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Japan's 2019 G20 Osaka Summit Agenda

John Kirton, Director, G20 Research Group
December 1, 2018

As the G20's 2018 Buenos Aires Summit comes to an end, and Japan's presidency of the G20 in 2019 begins, attention will turn to what priorities and agenda it will set for its summit in Osaka in June 28-29, 2019.

Although these priorities can change, it is now clear that the Osaka Summit will centre on the following priorities.

The first theme is the global commons for shared growth, starting with engines for shared growth. Three are highlighted here. The first is quality infrastructure investment. The second in universal health coverage (UHC). The third is resilience against natural disasters. This includes widely broadening disaster risk financing and insurance, such as the Pacific Catastrophic Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative and the Caribbean Catastrophic Risk Insurance Facility.

A second component is safeguards for shared growth, with three priorities. The first is debt sustainability and transparency of low-income countries. The second is global imbalances. The third is addressing market fragmentation.

The second theme is technological innovation. It contains three priorities. The first is international tax. The second is financial innovation, including crypto-assets. And financial innovation. The third is the implications for the development agenda.

The third theme is challenges of an aging society. It consists of aging and policy implication and aging and financial inclusion.

This agenda will be adjusted and expanded when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe outlines his priorities at the end of the Buenos Aires Summit itself.

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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