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Logo of the 2021 Rome Summit

The G20 Environment Ministers Approved a Joint Communiqué

Press Release, Naples, July 22, 2021

The G20 Environment Ministers’ Meeting ended today in Naples with the approval of an important joint communiqué, the outcome of weeks of negotiations.

The document is based on three macro areas.

1) Biodiversity: protection of natural capital and restoration of ecosystems with solutions based on nature, defense and restoration of the soil, protection of water resources, oceans and seas including the prevention and reduction of marine plastic litter.

2) Efficient use of resources and circular economy: G20 vision on circular economy with a focus on sustainable textiles and fashion, circular cities, education and training. Recognition for the first time of the results of the recent IPBES and IPCC report launched on 10 June on the link between biodiversity and climate change.

3) Sustainable finance: focus on specific financing needs for the protection and restoration of ecosystems as a contribution to the G20 work on the future shape of the global financial system.

The communiqué is available here.

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Source: Official website of the Italian G20 Presidency

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024 .

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