Press Statement Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia at The Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting
Bali, September 2, 2022
Today, G20 Energy Ministers gathered for talks at the Island of the Gods, Bali, to send a strong message in accelerating clean energy transitions and strengthening energy security, in response to the global challenges towards a more resilient global energy system, as one of our efforts to recover together and recover stronger.
The Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting attended by 19 Ministers and Vice Ministers of G20 member countries, as well as 6 Ministers and Vice Ministers of non-G20 member states and Representatives of 11 international organizations.
Indonesia's G20 Presidency made a call to action for accelerating clean energy transitions, as the key in achieving global net zero emissions or carbon neutrality by or around mid-century. Presidency also takes note on different approaches and time frames announced by various countries in the transition process.
I must say that I am deeply honored to witness and to be part of such an important momentum not only for Indonesia, but also for the world. Throughout numerous discussions, Ministers from the world's major energy producers and consumers responded resolutely by underlining the urgency of boosting clean energy investment and financial flows.
I am pleased to note that the Ministerial Meeting has managed to agree on many issues contained in the deliverables. For this reason, I extend my gratitude to all delegates that have shown their flexibility, creative thinking and constructive inputs.
G20 Energy Ministers sent a strong signal to market that policymakers are taking actions to strengthen the investment enabling environment, which is vitally important to scale up the widest variety of technologies and to strengthen innovation ecosystems to provide clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive energy transitions, especially in developing countries.
The Energy Ministers endorse the Bali Compact, the G20 principles for accelerating clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive energy transitions. These bold forward-looking directions will be endorsed in the G20 Leaders at the Bali Summit held at 15-16 November 2022. Indonesia recognizes that reducing emissions in the energy sector is one of the most important issues for near-term climate action.
Indonesia also puts forward the Bali Energy Transitions Roadmap as an initiative to provide continuity in our global agenda to strengthen international cooperation and energy architecture. This Presidency roadmap sets out voluntary multiyear actions to get on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and lays pathways towards net zero emissions or carbon neutrality according to national circumstances.
This roadmap provides a framework for accelerating energy transitions through three core priorities, namely: (1) securing energy accessibility; (2) scaling up smart and clean energy technologies; and (3) advancing clean energy financing. Actions along these priorities are the basis to work towards a broader G20 action plans for accelerating clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive energy transitions and might be considered as a work program for future G20 Presidencies.
On another note, participants at the Ministerial Meeting also paid particular attention to the challenges and opportunities as the world shifts towards clean energy, particularly the special circumstances and unique barriers faced by archipelagic island states, remote and island communities, which are found in all corners of the world, particularly in the Pacific.
To conclude, allow me to thank everyone's great support and cooperation, including from the media, who have significantly contributed in succeeding the Indonesia G20 Presidency, especially the Energy Transitions Working Group and Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Republic of Indonesia
Arifin Tasrif