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T20 Ministers Convened to Discuss
the Role of Tourism in Stimulating the Global Economy

Johannesburg, South Africa, February 24, 2010

At the invitation of the Republic of South Africa, the T.20 tourism ministers and high officials convened in Johannesburg for a first meeting to discuss the role of tourism in stimulating the global economy, at a time when the world starts to emerge from an unprecedented global economic recession, which impacted on all economic sectors, including tourism.

The T.20 Ministers' Meeting is a member-driven initiativeacting as a forum for the growth and development of sustainable tourism by promoting dialogue and the exchange of knowledge and best practices amongst the T.20 economies.

The meeting had the full support of the United Nations World Tourism n (UNWTO), and was enriched by expert contributions from the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the International Trade Centre (ITC). The meeting:

Following a constructive and future-oriented meeting, ministers and high officials concluded with the following recommendations:

Ministers and high officials expressed their appreciation to the South African Minister of Tourism, Mr Marthinus van k, and the South African Government for the leadership in hosting the first T.20 Ministers' Meeting, and to the Republic of Korea for their gracious invitation to convene the second T.20 Ministers' Meeting before November 2010 to review progress and continue this constructive dialogue.

Sources: Department of Tourism of the Republic of South Africa

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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

Please send comments to: g20@utoronto.ca
This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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