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Buyeo Communiqué

2nd T.20 Ministers Meeting, Buyeo, Korea, October 13, 2010

1. The 2nd T.20 Ministers' Meeting held in Buyeo, Republic of Korea, agreed to ask its Chair, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea, to transmit the following message to the President of the Republic of Korea in his capacity of Chair of the forthcoming G20 Seoul Summit.

"Tourism can make an important contribution to the initiatives that the G20 is undertaking to achieve shared growth beyond crisis, particularly in terms of global job creation and the development agenda. The tourism sector stands ready to work towards the common objectives of strong, sustainable and balanced growth".

2. In support of this, the 2nd T.20 Ministers' Meeting reviewed and reaffirmed the conclusions of its 1st Meeting, concerning the size, scope and impact of the tourism sector world-wide and in the T.20 economies, taking notes of new economic research[1]. This confirms that Travel and Tourism is:

3. In order to harness the full potential of the travel and tourism sector in contributing to sustained and balanced[2] economic growth and development, the 2nd T.20 Ministers' Meeting is committed to:

a) Encourage Economic Prosperity through Travel and Tourism by:

b) Boost Tourism's Employment Contribution by:

c) Reaffirm tourism's contribution to the global development agenda by:

d) Advance sustainable development b:

4. In advancing its objectives, the T.20 will continue to work together to share information and best practices as well as to strengthen the analytical base that underpins the economic and development case for tourism. In doing so, it counts on the full support of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and other international organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the International Trade Centre(ITC).

5. We thank the Republic of Korea for the successful hosting and organization of the 2nd T.20 Ministers Meeting in Buyeo and express our appreciation to France for their gracious invitation to convene thenext T.20 Ministers' Meeting in 2011.

13 October 2010
Buyeo, Republic of Korea


[1] Goldin, Ian, "Tourism and the G20:T.20 Strategic Paper'; UNWTO, 'Addressing Tourism in Economic Policy: Evidence and Some Proposals'; ILO, 'Policy Paper on Decent Work through Sustainable Tourism',

[2] Global Code of Ethics for Tourism

Sources: United Nations World Tourism Organization

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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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