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Logo of the 2021 Rome Summit

Foreign Ministerial Meeting and Joint Foreign and Development Ministerial Meeting

June 29, 2021

The G20 Foreign Affairs Ministers’ Meeting was held this morning in Matera, under Italian Presidency, followed by a joint Meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Development Ministers. Global governance and the sustainable development of the African continent were at the heart of the Foreign Affairs Ministerial Meeting.

The Ministers underlined the need to avoid the “nationalisation” of interventions and to develop coordinated responses to major global challenges, such as post-pandemic recovery, international trade, climate action, as well as the ecological and digital transitions.In line with Italy’s profound attention to the African continent, the Ministers reiterated the importance of supporting Africa in fighting inequality, enhancing the entrepreneurship of women and youth, and fostering the green and digital transitions.

The first joint Meeting of Foreign Affairs and Development Ministers ended with the adoption of the “Matera Declaration“, which calls upon the international community to build inclusive and resilient food chains and ensure adequate nutrition for all, in line with the "Zero Hunger" goal set for 2030.

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Source: Official website of the Italian G20 Presidency

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