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Bali Compact

G20 Energy Transitions Ministers' Meeting
Bali, September 2, 2022

Acknowledging our leadership role, we, G20 members, representing the world's largest group of energy consumers and producers, are strengthening international cooperation and energy architecture to accelerate energy transitions during this critical decade of action. The G20 intends to work on a voluntary basis towards enhanced ambitions towards clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive energy transitions that leave no one behind and promote social and economic development, while ensuring energy security, stability, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability as well as eradicating energy poverty.

Our agenda to accelerate energy transitions will underpin a stronger, more inclusive global economic recovery and growth. We will increase our efforts to achieve SDG7 to ensure affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy access for all and enable different groups of society to benefit from energy transitions, including women, youth, children, indigenous people and local communities, migrants, and persons with disabilities.

Accelerating energy transitions should include a wide range of options towards low emissions development to achieve net zero GHG emissions or carbon neutrality, in line with the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. The Bali Compact lays out a set of inclusive voluntary principles for G20 members and beyond to ensure smooth and effective transitions in accordance with national circumstances and priorities:

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Source: Official website of Indonesia's G20 Presidency

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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

Please send comments to: g20@utoronto.ca
This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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