development banks to ensure our work on infrastructure benefits low-income countries. (development)
2014-21: To support implementation of the Initiative, we agree to establish a Global Infrastructure Hub with a four-year mandate. (infrastructure)
2014-22: We support similar initiatives by other development banks and continued cooperation amongst them. (development)
2014-23: We are promoting competition, [including by lowering barriers to new business entrants] (microeconomic policy)
2014-24: We are promoting competition, [including by lowering barriers to investment.] (microeconomic policy)
2014-25: [We are promoting] entrepreneurship [including by lowering barriers to new business entrants] (microeconomic policy)
2014-26: [We are promoting] entrepreneurship, [including by lowering barriers to investment.] (microeconomic policy)
2014-27: [We are promoting] innovation, including by lowering barriers to new business entrants (microeconomic policy)
2014-28: [We are promoting] innovation including by lowering barriers to investment (microeconomic policy)
2014-29: We reaffirm our longstanding standstill and rollback commitments to resist protectionism. (trade)
2014-30: We agree to the goal of reducing the gap in participation rates between men and women in our countries by 25 per cent by 2025, taking into account national circumstances, to bring more than 100 million women into the labour force significantly increase global growth (gender)
2014-31: We agree to the goal of reducing the gap in participation rates between men and women in our countries by 25 per cent by 2025, taking into account national circumstances, to bring more than 100 million women into the labour force [reduce inequality] (gender)
2014-32: [We agree to the goal] to bring more than 100 million women into the labour force, [significantly reduce] inequality. (gender)
2014-33: We are strongly committed to reducing youth unemployment, which is unacceptably high, by acting to ensure young people are in education, training or employment. (labour and employment)
2014-34: We remain focussed on addressing informality, [by strengthening labour markets] (labour and employment)
2014-35: We remain focussed on addressing informality, [by having appropriate social protection systems.] (labour and employment)
2014-36: [We remain focussed on addressing] as well as structural [unemployment] [by strengthening labour markets] (labour and employment)
2014-37: [We remain focussed on addressing] structural [unemployment] [by having appropriate social protection systems.] (labour and employment)
2014-38: [We remain focussed on addressing] long-term unemployment, by strengthening labour markets (labour and employment)
2014-39: [We remain focussed on addressing] long-term unemployment by having appropriate social protection systems. (labour and employment)
2014-40: We ask our labour and employment ministers, supported by an Employment Working Group, to report to us in 2015. (labour and employment)
2014-41: We are committed to poverty eradication [in low-income and developing countries.] (development)
2014-42: [We are committed to] development, [in low-income and developing countries.] (development)
2014-43: [We are committed to] ensure our actions contribute to inclusive [growth in low-income and developing countries.] (development)
2014-44: [We are committed to] sustainable growth in low-income and developing countries. (development)
2014-45: We commit to take strong practical measures to reduce the global average cost of transferring remittances to five per cent (development)
2014-46: [We commit] to enhance financial inclusion as a priority (development)
2014-47: We support efforts in the United Nations to agree an ambitious post-2015 development agenda. The G20 will contribute by strengthening economic growth (development)
2014-48: [We support efforts in the United Nations to agree an ambitious post-2015 development agenda. The G20 will contribute by strengthening] resilience. (development)

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Building a stronger, more resilient global economy

2014-49: Progress has been made in delivering the shadow banking framework and we endorse an updated roadmap for further work. (financial regulation)
2014-50: We have agreed to measures to dampen risk channels between banks and non-banks. (financial regulation)
2014-51: [We welcome the significant progress on the G20/OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan to modernise international tax rules.] We are committed to finalising this work in 2015, including transparency of taxpayer-specific rulings found to constitute harmful tax practices. (financial regulation)
2014-52: To prevent cross-border tax evasion, we endorse the global Common Reporting Standard for the automatic exchange of tax information (AEOI) on a reciprocal basis. (financial regulation)
2014-53: We will begin to exchange information automatically with each other [by 2017 or end-2018, subject to completing necessary legislative procedures.] (financial regulation)
2014-54: [We will begin to exchange information automatically with] other countries by 2017 or end-2018, subject to completing necessary legislative procedures (financial regulation)
2014-55: We will work with them [developing countries] to build their tax administration capacity (development)
2014-56: [We will work with them [developing countries] to] implement AEOI. (development)
2014-57: We endorse the 2015-16 G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan that will support growth and resilience (crime and corruption)
2014-58: We commit to improve the transparency of the public [sectors by implementing the G20 High- Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency.] (crime and corruption)
2014-59: [We commit to improve the transparency of the] private sectors, [by implementing the G20 High- Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency] (crime and corruption)
2014-60: [We commit to improve the transparency of the] of beneficial ownership by implementing the G20 High- Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency (crime and corruption)

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Strengthening global institutions

2014-61: We are committed to maintaining a strong, quota-based [International Monetary Fund (IMF)] (IFI reform)
2014-62: [We are committed to maintaining a] adequately resourced International Monetary Fund (IMF). (IFI reform)
2014-63: We reaffirm our commitment in St Petersburg (IFI reform)
2014-64: To help business make best use of trade agreements, we will work to ensure our bilateral, regional and plurilateral agreements complement one another (trade)
2014-65: [To help business make best use of trade agreements, we will work to ensure our bilateral, regional and plurilateral agreements] are transparent (trade)
2014-66: [To help business make best use of trade agreements, we will work to ensure our bilateral, regional and plurilateral agreements] contribute to a stronger multilateral trading system under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. (trade)
2014-67: We commit to implement all elements of the Bali package (trade)
2014-68: [We commit] to swiftly define a WTO work programme on the remaining issues of the Doha Development Agenda to get negotiations back on track. (trade)
2014-69: We agreed to discuss ways to make the system work better when we meet next year. (trade)
2014-70: We will continue to provide aid-for-trade to developing countries in need of assistance. (development)
2014-71: We ask our energy ministers to meet and report to us in 2015 on options to take this work forward. (energy)
2014-72: [W]e will work to improve the functioning of gas markets (energy)
2014-73: We reaffirm our commitment to rationalise and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, recognising the need to support the poor (energy)
2014-74: We support strong and effective action to address climate change (climate change)
2014-75: Consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its agreed outcomes, our actions will support sustainable development (climate change)
2014-76: [Consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its agreed outcomes, our actions will support] economic growth (climate change)
2014-77: [Consistent with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its agreed outcomes, our actions will support] certainty for business and investment (climate change)
2014-78: We will work together to adopt successfully a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the UNFCCC that is applicable to all parties at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris in 2015. (climate change)
2014-79: We reaffirm our support for mobilising finance for adaptation [such as the Green Climate Fund.] (climate change)
2014-80: [We reaffirm our support for mobilising finance for] mitigation, such as the Green Climate Fund (climate change)
2014-81: [We are deeply concerned with the humanitarian and economic impact of the Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.] We support the urgent coordinated international response (health)
2014-82: [We are deeply concerned with the humanitarian and economic impact of the Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. We] have committed to do all we can to contain [this crisis] (health)
2014-83: [We are deeply concerned with the humanitarian and economic impact of the Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. We have committed to do all we can to] respond to this crisis (health)
2014-84: We remain resolute in our commitment to lift economic growth (macroeconomic policy)
2014-85: [We remain resolute in our commitment to] support job creation (labour and employment)
2014-86: [We remain resolute in our commitment to] promote development (development)
2014-87: [We remain resolute in our commitment to] build global confidence (macroeconomic policy)

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G20 Brisbane Ebola Statement


2014-88: We fully support the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response's ongoing work to harness capacity to stop the outbreak (health)
2014-89: [We fully support the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response's ongoing work to] treat the infected (health)
2014-90: [We fully support the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response's ongoing work to] ensure essential services, (health)
2014-91: [We fully support the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response's ongoing work to] preserve stability (health)
2014-92: [We fully support the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response's ongoing work to] prevent further outbreaks and urge that it act swiftly to achieve these objectives. (health)
2014-93: G20 members are committed to do what is necessary to ensure the international effort can extinguish the outbreak (health)
2014-94: [G20 members are committed to do what is necessary to ensure the international effort can] address its medium-term economic costs (health)
2014-95: [G20 members are committed to do what is necessary to ensure the international effort can address its] humanitarian costs. (health)
2014-96: We will work through bilateral [channels] (health)
2014-97: [We will work through] regional [channels] (health)
2014-98: [We will work through] multilateral channels, (health)
2014-99: [We will work] in partnership with non-governmental stakeholders. (health)
2014-100: We will share our experiences of successfully fighting Ebola with our partners, including to promote safe conditions and training for health care and relief workers. (health)
2014-101: We will work to expedite the effective and targeted disbursement of funds [balancing between emergency and longer-term needs.] (health)
2014-102: [We will work to expedite the effective and targeted disbursement of] other assistance, balancing between emergency and longer-term needs. (health)
2014-103: G20 members recommit to full implementation of the WHO's International Health Regulations (IHR). (health)
2014-104: To this end, and in the context of our broader efforts to strengthen health systems globally, we commit to support others to implement the IHR (health)
2014-105: [To this end, and in the context of our broader efforts to strengthen health systems globally, we commit to support others to] build capacity to prevent, [to infectious diseases like Ebola.] (health)
2014-106: [To this end, and in the context of our broader efforts to strengthen health systems globally, we commit to support others to] detect [to infectious diseases like Ebola.] (health)
2014-107: [To this end, and in the context of our broader efforts to strengthen health systems globally, we commit to support others to] report early [to infectious diseases like Ebola.] (health)
2014-108: [To this end, and in the context of our broader efforts to strengthen health systems globally, we commit to support others to] rapidly respond to infectious diseases like Ebola. (health)
2014-109: We also commit to fight anti-microbial resistance. (health)
2014-110: [Interested G20 members] will report progress [by May 2015 at the World Health Assembly.] (health)
2014-111: [Interested G20 members will] announce a time frame by May 2015 at the World Health Assembly. (health)
2014-112: We invite all countries to join us in mobilising resources to strengthen national, [preparedness against the threat posed by infectious diseases to global health and strong, sustainable and balanced growth for all] (health)
2014-113: [We invite all countries to join us in mobilising resources to strengthen] regional [preparedness against the threat posed by infectious diseases to global health and strong, sustainable and balanced growth for all.] (health)
2014-114: [We invite all countries to join us in mobilising resources to strengthen] global preparedness against the threat posed by infectious diseases to global health and strong, sustainable and balanced growth for all. (health)
2014-115: We invite all countries to join us in mobilising resources to strengthen national, [preparedness against the threat posed by infectious diseases to] [strong, sustainable and balanced growth for all] (health)
2014-116: [We invite all countries to join us in mobilising resources to strengthen] regional [preparedness against the threat posed by infectious diseases to] [strong, sustainable and balanced growth for all.] (health)
2014-117: [We invite all countries to join us in mobilising resources to strengthen] global preparedness against the threat posed by infectious diseases to] strong, sustainable and balanced growth for all. (health)

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Brisbane Action Plan – Commitments November 2014, A Blueprint for Growth


2014-118: We have agreed to work together to put forward policy measures on investment, [in addition to macroeconomic policies.] (macroeconomic policy)
2014-119: [We have agreed to work together to put forward policy measures on] competition, [in addition to macroeconomic policies.] (macroeconomic policy)
2014-120: [We have agreed to work together to put forward policy measures on] trade [in addition to macroeconomic policies.] (trade)
2014-121: [We have agreed to work together to put forward policy measures on] employment, in addition to macroeconomic policies. (labour and employment)
2014-122: We are determined to step up our cooperation to: provide significant new momentum to the global economy; (macroeconomic policy)
2014-123: [We are determined to step up our cooperation to:] boost demand and jobs; (macroeconomic policy)
2014-124: [We are determined to step up our cooperation to:] achieve sustained and more balanced growth, both internally and externally. (macroeconomic policy)
2014-125: We will continue our efforts to foster positive spillovers and we recognise the need to avoid negative ones. (macroeconomic policy)

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Acting Together to Lift Growth and Create Jobs

2014-126: Our actions will boost non-G20 GDP by over 0.5 per cent by 2018. (development)

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Improving Macroeconomic Cooperation and Outcomes

2014-127: We will ensure that our macroeconomic policy levers are appropriately calibrated to strengthen growth (macroeconomic policy)
2014-128: [We will ensure that our macroeconomic policy levers are appropriately calibrated to] create jobs (labour and employment)
2014-129: [We will ensure that our macroeconomic policy levers are appropriately calibrated to] achieve global rebalancing. (macroeconomic policy)
2014-130: [We are mindful of the global impact of our macroeconomic policies, understand their potential positive and negative spillovers within and outside the G20 and] will cooperate to manage spillovers. (macroeconomic policy)
2014-131: We will further strengthen and refine our domestic macroeconomic [policy frameworks] (macroeconomic policy)
2014-132: [We will further strengthen and refine our domestic] structural [policy frameworks] (macroeconomic policy)
2014-133: [We will further strengthen and refine our domestic] financial policy frameworks (financial regulation)
2014-134: [We will further strengthen and refine] other [domestic] complementary measures, including macro-prudential measures. (macroeconomic policy)
2014-135: We will continue to implement fiscal strategies flexibly to take into account near-term economic conditions, so as to support economic growth and job creation, while putting debt as a share of GDP on a sustainable path. (macroeconomic policy)
2014-136: We reiterate our commitment to move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange rate systems and exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying fundamentals (macroeconomic policy)
2014-137: [We reiterate our commitment to] avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments. (macroeconomic policy)
2014-138: We will refrain from competitive devaluation and will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes. (macroeconomic policy)
2014-139: We will resist all forms of protectionism and keep our markets open. (trade)
2014-140: [We remain mindful of weak and uneven growth, and should the outlook warrant it:] all members stand ready to deploy a range of macroeconomic [measures beyond those in our comprehensive growth strategies to raise demand and supply;] (macroeconomic policy)
2014-141: [We remain mindful of weak and uneven growth, and should the outlook warrant it:] all members stand ready to deploy a range of structural measures beyond those in our comprehensive growth strategies to raise demand and supply; (macroeconomic policy)
2014-142: [We remain mindful of weak and uneven growth, and should the outlook warrant it:] members with investment needs will examine options for new investment in, but not limited to, infrastructure, consistent with fiscal sustainability; (macroeconomic policy)
2014-143: [We remain mindful of weak and uneven growth, and should the outlook warrant it:] emerging economies will continue to implement measures that safeguard their economies from volatility and make them more resilient; (macroeconomic policy)
2014-144: [We remain mindful of weak and uneven growth, and should the outlook warrant it:] all members will ensure that any macroeconomic responses remain well anchored in medium-term frameworks, including credible fiscal measures to ensure that confidence in the sustainability of public finances is not compromised. (macroeconomic policy)
2014-145: We will continue working together to strike the right balance between short and medium-term actions to achieve the goals of our comprehensive growth strategies. (macroeconomic policy)

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Increasing and Fostering Investment

2014-146: Through our comprehensive growth strategies, we are committed to improving our domestic investment and financing climate, including intermediation processes, which are essential to attracting private sector investment. (infrastructure)
2014-147: We will also support work to improve the transparency and functioning of financial market instruments, such as securitisation, to promote financing, particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). (infrastructure)
2014-148: We will address data gaps (infrastructure)
2014-149: [We will] improve information on project pipelines. (infrastructure)
2014-150: Our efforts to lift investment will continue into 2015 and beyond as part of the [Global Infrastructure Initiative] GII. (infrastructure)
2014-151: We will implement our existing commitments (infrastructure)
2014-152: [We] will work on ways to mobilise long-term financing for infrastructure. (infrastructure)
2014-153: To support implementation of the GII, we agree to establish a Global Infrastructure Hub with a four-year mandate. (infrastructure)
2014-154: We will continue our work on facilitating long-term investment financing by institutional investors including through the G20/OECD effective approaches. (infrastructure)
2014-155: We will also continue to work with multilateral development banks [to optimise use of their balance sheets to provide additional lending.] (development)
2014-156: [We will] encourage national development banks to optimise use of their balance sheets to provide additional lending. (development)

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Boosting Trade

2014-157: We will ensure our employment plans work alongside our comprehensive growth strategies to more effectively integrate macroeconomic and labour market policies. (macroeconomic policy)
2014-158: To achieve this we agree to the goal of reducing the gap in labour force participation rates between men and women in our countries by 25 per cent by 2025, taking into account national circumstances. (gender)
2014-159: We recognise the significance of this commitment and will seek the support of international organisations, led by the ILO and OECD, in measuring our progress. (labour and employment)
2014-160: We are renewing our collective commitment to fight youth unemployment which, if not addressed, can create lasting labour market disadvantage for youth. (labour and employment)
2014-161: We ask Labour and Employment Ministers to report back in 2015 on progress in reducing youth unemployment, reducing gaps in labour force participation and further developing and implementing their country employment plans. (labour and employment)
2014-162: The new Employment Working Group will develop terms of reference [regarding these priorities and other key issues which support higher levels of employment and participation.] (labour and employment)
2014-163: [The new Employment Working Group will develop] a work programme regarding these priorities and other key issues which support higher levels of employment and participation. (labour and employment)

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2014-164: Therefore, we will monitor [the implementation of our comprehensive growth strategies] (accountability)
2014-165: [We will] hold each other to account for the implementation of our comprehensive growth strategies. We will also continue to learn from each other's experiences in pursuing innovative and creative structural reforms. (accountability)
2014-166: We will focus our accountability assessment process on: implementation of our comprehensive growth strategies; (accountability)
2014-167: [We will focus our accountability assessment process on:] actual progress toward our 2 per cent growth ambition; (accountability)
2014-168: [We will focus our accountability assessment process on:] progress towards our shared goal of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. (accountability)
2014-169: In this context, we will continue to examine the issue of spillovers taking into account the IMF's work. (accountability)
2014-170: As agreed in Los Cabos, our assessments will remain country-owned and country-led and be based on a rigorous comply-or-explain approach. (accountability)
2014-171: A robust peer review process will continue to be at the core of our accountability assessments (accountability)
2014-172: we will produce an annual report on our progress. (accountability)
2014-173: We will assess our strategies to ensure that they remain an appropriate response to economic conditions. (accountability)
2014-174: To this end, our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors will report back to us on: progress towards implementation of our comprehensive growth strategies; (accountability)
2014-175: [To this end, our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors will report back to us on:] progress towards the Sydney Declaration; (accountability)
2014-176: [To this end, our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors will report back to us on:] an assessment of whether the G20 is moving closer to strong, sustainable and balanced growth. (accountability)

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The G20 Global Infrastructure Initiative Commitments


2014-177: The Initiative will be a means to fulfil our commitment to create a climate that facilitates higher investment, particularly in quality infrastructure (infrastructure)
2014-178: [The Initiative will be a means to fulfil our commitment to create a climate that facilitates higher investment, particularly in] small and medium enterprises. (infrastructure)
2014-179: Under the Initiative, we will improve our domestic investment and financing environments, notably through implementation of key measures set out in members' comprehensive growth strategies (infrastructure)
2014-180: [Under the Initiative, we will improve our domestic investment and financing environments, notably through implementation of key measures set out in] outlined in the Brisbane Action Plan. (infrastructure)
2014-181: We have agreed on a set of voluntary leading practices to promote and prioritise quality investment (infrastructure)
2014-182: [We] will continue to facilitate long-term financing from institutional investors, including through voluntary implementation of the G20/OECD High-Level Principles of Long-Term Investment (infrastructure)

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Financing by Institutional Investors

2014-183: We will continue our efforts through the Initiative to improve the transparency [of securitisation markets to promote financing, including for small and medium enterprises.] (infrastructure)
2014-184: [We will continue our efforts through the Initiative to improve the] functioning of securitisation markets to promote financing, including for small and medium enterprises. (infrastructure)
2014-185: We will also undertake work to assess the development of infrastructure as an asset class. (infrastructure)
2014-186: We will also work with multilateral development banks to optimise use of their balance sheets to provide additional lending. (infrastructure)
2014-187: [We have also agreed to] developing a knowledge-sharing network to aggregate and share information on infrastructure projects and financing between governments, international organisations, development banks, national infrastructure institutions and the private sector (infrastructure)
2014-188: [We have also agreed to] addressing key data gaps that matter to investors; (infrastructure)
2014-189: [We have also agreed to] developing effective approaches to implement the voluntary G20 Leading Practices on Promoting and Prioritising Quality Investment, including model documentation covering project identification, preparation and procurement; (infrastructure)
2014-190: [We have also agreed to] building the capacity of officials to improve institutional arrangements for infrastructure by sharing best practice approaches; (infrastructure)
2014-191: [We have also agreed to] enhancing investment opportunities by developing a consolidated database of infrastructure projects, connected to national and relevant multilateral development bank databases, to help match potential investors with projects. (infrastructure)

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G20 Principles on Energy Collaboration


2014-192: Sharing a common understanding that the international energy architecture needs to reflect better the changing realities of the world energy landscape, we, the leaders of the G20 countries, agree to work together to:
2014-193: G20 countries, agree to work together to: Ensure access to affordable and reliable energy for all. (energy)
2014-194: [G20 countries, agree to work together to:] Make international energy institutions more representative and inclusive of emerging and developing economies. (energy)
2014-195: [G20 countries, agree to work together to:] Encourage and facilitate well-functioning, open, competitive, efficient, stable and transparent energy markets that promote energy trade (energy)
2014-196: [G20 countries, agree to work together to: Encourage and facilitate well-functioning, open, competitive, efficient, stable and transparent energy markets that promote energy] investment. (energy)
2014-197: [G20 countries, agree to work together to:] Encourage and facilitate the collection and dissemination of high quality energy data and analysis. (energy)
2014-198: [G20 countries, agree to work together to:] Enhance energy security through dialogue and cooperation on issues such as emergency response measures. (energy)
2014-199: [G20 countries, agree to work together to:] Rationalise and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, over the medium term, while being conscious of the necessity to provide targeted support for the poor. (energy)
2014-200: [G20 countries, agree to work together to:] Support sustainable growth and development, consistent with our climate activities and commitments, including by promoting cost-effective energy efficiency (energy)
2014-201: [G20 countries, agree to work together to: Support sustainable growth and development, consistent with our climate activities and commitments, including by promoting cost-effective] renewables (energy)
2014-202: [G20 countries, agree to work together to: Support sustainable growth and development, consistent with our climate activities and commitments, including by promoting cost-effective] clean energy. (energy)
2014-203: [G20 countries, agree to work together to:] Encourage and facilitate the design, development, demonstration [of innovative energy technologies, including clean energy technologies.] (energy)
2014-204: [G20 countries, agree to work together to: Encourage and facilitate the] widespread deployment of innovative energy technologies, including clean energy technologies. (energy)
2014-205: [G20 countries, agree to work together to:] Enhance coordination between international energy institutions and minimize duplication where appropriate. (energy)

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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

Please send comments to: g20@utoronto.ca
This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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