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2015 Hanghou G20 Summit Logo

Declaration: Sustainable Tourism — An Effective Tool for Inclusive Development

7th G20 Tourism Ministers Meeting
Beijing, China, May 20, 2016

We, Ministers of Tourism and Heads of Delegation of the G20 (list to be completed on 20.5), meeting under China's G20 Presidency, alongside the representatives of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) (list to be completed on 20.05), in Beijing, China on May 20, 2016,

Recalling that,

Tourism is a key driver of economic growth as

  1. tourism accounts for an estimated 10% of the world's GDP, considering its direct, indirect and induced impacts (WTTC);
  2. tourism represents one of the fastest growing and most resilient economic activities – forecasts indicate that tourism will experience sustained growth in the coming years, reaching 1.8 billion international tourist arrivals in 2030, up from 1.2 billion in 2015 (UNWTO), while domestic tourism is also significant in many countries accounting, for example, for 80% of tourism consumption in OECD countries;
  3. exports from international tourism, including passengers' transport, reached US$ 1.4 trillion in 2015, ranking third worldwide after fuels and chemicals, accounting for 7% of the global exports of goods and services as well as 30% of global exports of services, which makes it the most traded service item worldwide (UNWTO);
  4. tourism is a cross-cutting economic sector with significant multiplier effects on other sectors – for every dollar spent on tourism a further US$ 3.2 is generated in GDP across the entire economy (World Bank); and
  5. tourism is one of the main sectors driving economic globalization, interconnection and integration and socio-economic development.

Tourism can contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals as

  1. tourism is featured in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely in SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production; and SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The tourism targets are specifically:
  2. tourism's cross-cutting nature positions it well to contribute to all of the 17 SDGs; and
  3. tourism is one of the six initial global programmes of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP) addressing SDG 12 and is set to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in both developed and developing countries.

Tourism is a major job generator as

  1. tourism, a labour intensive service sector, is estimated to account for 1 in 11 jobs in the world or approximately 280 million jobs (direct, indirect and induced impacts) (WTTC);
  2. tourism creates jobs for people of all ages and skill levels, not only within the sector, but throughout its entire value chain in many other sectors, including agriculture, construction, manufacturing, retail, handicrafts, financial services, information and communication technologies and resource efficient technologies;
  3. one job in the tourism sector creates about one and a half additional or indirect jobs in other sectors (ILO);
  4. tourism is an engine for more and better jobs, poverty reduction and sustainable development;
  5. tourism is a sector made up mostly of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with low technical and capital thresholds, providing major opportunities for young entrepreneurial talent and for integrating MSMEs and start-ups into the value chain (source to be added);
  6. the hospitality industry ('accommodation and restaurants'), together with 'private sector services', are expected to create jobs at the fastest rate of any sector in the global economy for the next five years (ILO ); and
  7. tourism offers potential for job rich growth and action is needed to enhance quality jobs in the sector, encouraging innovation, training and the incorporation of new technologies.

Tourism is an effective tool to promote development and social inclusion

  1. tourism is a driving force for social inclusion with a particular potential to advance employment and economically empower groups which are more vulnerable to social and economic risks, including, but not limited to, women, young people, migrants, indigenous and tribal peoples and rural residents;
  2. tourism accounts for a higher share of women's employment and entrepreneurship as compared to the whole economy and can thus be an effective means to promote gender equality and women's empowerment (UNWTO/UN Women);
  3. tourism creates employment opportunities for young people, and thus contributes to youth employment;
  4. the geographic distribution of tourism promotes job creation and entrepreneurship, supporting employment in rural areas and promoting regional development;
  5. tourism requires different levels of skills, some of which are often developed in other areas, providing job opportunities for migrants, older workers and other vulnerable groups, therefore promoting social inclusion;
  6. tourism creates jobs for people of all ages and skill levels and provides opportunities to enter the labour market, gain experience and move up in the value chain into higher, better paid jobs.
  7. 22. tourism represents 7% of total exports of goods and services of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs); for non-oil LDCs exporters, this figure stands at 10% (UNWTO);
  8. tourism has been identified by 44 out of the 47 LDCs within the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) multi-donor programme for LDCs as one of their priority sectors for development (UNWTO/EIF); and
  9. tourism is often one of the few sectors that provide LDCs and Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) with a strong competitive advantage in terms of access to global markets.

Taking into consideration,

  1. that G20 Leaders recognized in Mexico in 2012 the role of tourism as "a vehicle for job creation, economic growth and development";
  2. the main objectives of the G20 to promote "strong, sustainable and balanced growth";
  3. the objectives of the Chinese G20 Presidency to build "an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive global economy and explore new ways to drive development and structural reform, injecting impetus into the growth of individual countries and energizing the global economy" and forging "new engines of growth";
  4. tourism's capacity to foster economic growth and social development, create quality jobs, promote regional and cross-sector resource efficient, inclusive development and advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
  5. that despite its proven impact and development potential, tourism does not benefit yet from the appropriate level of international financing for development with 0.09% of total Official Development Assistance (ODA) and 0.4% of total Aid for Trade (AfT) allocated on average yearly for tourism between 2006 and 2013(UNWTO; WTO/OECD);
  6. the current challenges and opportunities facing the sustained and sustainable development of the tourism sector include the changing consumer and social trends, the emergence of new business models, technology developments and safety and security concerns;
  7. that sustainable tourism development requires the preservation and promotion of local cultures and heritage resources;
  8. that the United Nations General Assembly has declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development; and
  9. the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2001.

in line with the priorities of G20, agree to further

  1. advance the contribution of tourism to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the achievement of the SDGs;
  2. develop tourism policies that contribute to a more open world economy, promote innovation, resource efficiency, quality jobs and a higher level of cooperation, integration and inclusive development;
  3. enhance broader cooperation to address the common challenges of promoting safety and security while facilitating travel;
  4. in domestic policies: foster public-private sector partnerships and promote governance structures that fully integrate the private sector and local residents in tourism development and promotion;
  5. in domestic policies foster inclusive labour markets that promote quality jobs, skills and human resources development and socially responsible tourism enterprise.
  6. in domestic policies: encourage the holistic development of tourism destinations with a long-term view through integrated and action-oriented cross-cutting policies;
  7. promote a higher level of investment and financing for development in tourism through concrete actions that foster inclusive growth and advance sustainable development, and also welcome the contribution that Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Aid for Trade (AfT) make towards the development of tourism
  8. encourage the G20 to consider travel and tourism as an important sector for its capacity to deliver on the objectives set by the G20 of building new sources of growth and development; and

Express our gratitude to the Chinese Presidency of the G20 and to the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) for successfully hosting the 7th Meeting of the G20 Tourism Ministers.

Beijing, 20 May, 2016.

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Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastrsucture and Tourism of Japan

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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