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Communiqué of the
Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

Gyeongju, Korea, October 23, 2010

  1. We, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, met with a sense of urgency to fully address the economic challenges facing us today in preparation for the Seoul Summit.

  2. The global economic recovery continues to advance, albeit in a fragile and uneven way. Growth has been strong in many emerging market economies, but the pace of activity remains modest in many advanced economies. Downside risks remain and are different from country to country and region to region. Yet, given the high interdependence among our countries in the global economic and financial system, uncoordinated responses will lead to worse outcomes for everyone. Our cooperation is essential. We are all committed to play our part in achieving strong, sustainable and balanced growth in a collaborative and coordinated way. Specifically, we will:

  3. Building on the success of the Toronto Summit, the Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth was refined, with the mutual assessment process carried out at country-level to tackle both short and medium term challenges. Informed by the IMF, the World Bank, the OECD, the ILO and other international organizations’ analyses, the Framework provided a solid and practical platform for international cooperation to take place. In response to the tough challenges facing the global economy, we are developing a comprehensive action plan to mitigate risks and achieve our shared objectives. We will submit this action plan for consideration by our Leaders at the November 2010 Seoul Summit. Recognizing the benefits of the Framework, we agreed to recommend to Leaders that the country-led and consultative Framework process should continue beyond the Seoul Summit.

  4. We have made significant strides since the adoption of the Action Plan to Implement Principles for Reform at the Washington Summit in November 2008, with support from the FSB. We are committed to take action at the national and international level to raise standards, so that our national authorities implement global standards consistently, in a way that ensures a level playing field and avoids fragmentation of markets, protectionism and regulatory arbitrage. To build a stronger global financial system, we have agreed to prioritize the following issues on the agenda for the Seoul Summit:

  5. We have reached agreement on an ambitious set of proposals to reform the IMF’s quota and governance that will help deliver a more effective, credible and legitimate IMF and enable the IMF to play its role in supporting the operation of the international monetary and financial system. These proposals will deliver on the objectives agreed in Pittsburgh and go even further in a number of areas. Key elements include:

  6. We welcomed the recent reform of the IMF lending facilities, including the enhancement of the Flexible Credit Line and the establishment of the Precautionary Credit Line to strengthen the global financial safety nets. We call on the IMF to continue its work to further improve the global capacity to cope with shocks of a systemic nature.

  7. We look forward to the multi-year action plan of the G-20 Working Group on Development to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth and resilience in developing countries. We are committed to meeting the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 and will reinforce our efforts to this end, including through the use of the Official Development Assistance. We reaffirm our commitment to an ambitious replenishment of the World Bank’s International Development Association. We welcomed the progress of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program in rapidly scaling up agriculture assistance in several developing countries and invite further contributions.

  8. We welcomed a set of actions identified to improve access to financial services for the poor and SMEs. We welcomed the strong response to the SME Finance Challenge and look forward to the announcement of the innovative winning entries at the Seoul Summit. We agreed to develop a funding framework to support the effective implementation of the winning proposals of the SME Finance Challenge. We agreed that a global consultative mechanism is needed to maximize the impact of the work on financial inclusion and enhance coordination amongst different initiatives and stakeholders.

  9. We noted the progress made on rationalizing and phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies and promoting energy market transparency and stability and agreed to monitor and assess progress towards this commitment at the Seoul Summit.

  10. Recognizing the importance of enhancing public-private partnership to promote economic growth beyond the crisis, we welcome the work done by the 12 Seoul G20 Business Summit Working Groups.

  11. We thanked Korea for hosting the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meetings this year and welcomed France as chair in 2011.

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Source: The 2010 G20 Seoul Summit official website

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