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Declaration on Delivering Resources
through the International Financial Institutions

London, Aprll 2, 2009

We, the leaders of the Group of Twenty, are committed to ensuring that capital continues to flow to emerging market and developing countries to protect their economies and support world growth. To this end, we have agreed to increase very substantially the resources available through the international financial institutions and to ensure that the institutions have the facilities needed to address the crisis in a coordinated and comprehensive manner.

We have agreed to make available an additional $850 billion of resources through the IMF and the multilateral development banks to support growth in emerging market and developing countries by helping to finance counter-cyclical spending, bank recapitalisation, infrastructure, trade finance, balance of payments support, debt rollover, and social support.

For the IMF, we have agreed to support:

In addition to these steps, we have also agreed to support a general allocation of SDRs equivalent to $250 billion to increase global liquidity, $100 billion of which will go directly to emerging market and developing countries. We agreed to ratify urgently the fourth amendment to the IMF’s articles.

We agreed to accelerate the next quota review to be completed by January 2011 to ensure the IMF’s finances are on a sustainable footing commensurate with the needs of the international monetary system.

For the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), we have agreed to support:

We have also agreed to ensure that the international financial institutions have the facilities they need to address the current crisis and meet the needs of emerging markets and developing countries. To this end:

We agreed that these resources and facilities should enhance the capacity of the international financial institutions to address the crisis. Cooperation and coordination between the IFIs should be strengthened to increase their effectiveness. Emerging and developing economies, including the poorest, should have greater voice and representation.

Source: Number 10 Downing Street

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and the G20 Research Group at the University of Toronto.

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This page was last updated August 15, 2024

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