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Outcome Document & Chair's Summary
G20 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting
Hyderabad, Telangana, India, June 18, 2023
All G20 Agriculture Ministers agreed to Paragraphs 1,2 and Paragraphs 6 – 26 along with its Annex.
1. We, the G20 Ministers of Agriculture, assembled on 16-17 June 2023 in Hyderabad, India to reiterate our commitment to food security and nutrition for all, through the development of inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agriculture and food systems.
2. While we acknowledge the long-term increase in global food production to meet the needs of a growing population, we are gravely concerned by the worsening global food insecurity situation and intensifying malnutrition rates, in several developing and least-developed countries that are compounded by poverty, the Covid-19 pandemic, deepening climate change and biodiversity loss crises, and ongoing conflicts in the world.
3. [1]The war in Ukraine has further adversely impacted the global economy. There was a discussion on the issue. We reiterated our national positions as expressed in other fora, including the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, which, in Resolution No. ES-11/1 dated 2 March 2022, as adopted by majority vote (141 votes for, 5 against, 35 abstentions, 12 absent) deplores in the strongest terms the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine and demands its complete and unconditional withdrawal from the territory of Ukraine. Most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine and stressed it is causing immense human suffering and exacerbating existing fragilities in the global economy – constraining growth, increasing inflation, disrupting supply chains, heightening energy and food insecurity, and elevating financial stability risks. There were other views and different assessments of the situation and sanctions. Recognizing that the G20 is not the forum to resolve security issues, we acknowledge that security issues can have significant consequences for the global economy.
4. It is essential to uphold international law and the multilateral system that safeguards peace and stability. This includes defending all the Purposes and Principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and adhering to international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians and infrastructure in armed conflicts. The use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible. The peaceful resolution of conflicts, efforts to address crises, as well as diplomacy and dialogue, are vital. Today's era must not be of war.
5. We underline the importance of full, timely, improved and continued implementation by all relevant stakeholders of the Black Sea Grain Initiative and the Memorandum of Understanding between Russia and the UN Secretariat, that was brokered by T;ürkiye and the UN on 22 July 2022 as a package, to reduce global food insecurity and to enable unimpeded flows of more food and fertilizers to developing countries in need.
6. We are committed to enhancing global food security and nutrition by strengthening our efforts for transformation towards sustainable agriculture and food systems, which are resilient to crises including climate change and biodiversity loss. We reiterate the urgency noted in the G20 Matera and Bali Leaders' Declarations emphasizing the need to work together to promote food security and nutrition. We are committed to helping vulnerable countries particularly Net Food Importing Developing Countries (NFIDCs) to achieve it. We recognize that the current crises are multi-dimensional and therefore, require a multi-layered approach combining coherent and effective short, medium, and long-term responses in the spirit of "One Earth, One Family, One Future", tackling all crises with the same urgency.
7. We note with concern the high prices, ongoing disruptions in global supply chains, and excessive price volatility of food and fertilizers. Resilient, uninterrupted and reliable supply chains are essential for stabilizing the availability and affordability of food for all, especially for people in vulnerable situations including in particular women and girls during emergencies and humanitarian crises. In the context of systemic shocks, geopolitical tensions and conflicts, we highlight the urgency of meeting global food security and nutrition needs and facilitating robust food and fertilizer supplies.
8. We stress the importance of diverse, safe, and sustainably produced nutritious food to improve food security and nutrition. We encourage initiatives to promote innovations in crop development, production and consumption patterns including climate-resilient, nutritious, locally adapted, Indigenous and underutilized grains. Emphasizing the significance of research and development to increase agricultural productivity in a sustainable manner, we encourage efforts to strengthen research cooperation on climate-resilient and nutritious grains such as millets, quinoa, sorghum and other traditional crops including rice, wheat and maize. In this context and building on the "International Research Initiative for Wheat Improvement (IRIWI)" endorsed by the G20 in 2011, we welcome the launch of the 12th G20 MACS international initiative for research on millets and other ancient grains.
9. We underline that achieving overall nutrient adequacy should first and foremost be based on the consumption of a variety of foods. We also take note that biofortification can be an effective way of improving nutrition. In this regard, we encourage research on the biofortification of crops. We commit to continue to build the evidence base and where relevant, disseminate information on bio-fortified crop varieties to farmers and improve outreach to consumers, particularly in low-income contexts.
10. We recognize that sustainable agriculture and food production, food security programs and international trade are critical for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG2 zero-hunger and the progressive realization of the right to adequate food. We should support developing countries to enhance their capacity for sustainable food production, storage, marketing and loss reduction. We also recognize that the proportion of persons living in poverty and experiencing food insecurity is still significant. We note that food and cash-based nutrition safety net programs can contribute to increase purchasing power, relieve deprivation and improve nutritional status. To promote food security and nutrition programs, we agree to share best practices and experiences with each other.
11. We acknowledge the important contributions of the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) initiative and the Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring (GEOGLAM) to enhance agricultural market transparency and support coordinated policy responses for food security and nutrition. We reaffirm our commitment to support strengthening of AMIS and GEOGLAM for greater transparency to avoid the negative impact of food price volatility. We support AMIS's work including on fertilizers and its further expansion to include vegetable oils and call to establish closer collaboration with early warning systems. We re-confirm our commitment to actively support AMIS by providing the necessary data and resources as well as broadening the donor base.
12. The key challenges for agriculture include increasing agricultural production to advance food security and nutrition, adapting to climate change and reducing its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss and soil degradation. This requires transformation towards resilient and sustainable agricultural practices through pathways adapted to each country while complementing and supporting each other's efforts. To respond to these challenges, good agricultural practices, science, and evidence-based innovative solutions should be harnessed, tailored and piloted in regional, country and local contexts. We resolve to collaborate in areas such as climate-resilient technologies, nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based approaches and foster better dissemination of existing traditional and local knowledge for sustainable agriculture.
13. We note that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. We call for an integrated and multi-sectoral "One Health" approach to simultaneously balance and optimize the health of people, animals, plants and ecosystems, and combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to reduce the risks from emerging, re-emerging and currently occurring zoonotic diseases with pandemic potential and other threats to global public health security. We welcome the adoption of the Codex Alimentarius "Guidelines on Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance of Foodborne AMR" and reaffirm our commitment to implement the revised "Code of Practice to Minimize and Contain Foodborne AMR" as important tool to address AMR in line with the one-health approach. We appreciate the efforts of the Quadripartite organizations: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), World Health Organization (WHO), and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and encourage their assistance in formulating policies and strategies to implement this approach for achieving sustainable agriculture and food systems.
14. We note that sustainable, diversified and resilient agriculture and food systems offer significant opportunities to address climate change, land degradation, over-exploitation of water resources, biodiversity and forest loss while providing long-term solutions to tackle hunger and malnutrition. We are committed to halt and reverse biodiversity loss in accordance with the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and to its effective implementation. We reiterate our commitment to sustainable nutrient and soil management since healthy soils are key to food production and are more resilient to the impacts of frequent and extreme weather events. We also recognize the need to promote the local nutrient cycles and efficient use of fertilizers. We emphasize the need to create an enabling environment for transformation towards climate-resilient, sustainable agriculture and food systems by supporting policies to promote innovation and encourage responsible investments, mobilizing finance from all sources, appropriately incentivizing farmers in line with WTO obligations for sustainable practices and ecosystem services to enhance environmental and economic outcomes.
15. We emphasize the importance of climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture to enhance food security. We recognize that it is vital to strengthen our collective efforts to accelerate climate adaptation and mitigation. We take note of the UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2022 and the need to step-up finance and implementation efforts to close adaptation gaps. Mindful of G20's leadership role, we reaffirm the steadfast commitments of our Leaders to tackle climate change by strengthening the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and its temperature goal, reflecting equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities in the light of different national circumstances. We welcome the UNFCCC and its COP decisions, in particular of COP27 to establish the Sharm El-Sheikh Joint Work of Implementation of climate action in agriculture and food security and look forward to these continuing inclusive discussions.
16. We underscore that policies which promote resilient and sustainable agriculture, food systems and supply chains have enormous potential to promote inclusive welfare, and sustainable development thereby achieving food security by providing a broad variety of nutritious food, improving nutrition and health, creating decent jobs and reducing poverty. We stress the urgent need for collective action to build sustainable and resilient food systems, diversify and strengthen local, regional and international agri-food value chains to support affordable access to food, agricultural inputs and products. We reaffirm the significance of strengthening a rules-based, open, predictable, transparent, non-discriminatory, inclusive, equitable and sustainable multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization (WTO) at its core to enhance market predictability, increase business confidence, and allow agri-food trade to flow so as to contribute to food security and nutrition. We further recognize the value of such a system to help mitigate price volatility caused by supply shocks and gives consumers more options. We reaffirm the importance of progress achieved in the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC12) and reiterate the commitments taken under the MC12 "Declaration on the Emergency Response to Food Insecurity", which emphasizes the need to take concrete steps to facilitate trade and improve the functioning and long-term resilience of global markets for food and agriculture, and underline, among other things, the importance of not imposing export prohibitions or restrictions in a manner inconsistent with relevant WTO provisions. We also recall the WTO Ministers' Decision which establishes that Member shall not impose export prohibitions or restrictions on foodstuffs purchased for non-commercial humanitarian purposes by the World Food Programme (WFP). We also recall the MC12 "Sanitary and Phytosanitary Declaration on Responding to Modern SPS Challenges" to address emerging challenges to the application of the SPS Agreement. Recognizing the important role of WTO, we agree to continue the reform process of agricultural trade rules.
17. In order to achieve SDG12.3, we commit to prioritize reduction in food loss and waste. A substantial share of food production is lost with significant economic, social and environmental implications that affect livelihoods, food security and nutrition particularly of vulnerable groups. To reduce food loss and waste along production and supply chains, we will encourage collaboration across stakeholders (farmers, governments, private sector, civil society, academia and development partners) and support smallholder farmers through training, enhanced access to finance and improved market linkages. We appreciate the work done by the Technical Platform on Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste (TPFLW) and the Collaboration Initiative FLW launched at MACS-G20 as well as further commit to minimizing food loss and waste across the value chain through the optimized use of technological innovation, knowledge sharing and increasing awareness, garnering support and by sharing cross-country best practices. To raise public awareness, we commit to strengthen action programs and also promote the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste to be observed on 29 September 2023.
18. We acknowledge the significant role of smallholder farmers, family farmers, women, youth, indigenous peoples as applicable, and other underrepresented groups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in making the agriculture value chains resilient and sustainable. We will promote inclusive and diverse approaches to empower and integrate these groups into agriculture and food value chains, address gender inequalities and achieve economies of scale by programmes such as forming and strengthening farmers' organizations, agriculture-based women self-help groups and participation of youth as entrepreneurs. We will support their capacity development, training and extension services to promote information dissemination, foster innovations and adoption of new technologies and practices to sustainably enhance production and productivity. We are committed to their full, equal and meaningful participation and leadership at all levels of action, engagement, policy and decision making in agriculture and food systems. We underline the important role of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) as a global platform for inclusive multistakeholder dialogue in this context.
19. Digitalization in agriculture supported by appropriate digital infrastructure has the potential to transform the sector and help governments and other stakeholders to address the current food, environmental, and socio-economic challenges. We emphasize the importance of broadband internet access for all stakeholders, digital rights and rules on data access, usage and privacy in this field.
20. Towards universal accessibility and affordability of digital solutions in agriculture, we commit to collaborate with all stakeholders and strengthen capacity-building efforts, including dissemination of digital tools and technology and promoting its adoption by farmers, especially by marginal, small holders, family farmers, women, youth, indigenous peoples as applicable, ageing farmers and other underrepresented groups.
21. We stress the necessity for strengthening international cooperation in the exchange of experiences and insights for the use of digital technologies in agriculture and food systems.
22. We recognize the need for adequate public and private financing of digital infrastructure to help drive innovations in agriculture using emerging digital technologies. We underscore the need to increase responsible investment in start-ups, incubators, and accelerators with an emphasis on enabling entrepreneurship in agriculture and along agri-food value chains especially by women, youth and other underrepresented groups.
23. We take note of the findings and recommendations of the mapping exercise report prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Bank Group (WBG), and World Trade Organization (WTO), on the request of G20 Agriculture and Finance Ministers in 2022, to guide efforts in addressing global food insecurity. Recognizing that the pathway to food security and nutrition involves a wide range of challenges, building on the outcomes of this report, we, the G20 Ministers of Agriculture, endorse the enclosed Deccan High Level Principles on Food Security and Nutrition 2023, embodying our shared commitments to foster coordination and facilitate a united approach towards alleviating global hunger and malnutrition while promoting sustainable growth.
24. We appreciate India's initiatives for G20's concrete deliverables – the Deccan High Level Principles on Food Security and Nutrition 2023 and 12th G20 MACS international initiative for research on millets and other ancient grains [PDF] aimed to enhance global food security and nutrition. We acknowledge the focus on making inclusive digital infrastructure to make it a catalyst for socio-economic transformation of the agriculture ecosystem and farmer centric public and private digital innovations.
25. We welcome the outcomes from the G20 members' engagement in: (i) Stocktaking of G20 initiatives on agriculture; (ii) Global Forum on Climate Smart Agriculture for Food Security; (iii) Rapid Response Forum meeting of AMIS; (iv) 12th G20 Meeting of Agriculture Chief Scientists (MACS); (v) Panel discussion on "Managing Agribusiness for Profit, People, and Planet"; and (vi) Panel discussion on "Connecting the Digitally Disconnected: Harnessing the Power of Digital Technologies in Agriculture".
26. We express our deep gratitude to India's Presidency of G20, and for its leadership in stewarding the agricultural agenda in 2023. We look forward to the Brazil's Presidency of G20 in 2024, and South Africa's Presidency in 2025.
[1] Paragraphs 3 and 4 are taken from the Bali Leaders' Declaration. Russia dissociated itself from Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of this Outcome Document & Chair's Summary. China stated that the meeting outcome should not include any reference to the Ukraine crisis. ↩
We, the G20 countries at the 2023 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Hyderabad, India:
Recognize that the situation of global food security, and persistence of all forms of malnutrition aggravated by climate change, geopolitical tension and conflicts and other systemic shocks is a collective challenge that necessitates concerted actions to achieve Zero Hunger (SDG2) under the 2030 Agenda.
Cognizant of the unique role of G20 members' as major agricultural producers, consumers and exporters, and our collective responsibility to build short-term and long-term policy responses to accelerate the transition towards transparent, sustainable, equitable, resilient, and inclusive agriculture and food systems.
Acknowledge and commit to reinforce the global efforts to enhance food security and nutrition and advance the agreed outcomes of current and past G20 Agriculture Ministers' meetings.
Commit to champion these High Level Principles, that demonstrate our responsibility in reinforcing and complementing efforts across geographies in response to global food security crises.
PRINCIPLE 1: Facilitate Humanitarian Assistance to Countries and Populations in Vulnerable Situations
Increase multisectoral humanitarian aid including actively coordinating efforts to enhance the levels and efficiency of humanitarian food assistance in response to crises and conflicts. Develop innovative strategies and mainstream anticipatory action through policy collaboration to address challenges faced by populations in vulnerable situations.
PRINCIPLE 2: Enhance Availability and Access to Nutritious Food and Strengthen Food Safety Nets
Encourage policies and programs targeting sustainable production of food, including supporting Net Food Importing Developing Countries. Fostering progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security, improve consistent access and availability of safe, affordable, diverse, and nutritious food. Promote targeted food and cash-based safety net programs sharing best practices and experiences with countries in need for effective policy, program design and implementation.
PRINCIPLE 3: Strengthen Policies and Collaborative Actions for Climate-Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
Strengthen policies and accelerate cooperation for sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources and agricultural inputs to promote sustainable agricultural production and productivity growth. Collaborate on developing sustainable, scalable and inclusive technologies, practices and innovations to address climate change and biodiversity loss.
PRINCIPLE 4: Strengthen Resilience and Inclusivity in Agriculture and Food Value Chains
Enhance the resilience of value chains at local, regional, and global levels to withstand short-run disruptions and shocks by strengthening infrastructure, reducing food losses and waste, developing, and implementing risk management policies and improving stakeholders' capacity along the value chains particularly of women, youth, smallholders, small and medium enterprises and other underrepresented groups. Work together to improve market transparency, timely sharing of reliable information for monitoring the food market and shape consequent policy responses. Facilitate open, fair, predictable and rules-based agriculture and food trade, avoid export restrictions and reduce market distortions, in accordance with relevant WTO rules.
PRINCIPLE 5: Promote the One Health Approach
Implement the "One Health" approach by accelerating the global fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and preventing, reducing, and managing the risk of zoonotic diseases and other biological threats to agriculture and food security.
PRINCIPLE 6: Accelerate Innovation and the Use of Digital Technology
Foster scalable innovations and technologies that support the transformation towards sustainable food systems, facilitate affordable, and inclusive access to digital infrastructure and promote development and safe application of digital tools tailored to the various needs of the agriculture sector. Strengthen capacity building efforts for adoption and utilization of technologies, and digital solutions to empower all farming communities, including smallholders.
PRINCIPLE 7: Scale-Up Responsible Public and Private Investments in Agriculture
Encourage responsible investments from all sources in infrastructure, research and innovations to support development of sustainable, climate resilient and smart, productivity enhancing technologies and practices, diversification of food systems, dissemination of technology, rural revitalization, and improvement of value chain efficiency. Promote public-private partnerships to leverage private investment. Stimulate private sector investment and facilitate access to finance to encourage participation of youth in agriculture and develop complementary businesses.
These High Level Principles provide a basis to guide our actions to address food security and nutrition challenges, in collaboration with FAO, IFAD, WFP, and other relevant international organizations and bodies like CFS, by building and strengthening linkages among global, regional, and local initiatives to develop and implement national pathways for sustainable and inclusive food systems.
Agriculture Marketing Information System (AMIS)
AMIS was a pioneer in evaluating the pandemic's effect on worldwide food markets during Covid-19. The Secretariat's affirmation that global food supplies were adequate and the smooth functioning of bulk food commodity trade are recognized by numerous stakeholders for their role in stabilizing global food markets. Additionally, market observers have noted that the imposition of trade measures, such as export restrictions, was comparatively limited and of shorter duration compared to previous crises.
In response to the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, an extraordinary session of the AMIS Rapid Response Forum was organized on 5 March 2022 to discuss its implications for global food markets and food security. It was the first such emergency session since AMIS was created. The meeting played a crucial role in establishing key messages, including the need for protective measures in food and fertilizer markets during conflicts and the importance of maintaining open global food trade. These messages were reiterated in a joint statement by the outgoing and incoming Chairs of AMIS (Mexico and the United States of America), which received support from all previous Chairs of the initiative
To enhance AMIS's response to future crises, productive discussions were held with stakeholders regarding potential expansions in activities. These include increasing coverage of fertilizer and vegetable oil markets, developing early warning indicators, and establishing a rapid analytical response mechanism for food crises.
In 2022, the AMIS Secretariat started collecting balance sheets from participants to initiate improved monitoring of fertilizer markets and assess available information while identifying knowledge gaps.
Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring Initiative (GEOGLAM)
GEOGLAM collaborates closely with AMIS to develop the Crop Monitor, which offers a monthly satellite-based consensus evaluation of crop conditions for major commodity crops in AMIS countries. This assessment serves to provide market and trade insights.
In collaboration with the humanitarian community, GEOGLAM develops and improves the Crop Monitor for Early Warning, which offers a monthly satellite-based consensus assessment of crop conditions for food security crops in food insecure countries. Additionally, GEOGLAM has produced special reports on food emergencies and outlooks.
An R&D arm of GEOGLAM has been established to support Joint Experiments for Crop Assessments (JECAM), conducting inter-comparison research at over 40 data-rich sites worldwide. Their goal is to harmonize analytical approaches, develop monitoring and reporting protocols, and establish best practices for global agricultural systems.
During the Covid pandemic, GEOGLAM aided the Togo Government by providing a detailed map of agricultural land distribution, used to implement relief programs for affected smallholder farmers.
Additionally, GEOGLAM formed an ad hoc working group, collaborating with public and private institutions, to support Ukraine's agriculture. The primary purpose is to coordinate and de-conflict consensus analytical products and explain differences, where required, to the Ukraine Ministry of Agri. Further, it is also actively engaged in working with a private sector consortium to access farmer data to provide training and validation.
Wheat Initiative
The Wheat Initiative received support from the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture, along with renewed support from the JKI until 2027. They also published a New Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). The Alliance for Wheat Adaptation to Heat and Drought (AHEAD) welcomed new members from the UK, Switzerland, Egypt, France, Morocco, USA, and Canada.
In 2021, the Wheat Initiative launched Wheat VIVO, an open access web portal providing information on wheat researchers, organizations, and projects. They also launched the Wheat Initiative Crop Health Alliance (WATCH-A) in 2022, aiming to develop standardized methods for global disease diagnosis and monitoring.
Additionally, the Wheat Initiative held the second International Wheat Congress (IWC) using a hybrid model in China and updated the WheatIS portal to enhance access to genomics data.
Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP)
TAP successfully completed the Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) initiative in El Salvador (February 2021), supporting agricultural innovation in four areas – coffee, beans, tomatoes, and plantains. The TAP-AIS project, funded by the EU, continued its activities in seven out of nine countries (Burkina Faso, Colombia, Eritrea, Malawi, Pakistan, Rwanda, and Senegal), concluding in Cambodia and Lao PDR in 2022.
Regional Agricultural Research and Extension Organizations (RREOs) in
Africa, Asia, and Latin America collaborated on rapid appraisals to strengthen Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS) in these regions. Their findings were consolidated in a synthesis report published in August 2021 and shared through webinars and training sessions.
Virtual training of trainers (ToT) on strengthening agriculture innovation systems, based on the TAP common framework and approaches, took place in October 2021 and June 2022, with 78 experts from RREOs participating. The partners organizations (IICA and RELASER) developed an operational guide on capacity building for agricultural innovation in Latin America, available in Spanish.
TAP organized a side event during the Science Days of the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) in July 2021, focusing on capacity development for agricultural innovation systems and sharing lessons learned and future actions of the TAP partnership.
Platform for Agriculture Risk Management (PARM)
Global partnerships have been established with the Insu-Resilience Global Partnership Climate Risk Financing and in managing IFAD's Insurance Facility (INSURED), which is funded by SIDA. In Burkina Faso, a comprehensive and inclusive Holistic Risk Assessment Study (RAS) was conducted using a participatory approach. Similarly, in Madagascar, an RAS is underway, employing a holistic value chain methodology.
Efforts to raise awareness and build capacity in Agricultural Risk Management (ARM) have yielded positive results, with 300+ national stakeholders participating in workshops, 600+ individuals trained on ARM, and more than 2,100 international practitioners engaged through webinars (FARM-D Community of Practice). Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram have reached 15,000+ followers.
ARM's investment projects and programs have been co-designed by governments and strategic partners, under the technical leadership and support from PARM, resulting in investments in Ethiopia ($12M), Burkina Faso ($48.5M), Senegal ($48.3M), and Niger ($61M).
Pilot initiatives to integrate ARM into university curricula and private sector practices (e.g., farmers' organizations, microfinance institutions) have been initiated in Senegal and Burkina Faso, aiming for a sustained impact of ARM capacity development. PARM and Governments are pursuing joint efforts to mobilize resources with a view to support the implementation of the investment projects/programmes and the pilot tests of the institutionalization of ARM.
Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste (TPFLW)
TPFLW witnessed an impressive growth in returning users, with a 12% increase, and a broader user base from various countries, expanding from 100 countries in 2021 to 210 by the end of 2022. G20 countries stand out as the prominent users of the platform.
The TPFLW effectively generated web traffic through global awareness events on food loss and waste (FLW), resulting in significant spikes in website visits. Notably, web traffic surged in September of both 2021 and 2022, aligning with the promotion of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste. Also there was an increase in web traffic during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP 27) in November 2022, marking the first time that discussions highlighted the link between FLW and climate change.
Source: Official website of India's 2023 G20 Presidency
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