a. Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth
Presidency Priorities
Strengthening cooperation for global policies on strong, sustainable and balanced growth
Monitoring the implementation of growth strategies through an effective accountability mechanism
Adjusting the growth strategies in line with recent economic developments and improving their inclusiveness aspect
Summit Outcomes
Antalya Action Plan including national and global steps for strong, sustainable and balanced growth
Detailed Implementation Schedules and Accountability Report prepared for an effective accountability mechanism
Adjusted Growth Strategies, including policies towards inclusiveness, in line with recent economic developments.
b. Investment and Infrastructure
Presidency Priorities
Improving investment environment, increasing the level and quality of investments
Unlocking private sector investments for infrastructure investment and SMEs.
Improving project preparation, prioritization and developing more effective PPP models
Increasing the awareness for Islamic Finance and support the integration of Islamic finance to global financial system
Summit Outcomes
G20 Investment Strategies and G20/OECD Report on G20 Investment Strategies
IMF Note on Public Investment Efficiency in the G20
IMF/WBG Note on Integrating Islamic Finance into Global Finance
Multilateral Development Banks Action Plan to Optimize Balance Sheets
PPP Guidelines: World Bank Group Infrastructure Deliverables, (Infrastructure Prioritization Toolkit; Report on Recommended PPP Contractual Provisions; Framework for Disclosure for PPP Projects; Partnering to Build a Better World: MDBs' Common Approaches to Supporting Infrastructure Development), WBG
WBG/OECD Project Checklist for PPPs
G20/OECD High-Level Principles on SME Financing
Joint Action Plan on SME Financing
c. Financial Regulation
Presidency Priorities
Finalizing the remaining crucial reforms in the core reform areas
Timely, full and consistent implementation
Analysing the role of corporate sector liability structure in the financial stability
Summit Outcomes
The common international standard on total-loss-absorbing-capacity (TLAC) for global systemically important banks
The first version of higher loss absorbency requirements for global systemically important insurers
Report on the Implementation and Effects of Reforms
d. International Financial Architecture
Presidency Priorities
Ensuring full implementation of the IMF 2010 Quota and Governance Reform which will facilitate a more evenhanded realignment of the IMF quota shares and help the Fund to maintain its legitimacy and effectiveness.
Summit Outcomes
Strong emphasis on the importance of the full implementation of the 2010 IMF Quota and Governance Reform.
Reference to the IMF's efforts on the review of the method of valuation of the SDR basket.
Emphasis on the importance of the use of the strengthened collective action pari passu clauses in international sovereign bond issuances and accelerating the implementation of these clauses
e. International Tax
Presidency Priorities
Implementation and monitoring of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan
Ensuring the tax transparency
Increasing the engagement of developing countries to the international tax agenda
Summit Outcomes
Finalizing the BEPS Action Plan
The call for the framework regarding the implementation of regulations and recommendations of BEPS Action Plan
Analyzing the impact of labour income share and rising inequalities on growth
Improving skills and strengthening employment services to meet demands of labour market
Implementing the G20 commitments such as increasing the participation of women into the labor market, foster safer and healthier workplaces, reducing youth unemployment.
Summit Outcomes
G20 Skills Strategy
G20 Policy Priorities on Labor Income Share and Inequalities
G20 Policy Principles for Promoting Better Youth Employment Outcomes
Framework on Promoting Quality Jobs
Reducing the share of young people who are at most risk of being permanently left behind by %15 by 2025
b. Energy
Presidency Priorities
Enhancing Energy Access with a focus on Sub Saharan Africa
Promoting wider use of Renewable Energy
Increasing Energy Efficiency (Following up on the implementation of Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2014)
Strengthening Energy Market Transparency
Phase-out Insufficient Fossil Fuel Subsidies over the medium term
Summit Outcomes
G20 Energy Access Action Plan with a focus on Sub Saharan Africa
Report on the G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan: Voluntary Cooperation on Energy Efficiency 2015 Outcomes of Work Streams
G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan, Update on Recent Progress in Reform of Inefficient Fossil Fuel Subsidies that Encourage Wasteful Consumption
First Ever G20 Energy Ministers' Communiqué
c. Development
Presidency Priorities
Enhancing dialogue and cooperation between the G20 and Low Income Developing Countries
Ensuring Food Security and Including the global problem of Food Loss and Waste into the G20 agenda
Committing to implement the G20 goal of reducing the global average cost of remittances to %5
Support from G20 to implement Sustainable Development Goals
Summit Outcomes
Statement of a strong support for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Leaders' Communique
G20 and Low Income Developing Countries Framework
G20 Food Security Action Plan
G20 Leaders' Call on Inclusive Business
G20 Remittances High Level Statement and Country Plans
Adoption of other documents on tax, infrastructure and human resources regarding G20 Development Agenda
d. Trade
Presidency Priorities
Analyzing the factors at play behind the slowdown in global trade
Continuing efforts to ensure that bilateral, regional and plurilateral trade agreements
complement each other
Strengthening multilateral trading system
Supporting the participation of SMEs and low income developing countries to participate in Global Value Chains
Reaffirming the resistance against protectionist measures
Summit Outcomes
Statement of a strong support for a successful WTO Nairobi Ministers Conference with balanced outcomes on Doha Development agenda issues and guidance for post-Nairobi
Reiterating the G20 Commitment on resisting against protectionist measures
Report on the factors at play behind the global trade slow down
Report on Advancing the Multilateral Trading system
Report on the Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on Multilateral Trade
Report on better integration of Small and Medium Enterprises and Low-Income Developing Countries into the Global Value Chains
e. Anti-Corruption
Presidency Priorities
Following up on G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan
Promoting anti-corruption in private sector
Summit Outcomes
G20 High-Level Principles on Integrity and Transparency in the Private Sector
G20 Principles for Promoting Integrity in Public Procurement
G20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Principles
SMEs Anti-Corruption Education Tool Kit
f. Terrorism
Adoption of G20 Leaders' Statement on the Fight Against Terrorism
g. Refugees Crisis
Taking up refugees crisis as a global challenge requires an urgent response in G20 Leaders Communique and Leaders' support on that issue particularly on burden sharing and supporting international organizations
Source: Offiical website of the 2015 Turkish Presidency
This Information System is provided by the University of Toronto Library
and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.
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August 15, 2024